# random_seed is a dictionary.
# The config module will write seed data from the datasource
# to 'file' described below.
# Entries in this dictionary are:
#   file:     the file to write random data to (default is /dev/urandom)
#   data:     this data will be written to 'file' before data from
#             the datasource
#   encoding: this will be used to decode 'data' provided.
#             allowed values are 'encoding', 'raw', 'base64', 'b64'
#             'gzip', or 'gz'.  Default is 'raw'
#   command:  execute this command to seed random.
#             the command will have RANDOM_SEED_FILE in its environment
#             set to the value of 'file' above.
#   command_required: default False
#             if true, and 'command' is not available to be run
#             then exception is raised and cloud-init will record failure.
#             Otherwise, only debug error is mentioned.
# Note: command could be ['pollinate',
#                         '--server=http://local.pollinate.server']
# which would have pollinate populate /dev/urandom from provided server
  file: '/dev/urandom'
  data: 'my random string'
  encoding: 'raw'
  command: ['sh', '-c', 'dd if=/dev/urandom of=$RANDOM_SEED_FILE']
  command_required: True