From dc2f70f10e05b2df120972f8b31debfa3ade65b2 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: rebortg <>
Date: Thu, 10 Dec 2020 22:10:46 +0100
Subject: sort IP commands under configuration

 docs/operation/index.rst       |   1 -
 docs/operation/ip-commands.rst | 258 -----------------------------------------
 2 files changed, 259 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 docs/operation/ip-commands.rst

(limited to 'docs/operation')

diff --git a/docs/operation/index.rst b/docs/operation/index.rst
index 647b5b25..c19afeab 100644
--- a/docs/operation/index.rst
+++ b/docs/operation/index.rst
@@ -7,5 +7,4 @@ Operation Mode
-   ip-commands
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diff --git a/docs/operation/ip-commands.rst b/docs/operation/ip-commands.rst
deleted file mode 100644
index eba4fd90..00000000
--- a/docs/operation/ip-commands.rst
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,258 +0,0 @@
-.. _ip-commands:
-IP commands
-System configuration commands
-.. cfgcmd:: set system ip disable-forwarding
-   Use this command to disable IPv4 forwarding on all interfaces.
-.. cfgcmd:: set system ip arp table-size <number>
-   Use this command to define the maximum number of entries to keep in
-   the ARP cache (1024, 2048, 4096, 8192, 16384, 32768).
-.. cfgcmd:: set system ip multipath layer4-hashing
-   Use this command to use Layer 4 information for IPv4 ECMP hashing.
-Operational commands
-show commands
-See below the different parameters available for the IPv4 **show** command:
-.. code-block:: none
-   vyos@vyos:~$ show ip
-   Possible completions:
-     access-list   Show all IP access-lists
-     as-path-access-list
-                   Show all as-path-access-lists
-     bgp           Show Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) information
-     community-list
-                   Show IP community-lists
-     extcommunity-list
-                   Show extended IP community-lists
-     forwarding    Show IP forwarding status
-     groups        Show IP multicast group membership
-     igmp          Show IGMP (Internet Group Management Protocol) information
-     large-community-list
-                   Show IP large-community-lists
-     multicast     Show IP multicast
-     ospf          Show IPv4 Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) routing information
-     pim           Show PIM (Protocol Independent Multicast) information
-     ports         Show IP ports in use by various system services
-     prefix-list   Show all IP prefix-lists
-     protocol      Show IP route-maps per protocol
-     rip           Show Routing Information Protocol (RIP) information
-     route         Show IP routes
-reset commands
-And the different IPv4 **reset** commands available:
-.. code-block:: none
-   vyos@vyos:~$ reset ip
-   Possible completions:
-     arp           Reset Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) cache
-     bgp           Clear Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) statistics or status
-     igmp          IGMP clear commands
-     multicast     IP multicast routing table
-     route         Reset IP route
-System configuration commands
-.. cfgcmd:: set system ipv6 disable
-   Use this command to disable assignment of IPv6 addresses on all
-   interfaces.
-.. cfgcmd:: set system ipv6 disable-forwarding
-   Use this command to disable IPv6 forwarding on all interfaces.
-.. cfgcmd:: set system ipv6 neighbor table-size <number>
-   Use this command to define the maximum number of entries to keep in
-   the Neighbor cache (1024, 2048, 4096, 8192, 16384, 32768).
-.. cfgcmd:: set system ipv6 strict-dad
-   Use this command to disable IPv6 operation on interface when
-   Duplicate Address Detection fails on Link-Local address.
-.. cfgcmd:: set system ipv6 multipath layer4-hashing
-   Use this command to user Layer 4 information for ECMP hashing.
-Operational commands
-Show commands
-.. opcmd:: show ipv6 neighbors
-   Use this command to show IPv6 Neighbor Discovery Protocol information.
-.. opcmd:: show ipv6 groups
-   Use this command to show IPv6 multicast group membership.
-.. opcmd:: show ipv6 forwarding
-   Use this command to show IPv6 forwarding status.
-.. opcmd:: show ipv6 route
-   Use this command to show IPv6 routes.
-   Check the many parameters available for the `show ipv6 route` command:
-   .. code-block:: none
-      vyos@vyos:~$ show ipv6 route
-      Possible completions:
-        <Enter>       Execute the current command
-        <X:X::X:X>    Show IPv6 routes of given address or prefix
-        <X:X::X:X/M>
-        bgp           Show IPv6 BGP routes
-        cache         Show kernel IPv6 route cache
-        connected     Show IPv6 connected routes
-        forward       Show kernel IPv6 route table
-        isis          Show IPv6 ISIS routes
-        kernel        Show IPv6 kernel routes
-        ospfv3        Show IPv6 OSPF6 routes
-        ripng         Show IPv6 RIPNG routes
-        static        Show IPv6 static routes
-        summary       Show IPv6 routes summary
-        table         Show IP routes in policy table
-        vrf           Show IPv6 routes in VRF
-.. opcmd:: show ipv6 prefix-list
-   Use this command to show all IPv6 prefix lists
-   There are different parameters for getting prefix-list information:
-   .. code-block:: none
-      vyos@vyos:~$ show ipv6 prefix-list
-      Possible completions:
-        <Enter>       Execute the current command
-        <WORD>        Show specified IPv6 prefix-list
-        detail        Show detail of IPv6 prefix-lists
-        summary       Show summary of IPv6 prefix-lists
-.. opcmd:: show ipv6 access-list
-   Use this command to show all IPv6 access lists
-   You can also specify which IPv6 access-list should be shown:
-   .. code-block:: none
-      vyos@vyos:~$ show ipv6 access-list
-      Possible completions:
-        <Enter>       Execute the current command
-        <text>        Show specified IPv6 access-list
-.. opcmd:: show ipv6 bgp
-   Use this command to show IPv6 Border Gateway Protocol information.
-   In addition, you can specify many other parameters to get BGP
-   information:
-   .. code-block:: none
-      vyos@vyos:~$ show ipv6 bgp
-      Possible completions:
-        <Enter>       Execute the current command
-        <X:X::X:X>    Show BGP information for given address or prefix
-        <X:X::X:X/M>
-        community     Show routes matching the communities
-        community-list
-                      Show routes matching the community-list
-        filter-list   Show routes conforming to the filter-list
-        large-community
-                      Show routes matching the large-community-list
-        large-community-list
-        neighbors     Show detailed information on TCP and BGP neighbor connections
-        prefix-list   Show routes matching the prefix-list
-        regexp        Show routes matching the AS path regular expression
-        route-map     Show BGP routes matching the specified route map
-        summary       Show summary of BGP neighbor status
-.. opcmd:: show ipv6 ospfv3
-   Use this command to get information about OSPFv3.
-   You can get more specific OSPFv3 information by using the parameters
-   shown below:
-   .. code-block:: none
-      vyos@vyos:~$ show ipv6 ospfv3
-      Possible completions:
-        <Enter>       Execute the current command
-        area          Show OSPFv3 spf-tree information
-        border-routers
-                      Show OSPFv3 border-router (ABR and ASBR) information
-        database      Show OSPFv3 Link state database information
-        interface     Show OSPFv3 interface information
-        linkstate     Show OSPFv3 linkstate routing information
-        neighbor      Show OSPFv3 neighbor information
-        redistribute  Show OSPFv3 redistribute External information
-        route         Show OSPFv3 routing table information
-.. opcmd:: show ipv6 ripng
-   Use this command to get information about the RIPNG protocol
-.. opcmd:: show ipv6 ripng status
-   Use this command to show the status of the RIPNG protocol
-Reset commands
-.. opcmd:: reset ipv6 bgp <address>
-   Use this command to clear Border Gateway Protocol statistics or
-   status.
-.. opcmd:: reset ipv6 neighbors <address | interface>
-   Use this command to reset IPv6 Neighbor Discovery Protocol cache for
-   an address or interface.
-.. opcmd:: reset ipv6 route cache
-   Use this command to flush the kernel IPv6 route cache.
-   An address can be added to flush it only for that route.
cgit v1.2.3