# This file is part of cloud-init. See LICENSE file for license information. """Utilities for re-use across integration tests.""" import copy import glob import os import random import shutil import string import tempfile import yaml from cloudinit import util as c_util from tests.cloud_tests import LOG OS_FAMILY_MAPPING = { 'debian': ['debian', 'ubuntu'], 'redhat': ['centos', 'rhel', 'fedora'], 'gentoo': ['gentoo'], 'freebsd': ['freebsd'], 'suse': ['sles'], 'arch': ['arch'], } def list_test_data(data_dir): """Find all tests with test data available in data_dir. @param data_dir: should contain /// @return_value: {: {: []}} """ if not os.path.isdir(data_dir): raise ValueError("bad data dir") res = {} for platform in os.listdir(data_dir): if not os.path.isdir(os.path.join(data_dir, platform)): continue res[platform] = {} for os_name in os.listdir(os.path.join(data_dir, platform)): res[platform][os_name] = [ os.path.sep.join(f.split(os.path.sep)[-2:]) for f in glob.glob(os.sep.join((data_dir, platform, os_name, '*/*')))] LOG.debug('found test data: %s\n', res) return res def gen_instance_name(prefix='cloud-test', image_desc=None, use_desc=None, max_len=63, delim='-', max_tries=16, used_list=None, valid=string.ascii_lowercase + string.digits): """Generate an unique name for a test instance. @param prefix: name prefix, defaults to cloud-test, default should be left @param image_desc: short string (len <= 16) with image desc @param use_desc: short string (len <= 30) with usage desc @param max_len: maximum name length, defaults to 64 chars @param delim: delimiter to use between tokens @param max_tries: maximum tries to find a unique name before giving up @param used_list: already used names, or none to not check @param valid: string of valid characters for name @return_value: valid, unused name, may raise StopIteration """ unknown = 'unknown' def join(*args): """Join args with delim.""" return delim.join(args) def fill(*args): """Join name elems and fill rest with random data.""" name = join(*args) num = max_len - len(name) - len(delim) return join(name, ''.join(random.choice(valid) for _ in range(num))) def clean(elem, max_len): """Filter bad characters out of elem and trim to length.""" elem = elem.lower()[:max_len] if elem else unknown return ''.join(c if c in valid else delim for c in elem) return next(name for name in (fill(prefix, clean(image_desc, 16), clean(use_desc, 30)) for _ in range(max_tries)) if not used_list or name not in used_list) def sorted_unique(iterable, key=None, reverse=False): """Create unique sorted list. @param iterable: the data structure to sort @param key: if you have a specific key @param reverse: to reverse or not @return_value: a sorted list of unique items in iterable """ return sorted(set(iterable), key=key, reverse=reverse) def get_os_family(os_name): """Get os family type for os_name. @param os_name: name of os @return_value: family name for os_name """ return next((k for k, v in OS_FAMILY_MAPPING.items() if os_name.lower() in v), None) def current_verbosity(): """Get verbosity currently in effect from log level. @return_value: verbosity, 0-2, 2=verbose, 0=quiet """ return max(min(3 - int(LOG.level / 10), 2), 0) def is_writable_dir(path): """Make sure dir is writable. @param path: path to determine if writable @return_value: boolean with result """ try: c_util.ensure_dir(path) os.remove(tempfile.mkstemp(dir=os.path.abspath(path))[1]) except (IOError, OSError): return False return True def is_clean_writable_dir(path): """Make sure dir is empty and writable, creating it if it does not exist. @param path: path to check @return_value: True/False if successful """ path = os.path.abspath(path) if not (is_writable_dir(path) and len(os.listdir(path)) == 0): return False return True def configure_yaml(): """Clean yaml.""" yaml.add_representer(str, (lambda dumper, data: dumper.represent_scalar( 'tag:yaml.org,2002:str', data, style='|' if '\n' in data else ''))) def yaml_format(data, content_type=None): """Format data as yaml. @param data: data to dump @param header: if specified, add a header to the dumped data @return_value: yaml string """ configure_yaml() content_type = ( '#{}\n'.format(content_type.strip('#\n')) if content_type else '') return content_type + yaml.dump(data, indent=2, default_flow_style=False) def yaml_dump(data, path): """Dump data to path in yaml format.""" c_util.write_file(os.path.abspath(path), yaml_format(data), omode='w') def merge_results(data, path): """Handle merging results from collect phase and verify phase.""" current = {} if os.path.exists(path): with open(path, 'r') as fp: current = c_util.load_yaml(fp.read()) current.update(data) yaml_dump(current, path) def rel_files(basedir): """List of files under directory by relative path, not including dirs. @param basedir: directory to search @return_value: list or relative paths """ basedir = os.path.normpath(basedir) return [path[len(basedir) + 1:] for path in glob.glob(os.path.join(basedir, '**'), recursive=True) if not os.path.isdir(path)] def flat_tar(output, basedir, owner='root', group='root'): """Create a flat tar archive (no leading ./) from basedir. @param output: output tar file to write @param basedir: base directory for archive @param owner: owner of archive files @param group: group archive files belong to @return_value: none """ c_util.subp(['tar', 'cf', output, '--owner', owner, '--group', group, '-C', basedir] + rel_files(basedir), capture=True) def parse_conf_list(entries, valid=None, boolean=False): """Parse config in a list of strings in key=value format. @param entries: list of key=value strings @param valid: list of valid keys in result, return None if invalid input @param boolean: if true, then interpret all values as booleans @return_value: dict of configuration or None if invalid """ res = {key: value.lower() == 'true' if boolean else value for key, value in (i.split('=') for i in entries)} return res if not valid or all(k in valid for k in res.keys()) else None def update_args(args, updates, preserve_old=True): """Update cmdline arguments from a dictionary. @param args: cmdline arguments @param updates: dictionary of {arg_name: new_value} mappings @param preserve_old: if true, create a deep copy of args before updating @return_value: updated cmdline arguments """ args = copy.deepcopy(args) if preserve_old else args if updates: vars(args).update(updates) return args def update_user_data(user_data, updates, dump_to_yaml=True): """Update user_data from dictionary. @param user_data: user data as yaml string or dict @param updates: dictionary to merge with user data @param dump_to_yaml: return as yaml dumped string if true @return_value: updated user data, as yaml string if dump_to_yaml is true """ user_data = (c_util.load_yaml(user_data) if isinstance(user_data, str) else copy.deepcopy(user_data)) user_data.update(updates) return (yaml_format(user_data, content_type='cloud-config') if dump_to_yaml else user_data) class InTargetExecuteError(c_util.ProcessExecutionError): """Error type for in target commands that fail.""" default_desc = 'Unexpected error while running command in target instance' def __init__(self, stdout, stderr, exit_code, cmd, instance, description=None): """Init error and parent error class.""" if isinstance(cmd, (tuple, list)): cmd = ' '.join(cmd) super(InTargetExecuteError, self).__init__( stdout=stdout, stderr=stderr, exit_code=exit_code, cmd=cmd, reason="Instance: {}".format(instance), description=description if description else self.default_desc) class TempDir(object): """Configurable temporary directory like tempfile.TemporaryDirectory.""" def __init__(self, tmpdir=None, preserve=False, prefix='cloud_test_data_'): """Initialize. @param tmpdir: directory to use as tempdir @param preserve: if true, always preserve data on exit @param prefix: prefix to use for tempfile name """ self.tmpdir = tmpdir self.preserve = preserve self.prefix = prefix def __enter__(self): """Create tempdir. @return_value: tempdir path """ if not self.tmpdir: self.tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix=self.prefix) LOG.debug('using tmpdir: %s', self.tmpdir) return self.tmpdir def __exit__(self, etype, value, trace): """Destroy tempdir if no errors occurred.""" if etype or self.preserve: LOG.info('leaving data in %s', self.tmpdir) else: shutil.rmtree(self.tmpdir) # vi: ts=4 expandtab