path: root/docs/documentation.rst
diff options
authorrebortg <>2020-12-10 13:35:30 +0100
committerrebortg <>2020-12-10 13:35:30 +0100
commit8bd516a5ff97716b34d254adf6cf9ac0126eb0f1 (patch)
treeac0e940e274e87d7b2aa1d08ed02eb60fa5e1716 /docs/documentation.rst
parentd1939938bb6480595566f24b7fb6204904c198a9 (diff)
rearrange development part
Diffstat (limited to 'docs/documentation.rst')
1 files changed, 331 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/docs/documentation.rst b/docs/documentation.rst
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f1dc8095
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/documentation.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,331 @@
+.. _documentation:
+As most software projects we also have a lack in documentation. We encourage
+every VyOS user to help us improve our documentation. This will not only be
+beneficial for you (when reading something up) but also for the whole world.
+If you are willing to contribute to our documentation this is the definite
+guide how to do so.
+.. note:: In contrast to submitting code patches, there is no requirement that
+ you open up a Phabricator_ task prior to submitting a Pull-Request to the
+ documentation.
+Forking Workflow
+The Forking Workflow is fundamentally different than other popular Git
+workflows. Instead of using a single server-side repository to act as the
+"central" codebase, it gives every developer their own server-side repository.
+This means that each contributor has not one, but two Git repositories: a
+private local one and a public server-side one.
+The main advantage of the Forking Workflow is that contributions can be
+integrated without the need for everybody to push to a single central
+repository. Developers push to their own server-side repositories, and only the
+project maintainer can push to the official repository. This allows the
+maintainer to accept commits from any developer without giving them write
+access to the official codebase.
+.. note:: Updates to our documentation should be delivered by a GitHub
+ pull-request. This requires you already have a GitHub account.
+* Fork this project on GitHub
+* Clone fork to local machine, then change to that directory``$ cd vyos-documentation``
+* Install the requirements ``$ pip install -r requirements.txt`` (or something similar)
+* Create new branch for your work, use a descriptive name of your work:
+ ``$ git checkout -b <branch-name>``
+* Make all your changes - please keep our commit rules in mind
+ (:ref:`prepare_commit`). This mainly applies to proper commit messages
+ describing your change (how and why). Please check out the documentation of
+ Sphinx-doc_ or reStructuredText_ if you are not familiar with it. This is used
+ for writing our docs. Additional directives how to write in RST can be obtained
+ from reStructuredTextDirectives_.
+* Check your changes by locally building the documentation ``$ make html``.
+ Sphinx will build the html files in the ``docs/_build`` folder. We provide
+ you with a Docker container for an easy to use user experience. Check the
+ README.md_ file of this repository.
+* View modified files by calling ``$ git status``. You will get an overview of
+ all files modified by you. You can add individual files to the Git Index in
+ the next step.
+* Add modified files to Git index ``$ git add path/to/filename`` or add all
+ unstaged files ``$ git add .``. All files added to the Git index will be part
+ of you following Git commit.
+* Commit your changes with the message, ``$ git commit -m "<commit message>"``
+ or use ``$ git commit -v`` to have your configured editor launched. You can
+ type in a commit message. Again please make yourself comfortable with out
+ rules (:ref:`prepare_commit`).
+* Push commits to your GitHub project: ``$ git push -u origin <branch-name>``
+* Submit pull-request. In GitHub visit the main repository and you should
+ see a banner suggesting to make a pull request. Fill out the form and
+ describe what you do.
+* Once pull resquests have been approved, you may want to locally update
+ your forked repository too. First you'll have to add a second remote
+ called `upstream` which points to our main repository. ``$ git remote add
+ upstream``
+ Check your configured remote repositories:
+ .. code-block:: none
+ $ git remote -v
+ origin<username>/vyos-documentation.git (fetch)
+ origin<username>/vyos.documentation.git (push)
+ upstream (fetch)
+ upstream (push)
+ Your remote repo on Github is called ``origin``, while the original repo you
+ have forked is called ``upstream``. Now you can locally update your forked
+ repo.
+ .. code-block:: none
+ $ git fetch upstream
+ $ git checkout master
+ $ git merge upstream/master
+* If you want to update your fork on GitHub, too use the following: ``$ git
+ push origin master``
+Style Guide
+Formating and Sphinxmarkup
+TOC Level
+We use the following syntax for Headlines.
+.. code-block:: none
+ #####
+ Title
+ #####
+ ********
+ Chapters
+ ********
+ Sections
+ ========
+ Subsections
+ -----------
+ Subsubsections
+ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
+ Paragraphs
+ """"""""""
+Address space
+Note the following RFCs (:rfc:`5737`, :rfc:`3849`, :rfc:`5389` and
+:rfc:`7042`), which describe the reserved public IP addresses and autonomous
+system numbers for the documentation:
+ * ````
+ * ````
+ * ````
+ * ``2001:db8::/32``
+ * 16bit ASN: ``64496 - 64511``
+ * 32bit ASN: ``65536 - 65551``
+ * Unicast MAC Addresses: ``00-53-00`` to ``00-53-FF``
+ * Multicast MAC-Addresses: ``90-10-00`` to ``90-10-FF``
+Please don't use other public address space.
+Line length
+Limit all lines to a maximum of 79 characters.
+Except in ``.. code-block::`` because it will use the html tag ``<pre>``
+which have the save line format as in the rst file.
+Custom Sphinx-doc Markup
+When writing the documentation custom commands have been developed. Please
+make yourself comfortable with those commands as this eases the way we
+render the documentation.
+When documenting CLI commands use the ``.. cfgcmd::`` directive
+for all configuration mode commands. An explanation of the described command
+should be added below this statement.
+Replace all variable contents with <value> or somthing similar.
+With those custom commands it will be possible to render them in a more
+descriptive way in the resulting HTML/PDF manual.
+.. code-block:: none
+ .. cfgcmd:: protocols static arp <ipaddress> hwaddr <macaddress>
+ This will configure a static ARP entry always resolving `` to
+ `00:53:27:de:23:aa`.
+For a inline configuration level command use ``:cfgcmd:``
+.. code-block:: none
+ :cfgcmd:`set interface ethernet eth0`
+When documenting operational level command use the ``.. opcmd::`` directive.
+An explanation of the described command should be added below this statement.
+With those custom commands it will be possible to render them in a more
+descriptive way in the resulting HTML/PDF manual.
+.. code-block:: none
+ .. opcmd:: show protocols static arp
+ Display all known ARP table entries spanning across all interfaces
+For a inline operational level command use ``:opcmd:``
+.. code-block:: none
+ :opcmd:`add system image`
+To minimize redundancy there is a special include directive. It include a txt
+file and replace the ``{{ var0 }}`` - ``{{ var9 }}`` with the correct value
+.. code-block:: none
+ .. cmdinclude:: /_include/interface-address.txt
+ :var0: ethernet
+ :var1: eth1
+the content of interface-address.txt looks like this
+.. code-block:: none
+ .. cfgcmd:: set interfaces {{ var0 }} <interface> address <address | dhcp |
+ dhcpv6>
+ Configure interface `<interface>` with one or more interface
+ addresses.
+ * **address** can be specified multiple times as IPv4 and/or IPv6
+ address, e.g. and/or 2001:db8::1/64
+ * **dhcp** interface address is received by DHCP from a DHCP server
+ on this segment.
+ * **dhcpv6** interface address is received by DHCPv6 from a DHCPv6
+ server on this segment.
+ Example:
+ .. code-block:: none
+ set interfaces {{ var0 }} {{ var1 }} address
+ set interfaces {{ var0 }} {{ var1 }} address
+ set interfaces {{ var0 }} {{ var1 }} address 2001:db8::ffff/64
+ set interfaces {{ var0 }} {{ var1 }} address 2001:db8:100::ffff/64
+When referencing to VyOS Phabricator Tasks, there is a custom Sphinx Markup
+command called ``vytask`` which automatically renders to a proper Phabricator
+URL. This is heavily used in the :ref:`release-notes` section.
+.. code-block:: none
+ * :vytask:`T1605` Fixed regression in L2TP/IPsec server
+ * :vytask:`T1613` Netflow/sFlow captures IPv6 traffic correctly
+Page content
+The documentation have 3 different types of pages, the same kind of pages must
+have the same structure to achieve a recognition factor.
+All RST files must follow the same TOC Level syntax and have to start with
+.. code-block::
+ #####
+ Titel
+ #####
+Configuration mode pages
+A configuration mode folder and article covers a specific level of a command.
+The exact level depends on the command. This should provide stability for URLs
+used in the forum or blogpost.
+For example:
+ * ``set zone-policy`` is written in ``zone-policy/index.rst``
+ * ``set interfaces ethernet`` is written in ``interfaces/ethernet.rst``
+The article starts with a short intruducing about the command or the technologie.
+Please include some helpfull links or background informations.
+After this a optional section follows. Some commands have requirements like the
+compatible hardware (e.g. Wifi) or some commands you have to set before. For
+example it is recommended to set a route-map before configure bgp.
+In the configuration part of the page all possible confiuration options
+should be documented. Use ``.. cfgcmd::`` like described above.
+Related Operation command must be documented in the next part of the article.
+Use ``::opcmd..`` for these commands.
+If there some troubleshooting guides releated to the commands. Explain it in the
+next optional part.
+Operation mode pages
+Operation mode commands, which didn't fit in a related configuraton mode command
+must documented in this part of the documentation.
+General concepts for troubleshooting belong here as well as detailed process
+Anything else
+Anything else what is not a configuration or a operation command have no
+predefined structure.
+.. _Sphinx-doc:
+.. _reStructuredText:
+.. _reStructuredTextDirectives:
+.. include:: /_include/common-references.txt