# This file is part of cloud-init. See LICENSE file for license information. import collections import glob import os import random import re import string from cloudinit import helpers as c_helpers from cloudinit import util from cloudinit.handlers import CONTENT_END, CONTENT_START, cloud_config from tests.unittests import helpers SOURCE_PAT = "source*.*yaml" EXPECTED_PAT = "expected%s.yaml" TYPES = [dict, str, list, tuple, None, int] def _old_mergedict(src, cand): """ Merge values from C{cand} into C{src}. If C{src} has a key C{cand} will not override. Nested dictionaries are merged recursively. """ if isinstance(src, dict) and isinstance(cand, dict): for (k, v) in cand.items(): if k not in src: src[k] = v else: src[k] = _old_mergedict(src[k], v) return src def _old_mergemanydict(*args): out = {} for a in args: out = _old_mergedict(out, a) return out def _random_str(rand): base = "" for _i in range(rand.randint(1, 2 ** 8)): base += rand.choice(string.ascii_letters + string.digits) return base class _NoMoreException(Exception): pass def _make_dict(current_depth, max_depth, rand): if current_depth >= max_depth: raise _NoMoreException() if current_depth == 0: t = dict else: t = rand.choice(TYPES) base = None if t in [None]: return base if t in [dict, list, tuple]: if t in [dict]: amount = rand.randint(0, 5) keys = [_random_str(rand) for _i in range(0, amount)] base = {} for k in keys: try: base[k] = _make_dict(current_depth + 1, max_depth, rand) except _NoMoreException: pass elif t in [list, tuple]: base = [] amount = rand.randint(0, 5) for _i in range(0, amount): try: base.append(_make_dict(current_depth + 1, max_depth, rand)) except _NoMoreException: pass if t in [tuple]: base = tuple(base) elif t in [int]: base = rand.randint(0, 2 ** 8) elif t in [str]: base = _random_str(rand) return base def make_dict(max_depth, seed=None): max_depth = max(1, max_depth) rand = random.Random(seed) return _make_dict(0, max_depth, rand) class TestSimpleRun(helpers.ResourceUsingTestCase): def _load_merge_files(self): merge_root = helpers.resourceLocation("merge_sources") tests = [] source_ids = collections.defaultdict(list) expected_files = {} for fn in glob.glob(os.path.join(merge_root, SOURCE_PAT)): base_fn = os.path.basename(fn) file_id = re.match(r"source(\d+)\-(\d+)[.]yaml", base_fn) if not file_id: raise IOError( "File %s does not have a numeric identifier" % (fn) ) file_id = int(file_id.group(1)) source_ids[file_id].append(fn) expected_fn = os.path.join(merge_root, EXPECTED_PAT % (file_id)) if not os.path.isfile(expected_fn): raise IOError("No expected file found at %s" % (expected_fn)) expected_files[file_id] = expected_fn for i in sorted(source_ids.keys()): source_file_contents = [] for fn in sorted(source_ids[i]): source_file_contents.append([fn, util.load_file(fn)]) expected = util.load_yaml(util.load_file(expected_files[i])) entry = [source_file_contents, [expected, expected_files[i]]] tests.append(entry) return tests def test_seed_runs(self): test_dicts = [] for i in range(1, 10): base_dicts = [] for j in range(1, 10): base_dicts.append(make_dict(5, i * j)) test_dicts.append(base_dicts) for test in test_dicts: c = _old_mergemanydict(*test) d = util.mergemanydict(test) self.assertEqual(c, d) def test_merge_cc_samples(self): tests = self._load_merge_files() paths = c_helpers.Paths({}) cc_handler = cloud_config.CloudConfigPartHandler(paths) cc_handler.cloud_fn = None for (payloads, (expected_merge, expected_fn)) in tests: cc_handler.handle_part(None, CONTENT_START, None, None, None, None) merging_fns = [] for (fn, contents) in payloads: cc_handler.handle_part( None, None, "%s.yaml" % (fn), contents, None, {} ) merging_fns.append(fn) merged_buf = cc_handler.cloud_buf cc_handler.handle_part(None, CONTENT_END, None, None, None, None) fail_msg = "Equality failure on checking %s with %s: %s != %s" fail_msg = fail_msg % ( expected_fn, ",".join(merging_fns), merged_buf, expected_merge, ) self.assertEqual(expected_merge, merged_buf, msg=fail_msg) def test_compat_merges_dict(self): a = { "1": "2", "b": "c", } b = { "b": "e", } c = _old_mergedict(a, b) d = util.mergemanydict([a, b]) self.assertEqual(c, d) def test_compat_merges_dict2(self): a = { "Blah": 1, "Blah2": 2, "Blah3": 3, } b = { "Blah": 1, "Blah2": 2, "Blah3": [1], } c = _old_mergedict(a, b) d = util.mergemanydict([a, b]) self.assertEqual(c, d) def test_compat_merges_list(self): a = {"b": [1, 2, 3]} b = {"b": [4, 5]} c = {"b": [6, 7]} e = _old_mergemanydict(a, b, c) f = util.mergemanydict([a, b, c]) self.assertEqual(e, f) def test_compat_merges_str(self): a = {"b": "hi"} b = {"b": "howdy"} c = {"b": "hallo"} e = _old_mergemanydict(a, b, c) f = util.mergemanydict([a, b, c]) self.assertEqual(e, f) def test_compat_merge_sub_dict(self): a = { "1": "2", "b": { "f": "g", "e": "c", "h": "d", "hh": { "1": 2, }, }, } b = { "b": { "e": "c", "hh": { "3": 4, }, } } c = _old_mergedict(a, b) d = util.mergemanydict([a, b]) self.assertEqual(c, d) def test_compat_merge_sub_dict2(self): a = { "1": "2", "b": { "f": "g", }, } b = { "b": { "e": "c", } } c = _old_mergedict(a, b) d = util.mergemanydict([a, b]) self.assertEqual(c, d) def test_compat_merge_sub_list(self): a = { "1": "2", "b": { "f": ["1"], }, } b = { "b": { "f": [], } } c = _old_mergedict(a, b) d = util.mergemanydict([a, b]) self.assertEqual(c, d) # vi: ts=4 expandtab