# Copyright (C) 2015 Canonical Ltd. # Copyright (C) 2017-2019 VMware INC. # # Author: Maitreyee Saikia <msaikia@vmware.com> # # This file is part of cloud-init. See LICENSE file for license information. import os import stat from cloudinit import util from cloudinit.sources.helpers.vmware.imc.config_custom_script import ( CustomScriptConstant, CustomScriptNotFound, PreCustomScript, PostCustomScript, ) from cloudinit.tests.helpers import CiTestCase, mock class TestVmwareCustomScript(CiTestCase): def setUp(self): self.tmpDir = self.tmp_dir() # Mock the tmpDir as the root dir in VM. self.execDir = os.path.join(self.tmpDir, ".customization") self.execScript = os.path.join(self.execDir, ".customize.sh") def test_prepare_custom_script(self): """ This test is designed to verify the behavior based on the presence of custom script. Mainly needed for scenario where a custom script is expected, but was not properly copied. "CustomScriptNotFound" exception is raised in such cases. """ # Custom script does not exist. preCust = PreCustomScript("random-vmw-test", self.tmpDir) self.assertEqual("random-vmw-test", preCust.scriptname) self.assertEqual(self.tmpDir, preCust.directory) self.assertEqual(self.tmp_path("random-vmw-test", self.tmpDir), preCust.scriptpath) with self.assertRaises(CustomScriptNotFound): preCust.prepare_script() # Custom script exists. custScript = self.tmp_path("test-cust", self.tmpDir) util.write_file(custScript, "test-CR-strip\r\r") with mock.patch.object(CustomScriptConstant, "CUSTOM_TMP_DIR", self.execDir): with mock.patch.object(CustomScriptConstant, "CUSTOM_SCRIPT", self.execScript): postCust = PostCustomScript("test-cust", self.tmpDir, self.tmpDir) self.assertEqual("test-cust", postCust.scriptname) self.assertEqual(self.tmpDir, postCust.directory) self.assertEqual(custScript, postCust.scriptpath) postCust.prepare_script() # Custom script is copied with exec privilege self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(self.execScript)) st = os.stat(self.execScript) self.assertTrue(st.st_mode & stat.S_IEXEC) with open(self.execScript, "r") as f: content = f.read() self.assertEqual(content, "test-CR-strip") # Check if all carraige returns are stripped from script. self.assertFalse("\r" in content) def test_execute_post_cust(self): """ This test is designed to verify the behavior after execute post customization. """ # Prepare the customize package postCustRun = self.tmp_path("post-customize-guest.sh", self.tmpDir) util.write_file(postCustRun, "This is the script to run post cust") userScript = self.tmp_path("test-cust", self.tmpDir) util.write_file(userScript, "This is the post cust script") # Mock the cc_scripts_per_instance dir and marker file. # Create another tmp dir for cc_scripts_per_instance. ccScriptDir = self.tmp_dir() ccScript = os.path.join(ccScriptDir, "post-customize-guest.sh") markerFile = os.path.join(self.tmpDir, ".markerFile") with mock.patch.object(CustomScriptConstant, "CUSTOM_TMP_DIR", self.execDir): with mock.patch.object(CustomScriptConstant, "CUSTOM_SCRIPT", self.execScript): with mock.patch.object(CustomScriptConstant, "POST_CUSTOM_PENDING_MARKER", markerFile): postCust = PostCustomScript("test-cust", self.tmpDir, ccScriptDir) postCust.execute() # Check cc_scripts_per_instance and marker file # are created. self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(ccScript)) with open(ccScript, "r") as f: content = f.read() self.assertEqual(content, "This is the script to run post cust") self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(markerFile)) # vi: ts=4 expandtab