# Copyright (C) 2019 Canonical Ltd. # Copyright (C) 2019 VMware INC. # # Author: Xiaofeng Wang # # This file is part of cloud-init. See LICENSE file for license information. from cloudinit import subp from cloudinit.sources.helpers.vmware.imc.config import Config from cloudinit.sources.helpers.vmware.imc.config_file import ConfigFile from cloudinit.sources.helpers.vmware.imc.guestcust_util import ( get_tools_config, set_gc_status, ) from tests.unittests.helpers import CiTestCase, mock class TestGuestCustUtil(CiTestCase): def test_get_tools_config_not_installed(self): """ This test is designed to verify the behavior if vmware-toolbox-cmd is not installed. """ with mock.patch.object(subp, "which", return_value=None): self.assertEqual( get_tools_config("section", "key", "defaultVal"), "defaultVal" ) def test_get_tools_config_internal_exception(self): """ This test is designed to verify the behavior if internal exception is raised. """ with mock.patch.object(subp, "which", return_value="/dummy/path"): with mock.patch.object( subp, "subp", return_value=("key=value", b""), side_effect=subp.ProcessExecutionError( "subp failed", exit_code=99 ), ): # verify return value is 'defaultVal', not 'value'. self.assertEqual( get_tools_config("section", "key", "defaultVal"), "defaultVal", ) def test_get_tools_config_normal(self): """ This test is designed to verify the value could be parsed from key = value of the given [section] """ with mock.patch.object(subp, "which", return_value="/dummy/path"): # value is not blank with mock.patch.object( subp, "subp", return_value=("key = value ", b"") ): self.assertEqual( get_tools_config("section", "key", "defaultVal"), "value" ) # value is blank with mock.patch.object(subp, "subp", return_value=("key = ", b"")): self.assertEqual( get_tools_config("section", "key", "defaultVal"), "" ) # value contains = with mock.patch.object( subp, "subp", return_value=("key=Bar=Wark", b"") ): self.assertEqual( get_tools_config("section", "key", "defaultVal"), "Bar=Wark", ) # value contains specific characters with mock.patch.object( subp, "subp", return_value=("[a] b.c_d=e-f", b"") ): self.assertEqual( get_tools_config("section", "key", "defaultVal"), "e-f" ) def test_set_gc_status(self): """ This test is designed to verify the behavior of set_gc_status """ # config is None, return None self.assertEqual(set_gc_status(None, "Successful"), None) # post gc status is NO, return None cf = ConfigFile("tests/data/vmware/cust-dhcp-2nic.cfg") conf = Config(cf) self.assertEqual(set_gc_status(conf, "Successful"), None) # post gc status is YES, subp is called to execute command cf._insertKey("MISC|POST-GC-STATUS", "YES") conf = Config(cf) with mock.patch.object( subp, "subp", return_value=("ok", b"") ) as mockobj: self.assertEqual(set_gc_status(conf, "Successful"), ("ok", b"")) mockobj.assert_called_once_with( ["vmware-rpctool", "info-set guestinfo.gc.status Successful"], rcs=[0], ) # vi: ts=4 expandtab