**DHCPv6 Prefix Delegation (PD)** VyOS 1.3 (equuleus) supports DHCPv6-PD (:rfc:`3633`). DHCPv6 Prefix Delegation is supported by most ISPs who provide native IPv6 for consumers on fixed networks. .. cfgcmd:: set interfaces {{ var0 }} <interface> dhcpv6-option pd <id> length <length> Some ISPs by default only delegate a /64 prefix. To request for a specific prefix size use this option to request for a bigger delegation for this pd `<id>`. This value is in the range from 32 - 64 so you could request up to a /32 prefix (if your ISP allows this) down to a /64 delegation. The default value corresponds to 64. Example: To request a /56 prefix from your ISP use: .. code-block:: none set interfaces {{ var0 }} {{ var1 }} dhcpv6-options pd 0 length 56 .. cfgcmd:: set interfaces {{ var0 }} <interface> dhcpv6-option pd <id> interface <delegatee> address <address> Specify the interface address used locally on the interfcae where the prefix has been delegated to. ID must be a decimal integer. It will be combined with the delegated prefix and the sla-id to form a complete interface address. The default is to use the EUI-64 address of the interface. Example: Delegate a /64 prefix to interface eth0.10 which will use a local address on this router of ``<prefix>::ffff``, as the address 65534 will correspond to ``ffff`` in hexadecimal notation. .. code-block:: none set interfaces {{ var0 }} {{ var1 }} dhcpv6-option pd 0 interface eth0.10 address 65534 .. cfgcmd:: set interfaces {{ var0 }} <interface> dhcpv6-option pd <id> interface <delegatee> sla-id <id> Specify the identifier value of the site-level aggregator (SLA) on the interface. ID must be a decimal number greater then 0 which fits in the length of SLA IDs (see below). Example: If ID is 1 and the client is delegated an IPv6 prefix 2001:db8:ffff::/48, dhcp6c will combine the two values into a single IPv6 prefix, 2001:db8:ffff:1::/64, and will configure the prefix on the specified interface. .. code-block:: none set interfaces {{ var0 }} {{ var1 }} dhcpv6-option pd 0 interface eth0.10 sla-id 1