[tox] envlist = py3, xenial-dev, flake8, pylint recreate = True [testenv] commands = {envpython} -m pytest {posargs:tests/unittests cloudinit} setenv = LC_ALL = en_US.utf-8 passenv= PYTEST_ADDOPTS [testenv:flake8] basepython = python3 deps = flake8==3.8.2 commands = {envpython} -m flake8 {posargs:cloudinit/ tests/ tools/} # https://github.com/gabrielfalcao/HTTPretty/issues/223 setenv = LC_ALL = en_US.utf-8 [testenv:pylint] basepython = python3 deps = # requirements pylint==2.6.0 # test-requirements because unit tests are now present in cloudinit tree -r{toxinidir}/test-requirements.txt -r{toxinidir}/integration-requirements.txt commands = {envpython} -m pylint {posargs:cloudinit tests tools} [testenv:py3] basepython = python3 deps = -r{toxinidir}/test-requirements.txt commands = {envpython} -m pytest \ --durations 10 \ {posargs:--cov=cloudinit --cov-branch \ tests/unittests cloudinit} [testenv:py27] basepython = python2.7 deps = -r{toxinidir}/test-requirements.txt [flake8] # E226: missing whitespace around arithmetic operator # W503: line break before binary operator # W504: line break after binary operator ignore=E226,W503,W504 exclude = .venv,.tox,dist,doc,*egg,.git,build,tools per-file-ignores = cloudinit/cmd/main.py:E402 [testenv:doc] basepython = python3 deps = -r{toxinidir}/doc-requirements.txt commands = {envpython} -m sphinx {posargs:doc/rtd doc/rtd_html} doc8 doc/rtd [xenial-shared-deps] # The version of pytest in xenial doesn't work with Python 3.8, so we define # two xenial environments: [testenv:xenial] runs the tests with exactly the # version of pytest present in xenial, and is used in CI. [testenv:xenial-dev] # runs the tests with the lowest version of pytest that works with Python 3.8, # 3.0.7, but keeps the other dependencies at xenial's level. # # (This section is not a testenv, it is used to maintain a single definition of # the dependencies shared between the two xenial testenvs.) deps = # requirements jinja2==2.8 pyyaml==3.11 oauthlib==1.0.3 pyserial==3.0.1 configobj==5.0.6 requests==2.9.1 # test-requirements pytest-catchlog==1.2.1 [testenv:xenial] # When updating this commands definition, also update the definition in # [testenv:xenial-dev]. See the comment there for details. commands = python ./tools/pipremove jsonschema python -m pytest {posargs:tests/unittests cloudinit} basepython = python3 deps = # Refer to the comment in [xenial-shared-deps] for details {[xenial-shared-deps]deps} httpretty==0.8.6 jsonpatch==1.10 pytest==2.8.7 [testenv:xenial-dev] # This should be: # commands = {[testenv:xenial]commands} # but the version of pytest in xenial has a bug # (https://github.com/tox-dev/tox/issues/208) which means that the {posargs} # substitution variable is misparsed and causes a traceback. Ensure that any # changes here are reflected in [testenv:xenial]. commands = python ./tools/pipremove jsonschema python -m pytest {posargs:tests/unittests cloudinit} basepython = {[testenv:xenial]basepython} deps = # Refer to the comment in [xenial-shared-deps] for details {[xenial-shared-deps]deps} # httpretty in xenial is 0.8.6, not 0.9.5. The oldest version to work with # Python 3.7+ is 0.9.5, because it is the first to include this commit: # https://github.com/gabrielfalcao/HTTPretty/commit/5776d97da3992b9071db5e21faf175f6e8729060 httpretty==0.9.5 # jsonpatch in xenial is 1.10, not 1.19 (#839779). The oldest version # to work with python3.6 is 1.16 as found in Artful. To keep default # invocation of 'tox' happy, accept the difference in version here. jsonpatch==1.16 pytest==3.0.7 [testenv:tip-flake8] commands = {envpython} -m flake8 {posargs:cloudinit/ tests/ tools/} deps = flake8 [testenv:tip-pylint] commands = {envpython} -m pylint {posargs:cloudinit tests tools} deps = # requirements pylint # test-requirements -r{toxinidir}/test-requirements.txt -r{toxinidir}/integration-requirements.txt [testenv:citest] basepython = python3 commands = {envpython} -m tests.cloud_tests {posargs} passenv = HOME TRAVIS deps = -r{toxinidir}/integration-requirements.txt [pytest] # TODO: s/--strict/--strict-markers/ once xenial support is dropped testpaths = cloudinit tests/unittests addopts = --strict markers = allow_subp_for: allow subp usage for the given commands (disable_subp_usage) allow_all_subp: allow all subp usage (disable_subp_usage) ds_sys_cfg: a sys_cfg dict to be used by datasource fixtures ec2: test will only run on EC2 platform gce: test will only run on GCE platform azure: test will only run on Azure platform oci: test will only run on OCI platform lxd_container: test will only run in LXD container user_data: the user data to be passed to the test instance