StylesPath = ci/vale MinAlertLevel = suggestion [*.rst] BasedOnStyles = VyOS Google.DateFormat = YES vale.GenderBias = NO vale.Hedging = NO vale.Redundancy = NO vale.Repetition = YES vale.Uncomparables = NO proselint.GenderBias = YES # Custom block scoping (see the regex101 links for unit tests): # # Rule #1 ( Ignore `{%comment%}` blocks. This # keeps Vale from flagging 'endcomment' as a spelling mistake. # # Rule #2 ( Ignore `
`s and `
`s # that specify `markdown="1"` since it isn't supported by Vale's Markdown # parser ( # # Rule #3 ( Ignore `{% include %}`-codeblock # pairs. BlockIgnores = (?s)({%\s?comment\s?%}.+?{%\s?endcomment\s?%}), \ (?s)(<(?:div|section)[^>]*markdown="1"[^>]*>.*?), \ (?s)((?: *{% include [^%]+ %}\n)? *~~~.*?~~~~?) # Custom inline scoping (see the regex101 links for unit tests): # # Rule #1 ( Ignore `{% include %}`s, which # contain file paths. TokenIgnores = ({%\s?include\s? {{ [^}]+ }}[^%]+\s?%})