# This file is part of cloud-init. See LICENSE file for license information.

from cloudinit.distros.arch import _render_network
from cloudinit import util

from cloudinit.tests.helpers import (CiTestCase, dir2dict)

from . import _get_distro

class TestArch(CiTestCase):

    def test_get_distro(self):
        distro = _get_distro("arch")
        hostname = "myhostname"
        hostfile = self.tmp_path("hostfile")
        distro._write_hostname(hostname, hostfile)
        self.assertEqual(hostname + "\n", util.load_file(hostfile))

class TestRenderNetwork(CiTestCase):
    def test_basic_static(self):
        """Just the most basic static config.

        note 'lo' should not be rendered as an interface."""
        entries = {'eth0': {'auto': True,
                            'dns-nameservers': [''],
                            'bootproto': 'static',
                            'address': '',
                            'gateway': '',
                            'netmask': ''},
                   'lo': {'auto': True}}
        target = self.tmp_dir()
        devs = _render_network(entries, target=target)
        files = dir2dict(target, prefix=target)
        self.assertEqual(['eth0'], devs)
            {'/etc/netctl/eth0': '\n'.join([
                "Interface=eth0", ""]),
             '/etc/resolv.conf': 'nameserver\n'}, files)