# Author: Eric Benner # # This file is part of cloud-init. See LICENSE file for license information. # Vultr Metadata API: # https://www.vultr.com/metadata/ import json from cloudinit import helpers, settings from cloudinit.net.dhcp import NoDHCPLeaseError from cloudinit.sources import DataSourceVultr from cloudinit.sources.helpers import vultr from tests.unittests.helpers import CiTestCase, mock # Vultr metadata test data VULTR_V1_1 = { "bgp": { "ipv4": { "my-address": "", "my-asn": "", "peer-address": "", "peer-asn": "", }, "ipv6": { "my-address": "", "my-asn": "", "peer-address": "", "peer-asn": "", }, }, "hostname": "CLOUDINIT_1", "instanceid": "42506325", "interfaces": [ { "ipv4": { "additional": [], "address": "", "gateway": "", "netmask": "", }, "ipv6": { "additional": [], "address": "2001:19f0:5:56c2:5400:03ff:fe15:c465", "network": "2001:19f0:5:56c2::", "prefix": "64", }, "mac": "56:00:03:15:c4:65", "network-type": "public", } ], "public-keys": ["ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1y...IQQhv5PAOKaIl+mM3c= test3@key"], "region": {"regioncode": "EWR"}, "user-defined": [], "startup-script": "echo No configured startup script", "raid1-script": "", "user-data": [], "vendor-data": [ { "package_upgrade": "true", "disable_root": 0, "ssh_pwauth": 1, "chpasswd": { "expire": False, "list": ["root:$6$S2Smuj.../VqxmIR9Urw0jPZ88i4yvB/"], }, "system_info": {"default_user": {"name": "root"}}, } ], } VULTR_V1_2 = { "bgp": { "ipv4": { "my-address": "", "my-asn": "", "peer-address": "", "peer-asn": "", }, "ipv6": { "my-address": "", "my-asn": "", "peer-address": "", "peer-asn": "", }, }, "hostname": "CLOUDINIT_2", "instance-v2-id": "29bea708-2e6e-480a-90ad-0e6b5d5ad62f", "instanceid": "42872224", "interfaces": [ { "ipv4": { "additional": [], "address": "", "gateway": "", "netmask": "", }, "ipv6": { "additional": [ {"network": "2002:19f0:5:28a7::", "prefix": "64"} ], "address": "2001:19f0:5:28a7:5400:03ff:fe1b:4eca", "network": "2001:19f0:5:28a7::", "prefix": "64", }, "mac": "56:00:03:1b:4e:ca", "network-type": "public", }, { "ipv4": { "additional": [], "address": "", "gateway": "", "netmask": "", }, "ipv6": {"additional": [], "network": "", "prefix": ""}, "mac": "5a:00:03:1b:4e:ca", "network-type": "private", "network-v2-id": "fbbe2b5b-b986-4396-87f5-7246660ccb64", "networkid": "net5e7155329d730", }, ], "public-keys": ["ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1y...IQQhv5PAOKaIl+mM3c= test3@key"], "region": {"regioncode": "EWR"}, "user-defined": [], "startup-script": "echo No configured startup script", "user-data": [], "vendor-data": [ { "package_upgrade": "true", "disable_root": 0, "ssh_pwauth": 1, "chpasswd": { "expire": False, "list": ["root:$6$SxXx...k2mJNIzZB5vMCDBlYT1"], }, "system_info": {"default_user": {"name": "root"}}, } ], } SSH_KEYS_1 = ["ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1y...IQQhv5PAOKaIl+mM3c= test3@key"] INTERFACES = [ ["lo", "56:00:03:15:c4:00", "drv", "devid0"], ["dummy0", "56:00:03:15:c4:01", "drv", "devid1"], ["eth1", "56:00:03:15:c4:02", "drv", "devid2"], ["eth0", "56:00:03:15:c4:04", "drv", "devid4"], ["eth2", "56:00:03:15:c4:03", "drv", "devid3"], ] # Expected generated objects # Expected config EXPECTED_VULTR_CONFIG = { "package_upgrade": "true", "disable_root": 0, "ssh_pwauth": 1, "chpasswd": { "expire": False, "list": ["root:$6$SxXx...k2mJNIzZB5vMCDBlYT1"], }, "system_info": {"default_user": {"name": "root"}}, } # Expected network config object from generator EXPECTED_VULTR_NETWORK_1 = { "version": 1, "config": [ {"type": "nameserver", "address": [""]}, { "name": "eth0", "type": "physical", "mac_address": "56:00:03:15:c4:65", "accept-ra": 1, "subnets": [ {"type": "dhcp", "control": "auto"}, {"type": "ipv6_slaac", "control": "auto"}, ], }, ], } EXPECTED_VULTR_NETWORK_2 = { "version": 1, "config": [ {"type": "nameserver", "address": [""]}, { "name": "eth0", "type": "physical", "mac_address": "56:00:03:1b:4e:ca", "accept-ra": 1, "subnets": [ {"type": "dhcp", "control": "auto"}, {"type": "ipv6_slaac", "control": "auto"}, { "type": "static6", "control": "auto", "address": "2002:19f0:5:28a7::/64", }, ], }, { "name": "eth1", "type": "physical", "mac_address": "5a:00:03:1b:4e:ca", "subnets": [ { "type": "static", "control": "auto", "address": "", "netmask": "", } ], }, ], } INTERFACE_MAP = { "56:00:03:15:c4:65": "eth0", "56:00:03:1b:4e:ca": "eth0", "5a:00:03:1b:4e:ca": "eth1", } EPHERMERAL_USED = "" class TestDataSourceVultr(CiTestCase): def setUp(self): super(TestDataSourceVultr, self).setUp() # Stored as a dict to make it easier to maintain raw1 = json.dumps(VULTR_V1_1["vendor-data"][0]) raw2 = json.dumps(VULTR_V1_2["vendor-data"][0]) # Make expected format VULTR_V1_1["vendor-data"] = [raw1] VULTR_V1_2["vendor-data"] = [raw2] self.tmp = self.tmp_dir() # Test the datasource itself @mock.patch("cloudinit.net.get_interfaces_by_mac") @mock.patch("cloudinit.sources.helpers.vultr.is_vultr") @mock.patch("cloudinit.sources.helpers.vultr.get_metadata") def test_datasource(self, mock_getmeta, mock_isvultr, mock_netmap): mock_getmeta.return_value = VULTR_V1_2 mock_isvultr.return_value = True mock_netmap.return_value = INTERFACE_MAP source = DataSourceVultr.DataSourceVultr( settings.CFG_BUILTIN, None, helpers.Paths({"run_dir": self.tmp}) ) # Test for failure self.assertEqual(True, source._get_data()) # Test instance id self.assertEqual("42872224", source.metadata["instanceid"]) # Test hostname self.assertEqual("CLOUDINIT_2", source.metadata["local-hostname"]) # Test ssh keys self.assertEqual(SSH_KEYS_1, source.metadata["public-keys"]) # Test vendor data generation orig_val = self.maxDiff self.maxDiff = None vendordata = source.vendordata_raw # Test vendor config self.assertEqual( EXPECTED_VULTR_CONFIG, json.loads(vendordata[0].replace("#cloud-config", "")), ) self.maxDiff = orig_val # Test network config generation self.assertEqual(EXPECTED_VULTR_NETWORK_2, source.network_config) # Test network config generation @mock.patch("cloudinit.net.get_interfaces_by_mac") def test_network_config(self, mock_netmap): mock_netmap.return_value = INTERFACE_MAP interf = VULTR_V1_1["interfaces"] self.assertEqual( EXPECTED_VULTR_NETWORK_1, vultr.generate_network_config(interf) ) # Test Private Networking config generation @mock.patch("cloudinit.net.get_interfaces_by_mac") def test_private_network_config(self, mock_netmap): mock_netmap.return_value = INTERFACE_MAP interf = VULTR_V1_2["interfaces"] self.assertEqual( EXPECTED_VULTR_NETWORK_2, vultr.generate_network_config(interf) ) def ephemeral_init(self, iface="", connectivity_url_data=None): global EPHERMERAL_USED EPHERMERAL_USED = iface if iface == "eth0": return raise NoDHCPLeaseError("Generic for testing") # Test interface seeking to ensure we are able to find the correct one @mock.patch("cloudinit.net.dhcp.EphemeralDHCPv4.__init__", ephemeral_init) @mock.patch("cloudinit.sources.helpers.vultr.is_vultr") @mock.patch("cloudinit.sources.helpers.vultr.read_metadata") @mock.patch("cloudinit.net.get_interfaces") def test_interface_seek( self, mock_get_interfaces, mock_read_metadata, mock_isvultr ): mock_read_metadata.side_effect = NoDHCPLeaseError( "Generic for testing" ) mock_isvultr.return_value = True mock_get_interfaces.return_value = INTERFACES source = DataSourceVultr.DataSourceVultr( settings.CFG_BUILTIN, None, helpers.Paths({"run_dir": self.tmp}) ) try: source._get_data() except Exception: pass self.assertEqual(EPHERMERAL_USED, INTERFACES[3][0]) # vi: ts=4 expandtab