# Must be run with --privileged flag # Recommended to run the container with a volume mapped # in order to easy exprort images built to "external" world FROM debian:stretch LABEL authors="VyOS Maintainers <maintainers@vyos.io>" ENV DEBIAN_FRONTEND noninteractive # Standard shell should be bash not dash RUN echo "dash dash/sh boolean false" | debconf-set-selections && \ dpkg-reconfigure dash RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y \ vim \ nano \ git \ mc \ make \ python3-sphinx \ python3-pip \ python-sphinx-rtd-theme \ latexmk \ texlive-latex-recommended \ texlive-fonts-recommended \ texlive-latex-extra \ sudo \ gosu \ graphviz \ curl \ dos2unix RUN pip3 install sphinx-autobuild # Cleanup RUN rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/* EXPOSE 8000 # Allow password-less 'sudo' for all users in group 'sudo' RUN sed "s/^%sudo.*/%sudo\tALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:ALL/g" -i /etc/sudoers && \ chmod a+s /usr/sbin/useradd /usr/sbin/groupadd /usr/sbin/gosu /usr/sbin/usermod # vale RUN curl -sfL https://install.goreleaser.com/github.com/ValeLint/vale.sh | sh -s v1.7.1 COPY entrypoint.sh /usr/local/bin/entrypoint.sh # we need to convert the entrypoint with appropriate line endings, else # there will be an error: # standard_init_linux.go:175: exec user process caused # "no such file or directory" RUN dos2unix /usr/local/bin/entrypoint.sh ENTRYPOINT ["/usr/local/bin/entrypoint.sh"]