import logging from textwrap import dedent from cloudinit import util from cloudinit.config import cc_refresh_rmc_and_interface as ccrmci from tests.unittests import helpers as t_help from tests.unittests.helpers import mock LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) MPATH = "cloudinit.config.cc_refresh_rmc_and_interface" NET_INFO = { "lo": { "ipv4": [ { "ip": "", "bcast": "", "mask": "", "scope": "host", } ], "ipv6": [{"ip": "::1/128", "scope6": "host"}], "hwaddr": "", "up": "True", }, "env2": { "ipv4": [ { "ip": "", "bcast": "", "mask": "", "scope": "global", } ], "ipv6": [{"ip": "fe80::f896:c2ff:fe81:8220/64", "scope6": "link"}], "hwaddr": "fa:96:c2:81:82:20", "up": "True", }, "env3": { "ipv4": [ { "ip": "", "bcast": "", "mask": "", "scope": "global", } ], "ipv6": [{"ip": "fe80::f896:c2ff:fe81:8221/64", "scope6": "link"}], "hwaddr": "fa:96:c2:81:82:21", "up": "True", }, "env4": { "ipv4": [ { "ip": "", "bcast": "", "mask": "", "scope": "global", } ], "ipv6": [{"ip": "fe80::f896:c2ff:fe81:8222/64", "scope6": "link"}], "hwaddr": "fa:96:c2:81:82:22", "up": "True", }, "env5": { "ipv4": [], "ipv6": [{"ip": "fe80::9c26:c3ff:fea4:62c8/64", "scope6": "link"}], "hwaddr": "42:20:86:df:fa:4c", "up": "True", }, } class TestRsctNodeFile(t_help.CiTestCase): def test_disable_ipv6_interface(self): """test parsing of iface files.""" fname = self.tmp_path("iface-eth5") util.write_file( fname, dedent( """\ BOOTPROTO=static DEVICE=eth5 HWADDR=42:20:86:df:fa:4c IPV6INIT=yes IPADDR6=fe80::9c26:c3ff:fea4:62c8/64 IPV6ADDR=fe80::9c26:c3ff:fea4:62c8/64 NM_CONTROLLED=yes ONBOOT=yes STARTMODE=auto TYPE=Ethernet USERCTL=no """ ), ) ccrmci.disable_ipv6(fname) self.assertEqual( dedent( """\ BOOTPROTO=static DEVICE=eth5 HWADDR=42:20:86:df:fa:4c ONBOOT=yes STARTMODE=auto TYPE=Ethernet USERCTL=no NM_CONTROLLED=no """ ), util.load_file(fname), ) @mock.patch(MPATH + ".refresh_rmc") @mock.patch(MPATH + ".restart_network_manager") @mock.patch(MPATH + ".disable_ipv6") @mock.patch(MPATH + ".refresh_ipv6") @mock.patch(MPATH + ".netinfo.netdev_info") @mock.patch(MPATH + ".subp.which") def test_handle( self, m_refresh_rmc, m_netdev_info, m_refresh_ipv6, m_disable_ipv6, m_restart_nm, m_which, ): """Basic test of handle.""" m_netdev_info.return_value = NET_INFO m_which.return_value = "/opt/rsct/bin/rmcctrl" ccrmci.handle("refresh_rmc_and_interface", None, None, None, None) self.assertEqual(1, m_netdev_info.call_count) m_refresh_ipv6.assert_called_with("env5") m_disable_ipv6.assert_called_with( "/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-env5" ) self.assertEqual(1, m_restart_nm.call_count) self.assertEqual(1, m_refresh_rmc.call_count) @mock.patch(MPATH + ".netinfo.netdev_info") def test_find_ipv6(self, m_netdev_info): """find_ipv6_ifaces parses netdev_info returning those with ipv6""" m_netdev_info.return_value = NET_INFO found = ccrmci.find_ipv6_ifaces() self.assertEqual(["env5"], found) @mock.patch(MPATH + ".subp.subp") def test_refresh_ipv6(self, m_subp): """refresh_ipv6 should ip down and up the interface.""" iface = "myeth0" ccrmci.refresh_ipv6(iface) m_subp.assert_has_calls( [["ip", "link", "set", iface, "down"]),["ip", "link", "set", iface, "up"]), ] )