.. _events:

Events and Updates


`Cloud-init`_ will fetch and apply cloud and user data configuration
upon several event types. The two most common events for cloud-init
are when an instance first boots and any subsequent boot thereafter (reboot).
In addition to boot events, cloud-init users and vendors are interested
in when devices are added. cloud-init currently supports the following
event types:

- **BOOT_NEW_INSTANCE**: New instance first boot
- **BOOT**: Any system boot other than 'BOOT_NEW_INSTANCE'
- **BOOT_LEGACY**: Similar to 'BOOT', but applies networking config twice each
  boot: once during Local stage, then again in Network stage. As this behavior
  was previously the default behavior, this option exists to prevent regressing
  such behavior.
- **HOTPLUG**: Dynamic add of a system device

Future work will likely include infrastructure and support for the following

- **METADATA_CHANGE**: An instance's metadata has change
- **USER_REQUEST**: Directed request to update

Datasource Event Support

All :ref:`datasources` by default support the ``BOOT_NEW_INSTANCE`` event.
Each Datasource will declare a set of these events that it is capable of
handling. Datasources may not support all event types. In some cases a system
may be configured to allow a particular event but may be running on
a platform whose datasource cannot support the event.

Configuring Event Updates

Update configuration may be specified via user data,
which can be used to enable or disable handling of specific events.
This configuration will be honored as long as the events are supported by
the datasource. However, configuration will always be applied at first
boot, regardless of the user data specified.

Update policy configuration defines which
events are allowed to be handled. This is separate from whether a
particular platform or datasource has the capability for such events.

**scope**: *<name of the scope for event policy>*

The ``scope`` value is a string which defines under which domain does the
event occur. Currently the only one known scope is ``network``, though more
scopes may be added in the future. Scopes are defined by convention but
arbitrary values can be used.

**when**: *<list of events to handle for a particular scope>*

Each ``scope`` requires a ``when`` element to specify which events
are to allowed to be handled.

When the hotplug event is supported by the data source and configured in
user data, cloud-init will respond to the addition or removal of network
interfaces to the system. In addition to fetching and updating the system
metadata, cloud-init will also bring up/down the newly added interface.

.. warning:: Due to its use of systemd sockets, hotplug functionality
   is currently incompatible with SELinux. This issue is being tracked
   `on Launchpad`_. Additionally, hotplug support is considered experimental for
   non-Debian based systems.


apply network config every boot
On every boot, apply network configuration found in the datasource.

.. code-block:: shell-session

 # apply network config on every boot
     when: ['boot']

.. _Cloud-init: https://launchpad.net/cloud-init
.. _on Launchpad: https://bugs.launchpad.net/cloud-init/+bug/1936229
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