from unittest import TestCase from mocker import MockerTestCase from tempfile import mkdtemp from shutil import rmtree import os import stat from cloudinit.util import mergedict, get_cfg_option_list_or_str, write_file class TestMergeDict(TestCase): def test_simple_merge(self): source = {"key1": "value1"} candidate = {"key2": "value2"} result = mergedict(source, candidate) self.assertEqual({"key1": "value1", "key2": "value2"}, result) def test_nested_merge(self): source = {"key1": {"key1.1": "value1.1"}} candidate = {"key1": {"key1.2": "value1.2"}} result = mergedict(source, candidate) self.assertEqual( {"key1": {"key1.1": "value1.1", "key1.2": "value1.2"}}, result) def test_merge_does_not_override(self): source = {"key1": "value1", "key2": "value2"} candidate = {"key2": "value2", "key2": "NEW VALUE"} result = mergedict(source, candidate) self.assertEqual(source, result) def test_empty_candidate(self): source = {"key": "value"} candidate = {} result = mergedict(source, candidate) self.assertEqual(source, result) def test_empty_source(self): source = {} candidate = {"key": "value"} result = mergedict(source, candidate) self.assertEqual(candidate, result) def test_non_dict_candidate(self): source = {"key": "value"} candidate = "not a dict" result = mergedict(source, candidate) self.assertEqual(source, result) def test_non_dict_source(self): source = "not a dict" candidate = {"key": "value"} result = mergedict(source, candidate) self.assertEqual(source, result) def test_neither_dict(self): source = "source" candidate = "candidate" result = mergedict(source, candidate) self.assertEqual(source, result) class TestGetCfgOptionListOrStr(TestCase): def test_not_found_no_default(self): config = {} result = get_cfg_option_list_or_str(config, "key") self.assertIsNone(result) def test_not_found_with_default(self): config = {} result = get_cfg_option_list_or_str(config, "key", default=["DEFAULT"]) self.assertEqual(["DEFAULT"], result) def test_found_with_default(self): config = {"key": ["value1"]} result = get_cfg_option_list_or_str(config, "key", default=["DEFAULT"]) self.assertEqual(["value1"], result) def test_found_convert_to_list(self): config = {"key": "value1"} result = get_cfg_option_list_or_str(config, "key") self.assertEqual(["value1"], result) def test_value_is_none(self): config = {"key": None} result = get_cfg_option_list_or_str(config, "key") self.assertEqual([], result) class TestWriteFile(MockerTestCase): def setUp(self): super(TestWriteFile, self).setUp() # Make a temp directoy for tests to use. self.tmp = mkdtemp(prefix="unittest_") def tearDown(self): super(TestWriteFile, self).tearDown() # Clean up temp directory rmtree(self.tmp) def test_basic_usage(self): """Verify basic usage with default args.""" path = os.path.join(self.tmp, "NewFile.txt") contents = "Hey there" write_file(path, contents) self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(path)) self.assertTrue(os.path.isfile(path)) with open(path) as f: create_contents = self.assertEqual(contents, create_contents) file_stat = os.stat(path) self.assertEqual(0644, stat.S_IMODE(file_stat.st_mode)) def test_dir_is_created_if_required(self): """Verifiy that directories are created is required.""" dirname = os.path.join(self.tmp, "subdir") path = os.path.join(dirname, "NewFile.txt") contents = "Hey there" write_file(path, contents) self.assertTrue(os.path.isdir(dirname)) self.assertTrue(os.path.isfile(path)) def test_custom_mode(self): """Verify custom mode works properly.""" path = os.path.join(self.tmp, "NewFile.txt") contents = "Hey there" write_file(path, contents, mode=0666) self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(path)) self.assertTrue(os.path.isfile(path)) file_stat = os.stat(path) self.assertEqual(0666, stat.S_IMODE(file_stat.st_mode)) def test_custom_omode(self): """Verify custom omode works properly.""" path = os.path.join(self.tmp, "NewFile.txt") contents = "Hey there" # Create file first with basic content with open(path, "wb") as f: f.write("LINE1\n") write_file(path, contents, omode="a") self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(path)) self.assertTrue(os.path.isfile(path)) with open(path) as f: create_contents = self.assertEqual("LINE1\nHey there", create_contents) def test_restorecon_if_possible_is_called(self): """Make sure the restorecon_if_possible is called correctly.""" path = os.path.join(self.tmp, "NewFile.txt") contents = "Hey there" # Mock out the restorecon_if_possible call to test if it's called. mock_restorecon = self.mocker.replace( "cloudinit.util.restorecon_if_possible", passthrough=False) mock_restorecon(path) self.mocker.replay() write_file(path, contents)