:lastproofread: 2023-01-16 .. _vyosapi: ######## VyOS API ######## For configuration and enabling the API see :ref:`http-api` ************** Authentication ************** All endpoints only listen on HTTP POST requests and the API KEY must set as ``key`` in the formdata. Below see one example for curl and one for python. The rest of the documentation is reduced to curl. .. code-block:: none curl --location --request POST 'https://vyos/retrieve' \ --form data='{"op": "showConfig", "path": []}' \ --form key='MY-HTTPS-API-PLAINTEXT-KEY' .. code-block:: python import requests url = "https://vyos/retrieve" payload={'data': '{"op": "showConfig", "path": []}', 'key': 'MY-HTTPS-API-PLAINTEXT-KEY' } headers = {} response = requests.request("POST", url, headers=headers, data=payload) print(response.text) ************* API Endpoints ************* /retrieve ========= With the ``retrieve`` endpoint you get parts or the whole configuration. To get the whole configuration, pass an empty list to the ``path`` field .. code-block:: none curl --location --request POST 'https://vyos/retrieve' \ --form data='{"op": "showConfig", "path": []}' \ --form key='MY-HTTPS-API-PLAINTEXT-KEY' response (shorted) { "success": true, "data": { "interfaces": { "ethernet": { "eth0": { "address": "dhcp", "duplex": "auto", "hw-id": "50:00:00:01:00:00", "speed": "auto" }, "eth1": { "duplex": "auto", "hw-id": "50:00:00:01:00:01", "speed": "auto" ... }, "error": null } To only get a part of the configuration, for example ``system syslog``. .. code-block:: none curl -k --location --request POST 'https://vyos/retrieve' \ --form data='{"op": "showConfig", "path": ["system", "syslog"]}' \ --form key='MY-HTTPS-API-PLAINTEXT-KEY' response: { "success": true, "data": { "global": { "facility": { "all": { "level": "info" }, "protocols": { "level": "debug" } } } }, "error": null } if you just want the Value of a multi-valued node, use the ``returnValues`` operation. For example, get the addresses of a ``dum0`` interface. .. code-block:: none curl -k --location --request POST 'https://vyos/retrieve' \ --form data='{"op": "returnValues", "path": ["interfaces","dummy","dum0","address"]}' \ --form key='MY-HTTPS-API-PLAINTEXT-KEY' respone: { "success": true, "data": [ "", "", "" ], "error": null } To check existence of a configuration path, use the ``exists`` operation. For example, check an existing path: .. code-block:: none curl -k --location --request POST 'https://vyos/retrieve' \ --form data='{"op": "exists", "path": ["service","https","api"]}' \ --form key='MY-HTTPS-API-PLAINTEXT-KEY' response: { "success": true, "data": true, "error": null } versus a non-existent path: .. code-block:: none curl -k --location --request POST 'https://vyos/retrieve' \ --form data='{"op": "exists", "path": ["service","non","existent","path"]}' \ --form key='MY-HTTPS-API-PLAINTEXT-KEY' response: { "success": true, "data": false, "error": null } /reset ====== The ``reset`` endpoint run a ``reset`` command. .. code-block:: none curl --location --request POST 'https://vyos/reset' \ --form data='{"op": "reset", "path": ["ip", "bgp", ""]}' \ --form key='MY-HTTPS-API-PLAINTEXT-KEY' respone: { "success": true, "data": "", "error": null } /reboot ======= To initiate a reboot use the ``reboot`` endpoint. .. code-block:: none curl --location --request POST 'https://vyos/reboot' \ --form data='{"op": "reboot", "path": ["now"]}' \ --form key='MY-HTTPS-API-PLAINTEXT-KEY' respone: { "success": true, "data": "", "error": null } /poweroff ========= To power off the system use the ``poweroff`` endpoint. .. code-block:: none curl --location --request POST 'https://vyos/poweroff' \ --form data='{"op": "poweroff", "path": ["now"]}' \ --form key='MY-HTTPS-API-PLAINTEXT-KEY' respone: { "success": true, "data": "", "error": null } /image ====== To add or delete an image, use the ``/image`` endpoint. add an image .. code-block:: none curl -k --location --request POST 'https://vyos/image' \ --form data='{"op": "add", "url": "https://downloads.vyos.io/rolling/current/amd64/vyos-rolling-latest.iso"}' \ --form key='MY-HTTPS-API-PLAINTEXT-KEY' respone (shorted): { "success": true, "data": "Trying to fetch ISO file from https://downloads.vyos.io/rolling-latest.iso\n ... Setting up grub configuration...\nDone.\n", "error": null } delete an image, for example ``1.3-rolling-202006070117`` .. code-block:: none curl -k --location --request POST 'https://vyos/image' \ --form data='{"op": "delete", "name": "1.3-rolling-202006070117"}' \ --form key='MY-HTTPS-API-PLAINTEXT-KEY' response: { "success": true, "data": "Deleting the \"1.3-rolling-202006070117\" image...\nDone\n", "error": null } /show ===== The ``/show`` endpoint is to show everything in the operational mode. For example, show which images are installed. .. code-block:: none curl -k --location --request POST 'https://vyos/show' \ --form data='{"op": "show", "path": ["system", "image"]}' \ --form key='MY-HTTPS-API-PLAINTEXT-KEY' response: { "success": true, "data": "The system currently has the following image(s) installed:\n\n 1: 1.4-rolling-202102280559 (default boot)\n 2: 1.4-rolling-202102230218\n 3: 1.3-beta-202102210443\n\n", "error": null } /generate ========= The ``generate`` endpoint run a ``generate`` command. .. code-block:: none curl -k --location --request POST 'https://vyos/generate' \ --form data='{"op": "generate", "path": ["pki", "wireguard", "key-pair"]}' \ --form key='MY-HTTPS-API-PLAINTEXT-KEY' response: { "success": true, "data": "Private key: CFZR2eyhoVZwk4n3JFPMJx3E145f1EYgDM+ubytXYVY=\n Public key: jjtpPT8ycI1Q0bNtrWuxAkO4k88Xwzg5VHV9xGZ58lU=\n\n", "error": null } /configure ========== You can pass a ``set``, ``delete`` or ``comment`` command to the ``/configure`` endpoint. ``set`` a single command .. code-block:: none curl -k --location --request POST 'https://vyos/configure' \ --form data='{"op": "set", "path": ["interfaces", "dummy", "dum1", "address", ""]}' \ --form key='MY-HTTPS-API-PLAINTEXT-KEY' response: { "success": true, "data": null, "error": null } ``delete`` a single command .. code-block:: none curl -k --location --request POST 'https://vyos/configure' \ --form data='{"op": "delete", "path": ["interfaces", "dummy", "dum1", "address", ""]}' \ --form key='MY-HTTPS-API-PLAINTEXT-KEY' response: { "success": true, "data": null, "error": null } The API pushes every request to a session and commit it. But some of VyOS components like DHCP and PPPoE Servers, IPSec, VXLAN, and other tunnels require full configuration for commit. The endpoint will process multiple commands when you pass them as a list to the ``data`` field. .. code-block:: none curl -k --location --request POST 'https://vyos/configure' \ --form data='[{"op": "set","path":["interfaces","vxlan","vxlan1","remote",""]}, {"op": "set","path":["interfaces","vxlan","vxlan1","vni","1"]}]' \ --form key='MY-HTTPS-API-PLAINTEXT-KEY' response: { "success": true, "data": null, "error": null } /config-file ============ The endpoint ``/config-file`` is to save or load a configuration. Save a running configuration to the startup configuration. When you don't specify the file when saving, it saves to ``/config/config.boot``. .. code-block:: none curl -k --location --request POST 'https://vyos/config-file' \ --form data='{"op": "save"}' \ --form key='MY-HTTPS-API-PLAINTEXT-KEY' response: { "success": true, "data": "Saving configuration to '/config/config.boot'...\nDone\n", "error": null } Save a running configuration to a file. .. code-block:: none curl -k --location --request POST 'https://vyos/config-file' \ --form data='{"op": "save", "file": "/config/test.config"}' \ --form key='MY-HTTPS-API-PLAINTEXT-KEY' response: { "success": true, "data": "Saving configuration to '/config/test.config'...\nDone\n", "error": null } To Load a configuration file. .. code-block:: none curl -k --location --request POST 'https://vyos/config-file' \ --form data='{"op": "load", "file": "/config/test.config"}' \ --form key='MY-HTTPS-API-PLAINTEXT-KEY' response: { "success": true, "data": null, "error": null }