#!/bin/sh set -e find_root() { local topd if [ -z "${CLOUD_INIT_TOP_D}" ]; then topd=$(cd "$(dirname "${0}")" && cd .. && pwd) else topd=$(cd "${CLOUD_INIT_TOP_D}" && pwd) fi [ $? -eq 0 -a -f "${topd}/setup.py" ] || return ROOT_DIR="$topd" } if ! find_root; then echo "Unable to locate 'setup.py' file that should" \ "exist in the cloud-init root directory." 1>&2 exit 1; fi REVNO=$(bzr revno "$ROOT_DIR") if [ ! -z "$1" ]; then ARCHIVE_FN="$1" else VERSION=$("$ROOT_DIR/tools/read-version") ARCHIVE_FN="$PWD/cloud-init-$VERSION~bzr$REVNO.tar.gz" fi export_uncommitted="" if [ "${UNCOMMITTED:-0}" != "0" ]; then export_uncommitted="--uncommitted" fi bzr export ${export_uncommitted} \ --format=tgz --root="cloud-init-$VERSION~bzr$REVNO" \ "--revision=${REVNO}" "${ARCHIVE_FN}" "$ROOT_DIR" echo "$ARCHIVE_FN"