# This file is part of cloud-init. See LICENSE file for license information. import errno import logging import os import re import shutil import stat import unittest from contextlib import ExitStack from unittest import mock from cloudinit import cloud, subp, temp_utils from cloudinit.config import cc_growpart from tests.unittests.helpers import TestCase # growpart: # mode: auto # off, on, auto, 'growpart' # devices: ['root'] HELP_GROWPART_RESIZE = """ growpart disk partition rewrite partition table so that partition takes up all the space it can options: -h | --help print Usage and exit -u | --update R update the the kernel partition table info after growing this requires kernel support and 'partx --update' R is one of: - 'auto' : [default] update partition if possible Example: - growpart /dev/sda 1 Resize partition 1 on /dev/sda """ HELP_GROWPART_NO_RESIZE = """ growpart disk partition rewrite partition table so that partition takes up all the space it can options: -h | --help print Usage and exit Example: - growpart /dev/sda 1 Resize partition 1 on /dev/sda """ HELP_GPART = """ usage: gpart add -t type [-a alignment] [-b start] geom gpart backup geom gpart bootcode [-b bootcode] [-p partcode -i index] [-f flags] geom gpart resize -i index [-a alignment] [-s size] [-f flags] geom gpart restore [-lF] [-f flags] provider [...] gpart recover [-f flags] geom gpart help """ class Dir: """Stub object""" def __init__(self, name): self.name = name self.st_mode = name def is_dir(self, *args, **kwargs): return True def stat(self, *args, **kwargs): return self class Scanner: """Stub object""" def __enter__(self): return ( Dir(""), Dir(""), ) def __exit__(self, *args): pass class TestDisabled(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): super(TestDisabled, self).setUp() self.name = "growpart" self.cloud_init = None self.log = logging.getLogger("TestDisabled") self.args = [] self.handle = cc_growpart.handle def test_mode_off(self): # Test that nothing is done if mode is off. # this really only verifies that resizer_factory isn't called config = {"growpart": {"mode": "off"}} with mock.patch.object(cc_growpart, "resizer_factory") as mockobj: self.handle( self.name, config, self.cloud_init, self.log, self.args ) self.assertEqual(mockobj.call_count, 0) class TestConfig(TestCase): def setUp(self): super(TestConfig, self).setUp() self.name = "growpart" self.paths = None self.cloud = cloud.Cloud(None, self.paths, None, None, None) self.log = logging.getLogger("TestConfig") self.args = [] self.cloud_init = None self.handle = cc_growpart.handle self.tmppath = "/tmp/cloudinit-test-file" self.tmpdir = os.scandir("/tmp") self.tmpfile = open(self.tmppath, "w") def tearDown(self): self.tmpfile.close() os.remove(self.tmppath) @mock.patch.dict("os.environ", clear=True) def test_no_resizers_auto_is_fine(self): with mock.patch.object( subp, "subp", return_value=(HELP_GROWPART_NO_RESIZE, "") ) as mockobj: config = {"growpart": {"mode": "auto"}} self.handle( self.name, config, self.cloud_init, self.log, self.args ) mockobj.assert_has_calls( [ mock.call(["growpart", "--help"], env={"LANG": "C"}), mock.call( ["gpart", "help"], env={"LANG": "C"}, rcs=[0, 1] ), ] ) @mock.patch.dict("os.environ", clear=True) def test_no_resizers_mode_growpart_is_exception(self): with mock.patch.object( subp, "subp", return_value=(HELP_GROWPART_NO_RESIZE, "") ) as mockobj: config = {"growpart": {"mode": "growpart"}} self.assertRaises( ValueError, self.handle, self.name, config, self.cloud_init, self.log, self.args, ) mockobj.assert_called_once_with( ["growpart", "--help"], env={"LANG": "C"} ) @mock.patch.dict("os.environ", clear=True) def test_mode_auto_prefers_growpart(self): with mock.patch.object( subp, "subp", return_value=(HELP_GROWPART_RESIZE, "") ) as mockobj: ret = cc_growpart.resizer_factory(mode="auto") self.assertIsInstance(ret, cc_growpart.ResizeGrowPart) mockobj.assert_called_once_with( ["growpart", "--help"], env={"LANG": "C"} ) @mock.patch.dict("os.environ", {"LANG": "cs_CZ.UTF-8"}, clear=True) @mock.patch.object(temp_utils, "mkdtemp", return_value="/tmp/much-random") @mock.patch.object(stat, "S_ISDIR", return_value=False) @mock.patch.object(os.path, "samestat", return_value=True) @mock.patch.object(os.path, "join", return_value="/tmp") @mock.patch.object(os, "scandir", return_value=Scanner()) @mock.patch.object(os, "mkdir") @mock.patch.object(os, "unlink") @mock.patch.object(os, "rmdir") @mock.patch.object(os, "open", return_value=1) @mock.patch.object(os, "close") @mock.patch.object(shutil, "rmtree") @mock.patch.object(os, "lseek", return_value=1024) @mock.patch.object(os, "lstat", return_value="interesting metadata") def test_force_lang_check_tempfile(self, *args, **kwargs): with mock.patch.object( subp, "subp", return_value=(HELP_GROWPART_RESIZE, "") ) as mockobj: ret = cc_growpart.resizer_factory(mode="auto") self.assertIsInstance(ret, cc_growpart.ResizeGrowPart) diskdev = "/dev/sdb" partnum = 1 partdev = "/dev/sdb" ret.resize(diskdev, partnum, partdev) mockobj.assert_has_calls( [ mock.call( ["growpart", "--dry-run", diskdev, partnum], env={"LANG": "C", "TMPDIR": "/tmp"}, ), mock.call( ["growpart", diskdev, partnum], env={"LANG": "C", "TMPDIR": "/tmp"}, ), ] ) @mock.patch.dict("os.environ", {"LANG": "cs_CZ.UTF-8"}, clear=True) def test_mode_auto_falls_back_to_gpart(self): with mock.patch.object( subp, "subp", return_value=("", HELP_GPART) ) as mockobj: ret = cc_growpart.resizer_factory(mode="auto") self.assertIsInstance(ret, cc_growpart.ResizeGpart) mockobj.assert_has_calls( [ mock.call(["growpart", "--help"], env={"LANG": "C"}), mock.call( ["gpart", "help"], env={"LANG": "C"}, rcs=[0, 1] ), ] ) def test_handle_with_no_growpart_entry(self): # if no 'growpart' entry in config, then mode=auto should be used myresizer = object() retval = ( ( "/", cc_growpart.RESIZE.CHANGED, "my-message", ), ) with ExitStack() as mocks: factory = mocks.enter_context( mock.patch.object( cc_growpart, "resizer_factory", return_value=myresizer ) ) rsdevs = mocks.enter_context( mock.patch.object( cc_growpart, "resize_devices", return_value=retval ) ) mocks.enter_context( mock.patch.object( cc_growpart, "RESIZERS", (("mysizer", object),) ) ) self.handle(self.name, {}, self.cloud_init, self.log, self.args) factory.assert_called_once_with("auto") rsdevs.assert_called_once_with(myresizer, ["/"]) class TestResize(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): super(TestResize, self).setUp() self.name = "growpart" self.log = logging.getLogger("TestResize") def test_simple_devices(self): # test simple device list # this patches out devent2dev, os.stat, and device_part_info # so in the end, doesn't test a lot devs = ["/dev/XXda1", "/dev/YYda2"] devstat_ret = Bunch( st_mode=25008, st_ino=6078, st_dev=5, st_nlink=1, st_uid=0, st_gid=6, st_size=0, st_atime=0, st_mtime=0, st_ctime=0, ) enoent = ["/dev/NOENT"] real_stat = os.stat resize_calls = [] class myresizer(object): def resize(self, diskdev, partnum, partdev): resize_calls.append((diskdev, partnum, partdev)) if partdev == "/dev/YYda2": return (1024, 2048) return (1024, 1024) # old size, new size def mystat(path): if path in devs: return devstat_ret if path in enoent: e = OSError("%s: does not exist" % path) e.errno = errno.ENOENT raise e return real_stat(path) try: opinfo = cc_growpart.device_part_info cc_growpart.device_part_info = simple_device_part_info os.stat = mystat resized = cc_growpart.resize_devices(myresizer(), devs + enoent) def find(name, res): for f in res: if f[0] == name: return f return None self.assertEqual( cc_growpart.RESIZE.NOCHANGE, find("/dev/XXda1", resized)[1] ) self.assertEqual( cc_growpart.RESIZE.CHANGED, find("/dev/YYda2", resized)[1] ) self.assertEqual( cc_growpart.RESIZE.SKIPPED, find(enoent[0], resized)[1] ) # self.assertEqual(resize_calls, # [("/dev/XXda", "1", "/dev/XXda1"), # ("/dev/YYda", "2", "/dev/YYda2")]) finally: cc_growpart.device_part_info = opinfo os.stat = real_stat def simple_device_part_info(devpath): # simple stupid return (/dev/vda, 1) for /dev/vda ret = re.search("([^0-9]*)([0-9]*)$", devpath) x = (ret.group(1), ret.group(2)) return x class Bunch(object): def __init__(self, **kwds): self.__dict__.update(kwds) # 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