# This file is part of cloud-init. See LICENSE file for license information. import logging import os import shutil import tempfile from io import BytesIO from unittest import mock from configobj import ConfigObj from cloudinit import cloud, distros, helpers, util from cloudinit.config import cc_set_hostname from tests.unittests import helpers as t_help LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) class TestHostname(t_help.FilesystemMockingTestCase): with_logs = True def setUp(self): super(TestHostname, self).setUp() self.tmp = tempfile.mkdtemp() util.ensure_dir(os.path.join(self.tmp, "data")) self.addCleanup(shutil.rmtree, self.tmp) def _fetch_distro(self, kind, conf=None): cls = distros.fetch(kind) paths = helpers.Paths({"cloud_dir": self.tmp}) conf = {} if conf is None else conf return cls(kind, conf, paths) def test_debian_write_hostname_prefer_fqdn(self): cfg = { "hostname": "blah", "prefer_fqdn_over_hostname": True, "fqdn": "blah.yahoo.com", } distro = self._fetch_distro("debian", cfg) paths = helpers.Paths({"cloud_dir": self.tmp}) ds = None cc = cloud.Cloud(ds, paths, {}, distro, None) self.patchUtils(self.tmp) cc_set_hostname.handle("cc_set_hostname", cfg, cc, LOG, []) contents = util.load_file("/etc/hostname") self.assertEqual("blah.yahoo.com", contents.strip()) @mock.patch("cloudinit.distros.Distro.uses_systemd", return_value=False) def test_rhel_write_hostname_prefer_hostname(self, m_uses_systemd): cfg = { "hostname": "blah", "prefer_fqdn_over_hostname": False, "fqdn": "blah.yahoo.com", } distro = self._fetch_distro("rhel", cfg) paths = helpers.Paths({"cloud_dir": self.tmp}) ds = None cc = cloud.Cloud(ds, paths, {}, distro, None) self.patchUtils(self.tmp) cc_set_hostname.handle("cc_set_hostname", cfg, cc, LOG, []) contents = util.load_file("/etc/sysconfig/network", decode=False) n_cfg = ConfigObj(BytesIO(contents)) self.assertEqual({"HOSTNAME": "blah"}, dict(n_cfg)) @mock.patch("cloudinit.distros.Distro.uses_systemd", return_value=False) def test_write_hostname_rhel(self, m_uses_systemd): cfg = {"hostname": "blah", "fqdn": "blah.blah.blah.yahoo.com"} distro = self._fetch_distro("rhel") paths = helpers.Paths({"cloud_dir": self.tmp}) ds = None cc = cloud.Cloud(ds, paths, {}, distro, None) self.patchUtils(self.tmp) cc_set_hostname.handle("cc_set_hostname", cfg, cc, LOG, []) contents = util.load_file("/etc/sysconfig/network", decode=False) n_cfg = ConfigObj(BytesIO(contents)) self.assertEqual({"HOSTNAME": "blah.blah.blah.yahoo.com"}, dict(n_cfg)) def test_write_hostname_debian(self): cfg = { "hostname": "blah", "fqdn": "blah.blah.blah.yahoo.com", } distro = self._fetch_distro("debian") paths = helpers.Paths({"cloud_dir": self.tmp}) ds = None cc = cloud.Cloud(ds, paths, {}, distro, None) self.patchUtils(self.tmp) cc_set_hostname.handle("cc_set_hostname", cfg, cc, LOG, []) contents = util.load_file("/etc/hostname") self.assertEqual("blah", contents.strip()) @mock.patch("cloudinit.distros.Distro.uses_systemd", return_value=False) def test_write_hostname_sles(self, m_uses_systemd): cfg = { "hostname": "blah.blah.blah.suse.com", } distro = self._fetch_distro("sles") paths = helpers.Paths({"cloud_dir": self.tmp}) ds = None cc = cloud.Cloud(ds, paths, {}, distro, None) self.patchUtils(self.tmp) cc_set_hostname.handle("cc_set_hostname", cfg, cc, LOG, []) contents = util.load_file(distro.hostname_conf_fn) self.assertEqual("blah", contents.strip()) @mock.patch("cloudinit.distros.photon.subp.subp") def test_photon_hostname(self, m_subp): cfg1 = { "hostname": "photon", "prefer_fqdn_over_hostname": True, "fqdn": "test1.vmware.com", } cfg2 = { "hostname": "photon", "prefer_fqdn_over_hostname": False, "fqdn": "test2.vmware.com", } ds = None m_subp.return_value = (None, None) distro = self._fetch_distro("photon", cfg1) paths = helpers.Paths({"cloud_dir": self.tmp}) cc = cloud.Cloud(ds, paths, {}, distro, None) for c in [cfg1, cfg2]: cc_set_hostname.handle("cc_set_hostname", c, cc, LOG, []) print("\n", m_subp.call_args_list) if c["prefer_fqdn_over_hostname"]: assert [ mock.call( ["hostnamectl", "set-hostname", c["fqdn"]], capture=True, ) ] in m_subp.call_args_list assert [ mock.call( ["hostnamectl", "set-hostname", c["hostname"]], capture=True, ) ] not in m_subp.call_args_list else: assert [ mock.call( ["hostnamectl", "set-hostname", c["hostname"]], capture=True, ) ] in m_subp.call_args_list assert [ mock.call( ["hostnamectl", "set-hostname", c["fqdn"]], capture=True, ) ] not in m_subp.call_args_list def test_multiple_calls_skips_unchanged_hostname(self): """Only new hostname or fqdn values will generate a hostname call.""" distro = self._fetch_distro("debian") paths = helpers.Paths({"cloud_dir": self.tmp}) ds = None cc = cloud.Cloud(ds, paths, {}, distro, None) self.patchUtils(self.tmp) cc_set_hostname.handle( "cc_set_hostname", {"hostname": "hostname1.me.com"}, cc, LOG, [] ) contents = util.load_file("/etc/hostname") self.assertEqual("hostname1", contents.strip()) cc_set_hostname.handle( "cc_set_hostname", {"hostname": "hostname1.me.com"}, cc, LOG, [] ) self.assertIn( "DEBUG: No hostname changes. Skipping set-hostname\n", self.logs.getvalue(), ) cc_set_hostname.handle( "cc_set_hostname", {"hostname": "hostname2.me.com"}, cc, LOG, [] ) contents = util.load_file("/etc/hostname") self.assertEqual("hostname2", contents.strip()) self.assertIn( "Non-persistently setting the system hostname to hostname2", self.logs.getvalue(), ) def test_error_on_distro_set_hostname_errors(self): """Raise SetHostnameError on exceptions from distro.set_hostname.""" distro = self._fetch_distro("debian") def set_hostname_error(hostname, fqdn): raise Exception("OOPS on: %s" % fqdn) distro.set_hostname = set_hostname_error paths = helpers.Paths({"cloud_dir": self.tmp}) ds = None cc = cloud.Cloud(ds, paths, {}, distro, None) self.patchUtils(self.tmp) with self.assertRaises(cc_set_hostname.SetHostnameError) as ctx_mgr: cc_set_hostname.handle( "somename", {"hostname": "hostname1.me.com"}, cc, LOG, [] ) self.assertEqual( "Failed to set the hostname to hostname1.me.com (hostname1):" " OOPS on: hostname1.me.com", str(ctx_mgr.exception), ) # vi: ts=4 expandtab