.. cfgcmd:: set interfaces {{ var0 }} <interface> {{ var2 }} {{ var3 }}
  {{ var5 }} {{ var6 }} ipv6 address autoconf

  :abbr:`SLAAC (Stateless Address Autoconfiguration)` :rfc:`4862`. IPv6 hosts
  can configure themselves automatically when connected to an IPv6 network using
  the Neighbor Discovery Protocol via :abbr:`ICMPv6 (Internet Control Message
  Protocol version 6)` router discovery messages. When first connected to a
  network, a host sends a link-local router solicitation multicast request for
  its configuration parameters; routers respond to such a request with a router
  advertisement packet that contains Internet Layer configuration parameters.

  .. note:: This method automatically disables IPv6 traffic forwarding on the
    interface in question.


  .. code-block:: none

    set interfaces {{ var0 }} {{ var1 }} {{ var2 }} {{ var4 }} {{ var5 }} {{ var7 }} ipv6 address autoconf

.. cfgcmd:: set interfaces {{ var0 }} <interface> {{ var2 }} {{ var3 }}
  {{ var5 }} {{ var6 }} ipv6 address eui64 <prefix>

  :abbr:`EUI-64 (64-Bit Extended Unique Identifier)` as specified in
  :rfc:`4291` allows a host to assign iteslf a unique 64-Bit IPv6 address.


  .. code-block:: none

    set interfaces {{ var0 }} {{ var1 }} {{ var2 }} {{ var4 }} {{ var5 }} {{ var7 }} ipv6 address eui64 2001:db8:beef::/64

.. cfgcmd:: set interfaces {{ var0 }} <interface> {{ var2 }} {{ var3 }}
  {{ var5 }} {{ var6 }} ipv6 address no-default-link-local

  Do not assign a link-local IPv6 address to this interface.


  .. code-block:: none

    set interfaces {{ var0 }} {{ var1 }} {{ var2 }} {{ var4 }} {{ var5 }} {{ var7 }} ipv6 address no-default-link-local

.. cfgcmd:: set interfaces {{ var0 }} <interface> {{ var2 }} {{ var3 }}
  {{ var5 }} {{ var6 }} ipv6 disable-forwarding

  Configure interface-specific Host/Router behaviour. If set, the interface will
  switch to host mode and IPv6 forwarding will be disabled on this interface.


  .. code-block:: none

    set interfaces {{ var0 }} {{ var1 }} {{ var2 }} {{ var4 }} {{ var5 }} {{ var7 }} ipv6 disable-forwarding

.. cfgcmd:: set interfaces {{ var0 }} <interface> {{ var2 }} {{ var3 }}
  {{ var5 }} {{ var6 }} ipv6 adjust-mss <mss | clamp-mss-to-pmtu>

  As Internet wide PMTU discovery rarely works, we sometimes need to clamp our
  TCP MSS value to a specific value. This is a field in the TCP options part of
  a SYN packet. By setting the MSS value, you are telling the remote side
  unequivocally 'do not try to send me packets bigger than this value'.

  .. note:: This command was introduced in VyOS 1.4 - it was previously called:
    ``set firewall options interface <name> adjust-mss6 <value>``

  .. hint:: MSS value = MTU - 40 (IPv6 header) - 20 (TCP header), resulting in
    1432 bytes on a 1492 byte MTU.
  Instead of a numerical MSS value `clamp-mss-to-pmtu` can be used to 
  automatically set the proper value.