********************* Network Configuration ********************* - Default Behavior - Disabling Network Configuration - Fallback Networking - Network Configuration Sources - Network Configuration Outputs - Network Output Policy - Network Configuration Tools - Examples .. _default_behavior: Default Behavior ================ `Cloud-init`_ 's searches for network configuration in order of increasing precedence; each item overriding the previous. **Datasource** For example, OpenStack may provide network config in the MetaData Service. **System Config** A ``network:`` entry in ``/etc/cloud/cloud.cfg.d/*`` configuration files. **Kernel Command Line** ``ip=`` or ``network-config=`` User-data cannot change an instance's network configuration. In the absence of network configuration in any of the above sources , `Cloud-init`_ will write out a network configuration that will issue a DHCP request on a "first" network interface. .. note:: The network-config value is expected to be a Base64 encoded YAML string in :ref:`network_config_v1` or :ref:`network_config_v2` format. Optionally it can be compressed with ``gzip`` prior to Base64 encoding. Disabling Network Configuration =============================== Users may disable `Cloud-init`_ 's network configuration capability and rely on other methods, such as embedded configuration or other customizations. `Cloud-init`_ supports the following methods for disabling cloud-init. **Kernel Command Line** `Cloud-init`_ will check additionally check for the parameter ``network-config=disabled`` which will automatically disable any network configuration. Example disabling kernel command line entry: :: network-config=disabled **cloud config** In the combined cloud-init configuration dictionary, merged from ``/etc/cloud/cloud.cfg`` and ``/etc/cloud/cloud.cfg.d/*``:: network: config: disabled If `Cloud-init`_ 's networking config has not been disabled, and no other network information is found, then it will proceed to generate a fallback networking configuration. Fallback Network Configuration ============================== `Cloud-init`_ will attempt to determine which of any attached network devices is most likely to have a connection and then generate a network configuration to issue a DHCP request on that interface. `Cloud-init`_ runs during early boot and does not expect composed network devices (such as Bridges) to be available. `Cloud-init`_ does not consider the following interface devices as likely 'first' network interfaces for fallback configuration; they are filtered out from being selected. - **loopback**: ``name=lo`` - **Virtual Ethernet**: ``name=veth*`` - **Software Bridges**: ``type=bridge`` - **Software VLANs**: ``type=vlan`` `Cloud-init`_ will prefer network interfaces that indicate they are connected via the Linux ``carrier`` flag being set. If no interfaces are marked connected, then all unfiltered interfaces are potential connections. Of the potential interfaces, `Cloud-init`_ will attempt to pick the "right" interface given the information it has available. Finally after selecting the "right" interface, a configuration is generated and applied to the system. Network Configuration Sources ============================= `Cloud-init`_ accepts a number of different network configuration formats in support of different cloud substrates. The Datasource for these clouds in `Cloud-init`_ will detect and consume Datasource-specific network configuration formats for use when writing an instance's network configuration. The following Datasources optionally provide network configuration: - :ref:`datasource_config_drive` - `OpenStack Metadata Service Network`_ - :ref:`network_config_eni` - :ref:`datasource_digital_ocean` - `DigitalOcean JSON metadata`_ - :ref:`datasource_nocloud` - :ref:`network_config_v1` - :ref:`network_config_v2` - :ref:`network_config_eni` - :ref:`datasource_opennebula` - :ref:`network_config_eni` - :ref:`datasource_openstack` - :ref:`network_config_eni` - `OpenStack Metadata Service Network`_ - :ref:`datasource_smartos` - `SmartOS JSON Metadata`_ - :ref:`datasource_upcloud` - `UpCloud JSON metadata`_ For more information on network configuration formats .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 network-config-format-eni.rst network-config-format-v1.rst network-config-format-v2.rst Network Configuration Outputs ============================= `Cloud-init`_ converts various forms of user supplied or automatically generated configuration into an internal network configuration state. From this state `Cloud-init`_ delegates rendering of the configuration to Distro supported formats. The following ``renderers`` are supported in cloud-init: - **ENI** /etc/network/interfaces or ``ENI`` is supported by the ``ifupdown`` package found in Alpine Linux, Debian and Ubuntu. - **Netplan** Introduced in Ubuntu 16.10 (Yakkety Yak), `netplan `_ has been the default network configuration tool in Ubuntu since 17.10 (Artful Aardvark). netplan consumes :ref:`network_config_v2` input and renders network configuration for supported backends such as ``systemd-networkd`` and ``NetworkManager``. - **Sysconfig** Sysconfig format is used by RHEL, CentOS, Fedora and other derivatives. Network Output Policy ===================== The default policy for selecting a network ``renderer`` in order of preference is as follows: - ENI - Sysconfig - Netplan When applying the policy, `Cloud-init`_ checks if the current instance has the correct binaries and paths to support the renderer. The first renderer that can be used is selected. Users may override the network renderer policy by supplying an updated configuration in cloud-config. :: system_info: network: renderers: ['netplan', 'eni', 'sysconfig', 'freebsd', 'netbsd', 'openbsd'] Network Configuration Tools =========================== `Cloud-init`_ contains one tool used to test input/output conversion between formats. The ``tools/net-convert.py`` in the `Cloud-init`_ source repository is helpful for examining expected output for a given input format. CLI Interface : .. code-block:: shell-session % tools/net-convert.py --help usage: net-convert.py [-h] --network-data PATH --kind {eni,network_data.json,yaml} -d PATH [-m name,mac] --output-kind {eni,netplan,sysconfig} optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit --network-data PATH, -p PATH --kind {eni,network_data.json,yaml}, -k {eni,network_data.json,yaml} -d PATH, --directory PATH directory to place output in -m name,mac, --mac name,mac interface name to mac mapping --output-kind {eni,netplan,sysconfig}, -ok {eni,netplan,sysconfig} Example output converting V2 to sysconfig: .. code-block:: shell-session % tools/net-convert.py --network-data v2.yaml --kind yaml \ --output-kind sysconfig -d target % cat target/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth* # Created by cloud-init on instance boot automatically, do not edit. # BOOTPROTO=static DEVICE=eth7 IPADDR= NM_CONTROLLED=no ONBOOT=yes TYPE=Ethernet USERCTL=no # Created by cloud-init on instance boot automatically, do not edit. # BOOTPROTO=dhcp DEVICE=eth9 NM_CONTROLLED=no ONBOOT=yes TYPE=Ethernet USERCTL=no .. _Cloud-init: https://launchpad.net/cloud-init .. _DigitalOcean JSON metadata: https://developers.digitalocean.com/documentation/metadata/#network-interfaces-index .. _OpenStack Metadata Service Network: https://specs.openstack.org/openstack/nova-specs/specs/liberty/implemented/metadata-service-network-info.html .. _SmartOS JSON Metadata: https://eng.joyent.com/mdata/datadict.html .. _UpCloud JSON metadata: https://developers.upcloud.com/1.3/8-servers/#metadata-service .. vi: textwidth=78