path: root/docs/_ext/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'docs/_ext/')
1 files changed, 382 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/docs/_ext/ b/docs/_ext/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..39028912
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/_ext/
@@ -0,0 +1,382 @@
+generate json with all commands from xml for vyos documentation coverage
+import sys
+import os
+import json
+import re
+import logging
+from io import BytesIO
+from lxml import etree as ET
+import shutil
+default_constraint_err_msg = "Invalid value"
+validator_dir = ""
+input_data = [
+ {
+ "kind": "cfgcmd",
+ "input_dir": "_include/vyos-1x/interface-definitions/",
+ "schema_file": "_include/vyos-1x/schema/interface_definition.rng",
+ "files": []
+ },
+ {
+ "kind": "opcmd",
+ "input_dir": "_include/vyos-1x/op-mode-definitions/",
+ "schema_file": "_include/vyos-1x/schema/op-mode-definition.rng",
+ "files": []
+ }
+node_data = {
+ 'cfgcmd': {},
+ 'opcmd': {},
+def get_properties(p):
+ props = {}
+ props['valueless'] = False
+ try:
+ if p.find("valueless") is not None:
+ props['valueless'] = True
+ except:
+ pass
+ if p is None:
+ return props
+ # Get the help string
+ try:
+ props["help"] = p.find("help").text
+ except:
+ pass
+ # Get value help strings
+ try:
+ vhe = p.findall("valueHelp")
+ vh = []
+ for v in vhe:
+ vh.append( (v.find("format").text, v.find("description").text) )
+ props["val_help"] = vh
+ except:
+ props["val_help"] = []
+ # Get the constraint statements
+ error_msg = default_constraint_err_msg
+ # Get the error message if it's there
+ try:
+ error_msg = p.find("constraintErrorMessage").text
+ except:
+ pass
+ vce = p.find("constraint")
+ vc = []
+ if vce is not None:
+ # The old backend doesn't support multiple validators in OR mode
+ # so we emulate it
+ regexes = []
+ regex_elements = vce.findall("regex")
+ if regex_elements is not None:
+ regexes = list(map(lambda e: e.text.strip(), regex_elements))
+ if "" in regexes:
+ print("Warning: empty regex, node will be accepting any value")
+ validator_elements = vce.findall("validator")
+ validators = []
+ if validator_elements is not None:
+ for v in validator_elements:
+ v_name = os.path.join(validator_dir, v.get("name"))
+ # XXX: lxml returns None for empty arguments
+ v_argument = None
+ try:
+ v_argument = v.get("argument")
+ except:
+ pass
+ if v_argument is None:
+ v_argument = ""
+ validators.append("{0} {1}".format(v_name, v_argument))
+ regex_args = " ".join(map(lambda s: "--regex \\\'{0}\\\'".format(s), regexes))
+ validator_args = " ".join(map(lambda s: "--exec \\\"{0}\\\"".format(s), validators))
+ validator_script = '${vyos_libexec_dir}/'
+ validator_string = "exec \"{0} {1} {2} --value \\\'$VAR(@)\\\'\"; \"{3}\"".format(validator_script, regex_args, validator_args, error_msg)
+ props["constraint"] = validator_string
+ # Get the completion help strings
+ try:
+ che = p.findall("completionHelp")
+ ch = ""
+ for c in che:
+ scripts = c.findall("script")
+ paths = c.findall("path")
+ lists = c.findall("list")
+ # Current backend doesn't support multiple allowed: tags
+ # so we get to emulate it
+ comp_exprs = []
+ for i in lists:
+ comp_exprs.append("echo \"{0}\"".format(i.text))
+ for i in paths:
+ comp_exprs.append("/bin/cli-shell-api listNodes {0}".format(i.text))
+ for i in scripts:
+ comp_exprs.append("sh -c \"{0}\"".format(i.text))
+ comp_help = " && ".join(comp_exprs)
+ props["comp_help"] = comp_help
+ except:
+ props["comp_help"] = []
+ # Get priority
+ try:
+ props["priority"] = p.find("priority").text
+ except:
+ pass
+ # Get "multi"
+ if p.find("multi") is not None:
+ props["multi"] = True
+ # Get "valueless"
+ if p.find("valueless") is not None:
+ props["valueless"] = True
+ return props
+def process_node(n, f):
+ props_elem = n.find("properties")
+ children = n.find("children")
+ command = n.find("command")
+ children_nodes = []
+ owner = n.get("owner")
+ node_type = n.tag
+ name = n.get("name")
+ props = get_properties(props_elem)
+ if node_type != "node":
+ if "valueless" not in props.keys():
+ props["type"] = "txt"
+ if node_type == "tagNode":
+ props["tag"] = "True"
+ if node_type == "node" and children is not None:
+ inner_nodes = children.iterfind("*")
+ index_child = 0
+ for inner_n in inner_nodes:
+ children_nodes.append(process_node(inner_n, f))
+ index_child = index_child + 1
+ if node_type == "tagNode" and children is not None:
+ inner_nodes = children.iterfind("*")
+ index_child = 0
+ for inner_n in inner_nodes:
+ children_nodes.append(process_node(inner_n, f))
+ index_child = index_child + 1
+ else:
+ # This is a leaf node
+ pass
+ if command is not None:
+ test_command = True
+ else:
+ test_command = False
+ node = {
+ 'name': name,
+ 'type': node_type,
+ 'children': children_nodes,
+ 'props': props,
+ 'command': test_command,
+ 'filename': f
+ }
+ return node
+def create_commands(data, parent_list=[], level=0):
+ result = []
+ command = {
+ 'name': [],
+ 'help': None,
+ 'tag_help': [],
+ 'level': level,
+ 'no_childs': False,
+ 'filename': None
+ }
+ command['filename'] = data['filename']
+ command['name'].extend(parent_list)
+ command['name'].append(data['name'])
+ if data['type'] == 'tagNode':
+ command['name'].append("<" + data['name'] + ">")
+ if 'val_help' in data['props'].keys():
+ for val_help in data['props']['val_help']:
+ command['tag_help'].append(val_help)
+ if len(data['children']) == 0:
+ command['no_childs'] = True
+ if data['command']:
+ command['no_childs'] = True
+ try:
+ help_text = data['props']['help']
+ command['help'] = re.sub(r"[\n\t]*", "", help_text)
+ except:
+ command['help'] = ""
+ command['valueless'] = data['props']['valueless']
+ if 'children' in data.keys():
+ children_bool = True
+ for child in data['children']:
+ result.extend(create_commands(child, command['name'], level + 1))
+ if command['no_childs']:
+ result.append(command)
+ return result
+def include_file(line, input_dir):
+ string = ""
+ if "#include <include" in line.strip():
+ include_filename = line.strip().split('<')[1][:-1]
+ with open(input_dir + include_filename) as ifp:
+ iline = ifp.readline()
+ while iline:
+ string = string + include_file(iline.strip(), input_dir)
+ iline = ifp.readline()
+ else:
+ string = line
+ return string
+def get_working_commands():
+ for entry in input_data:
+ for (dirpath, dirnames, filenames) in os.walk(entry['input_dir']):
+ entry['files'].extend(filenames)
+ break
+ for f in entry['files']:
+ string = ""
+ with open(entry['input_dir'] + f) as fp:
+ line = fp.readline()
+ while line:
+ string = string + include_file(line.strip(), entry['input_dir'])
+ line = fp.readline()
+ try:
+ xml = ET.parse(BytesIO(bytes(string, 'utf-8')))
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Failed to load interface definition file {0}".format(f))
+ print(e)
+ sys.exit(1)
+ override_defaults(xml)
+ try:
+ relaxng_xml = ET.parse(entry['schema_file'])
+ validator = ET.RelaxNG(relaxng_xml)
+ if not validator.validate(xml):
+ print(validator.error_log)
+ print("Interface definition file {0} does not match the schema!".format(f))
+ sys.exit(1)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Failed to load the XML schema {0}".format(entry['schema_file']))
+ print(e)
+ sys.exit(1)
+ root = xml.getroot()
+ nodes = root.iterfind("*")
+ for n in nodes:
+ node_data[entry['kind']][f] = process_node(n, f)
+ # build config tree and sort
+ config_tree_new = {
+ 'cfgcmd': {},
+ 'opcmd': {},
+ }
+ for kind in node_data:
+ for entry in node_data[kind]:
+ node_0 = node_data[kind][entry]['name']
+ if node_0 not in config_tree_new[kind].keys():
+ config_tree_new[kind][node_0] = {
+ 'name': node_0,
+ 'type': node_data[kind][entry]['type'],
+ 'props': node_data[kind][entry]['props'],
+ 'children': [],
+ 'command': node_data[kind][entry]['command'],
+ 'filename': node_data[kind][entry]['filename'],
+ }
+ config_tree_new[kind][node_0]['children'].extend(node_data[kind][entry]['children'])
+ result = {
+ 'cfgcmd': [],
+ 'opcmd': [],
+ }
+ for kind in config_tree_new:
+ for e in config_tree_new[kind]:
+ result[kind].extend(create_commands(config_tree_new[kind][e]))
+ for cmd in result['cfgcmd']:
+ cmd['cmd'] = " ".join(cmd['name'])
+ for cmd in result['opcmd']:
+ cmd['cmd'] = " ".join(cmd['name'])
+ return result
+def override_defaults(xml):
+ root = xml.getroot()
+ defv = {}
+ xpath_str = f'//defaultValue'
+ xp = xml.xpath(xpath_str)
+ for element in xp:
+ ap = element.xpath('ancestor::*[@name]')
+ defv.setdefault((ap[-1].get("name"), str(ap[:-1])), []).append(element)
+ for k, v in defv.items():
+ if len(v) > 1:
+ override_element(v)
+def override_element(l: list):
+ if len(l) < 2:
+ return
+ # assemble list of leafNodes of overriding defaultValues, for later removal
+ parents = []
+ for el in l[1:]:
+ parents.append(el.getparent())
+ # replace element with final override
+ l[0].getparent().replace(l[0], l[-1])
+ # remove all but overridden element
+ for el in parents:
+ el.getparent().remove(el)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ res = get_working_commands()
+ print(json.dumps(res))
+ #print(res['cfgcmd'][0])