.. _datasource_gce: Google Compute Engine ===================== The GCE datasource gets its data from the internal compute metadata server. Metadata can be queried at the URL '``http://metadata.google.internal/computeMetadata/v1/``' from within an instance. For more information see the `GCE metadata docs`_. Currently the default project and instance level metadatakeys keys ``project/attributes/sshKeys`` and ``instance/attributes/ssh-keys`` are merged to provide ``public-keys``. ``user-data`` and ``user-data-encoding`` can be provided to cloud-init by setting those custom metadata keys for an *instance*. Configuration ------------- The following configuration can be set for the datasource in system configuration (in `/etc/cloud/cloud.cfg` or `/etc/cloud/cloud.cfg.d/`). The settings that may be configured are: * **retries**: The number of retries that should be done for an http request. This value is used only after metadata_url is selected. (default: 5) * **sec_between_retries**: The amount of wait time between the retries when crawling the metadata service. (default: 1) An example configuration with the default values is provided below: .. sourcecode:: yaml datasource: GCE: retries: 5 sec_between_retries: 1 .. _GCE metadata docs: https://cloud.google.com/compute/docs/storing-retrieving-metadata#querying .. vi: textwidth=78