:lastproofread: 2023-01-16 .. _vyos-salt: .. include:: /_include/need_improvement.txt Salt ==== VyOS supports op-mode and configuration via salt_. Without proxy it requires VyOS minion configuration and supports op-mode data: .. code-block:: none set service salt-minion id 'r14' set service salt-minion master '' Check salt-keys on the salt master .. code-block:: none / # salt-key --list-all Accepted Keys: r11 Denied Keys: Unaccepted Keys: r14 Rejected Keys: Accept minion key .. code-block:: none / # salt-key --accept r14 The following keys are going to be accepted: Unaccepted Keys: r14 Proceed? [n/Y] y Key for minion r14 accepted. Check that salt master can communicate with minions .. code-block:: none / # salt '*' test.ping r14: True r11: True At this step we can get some op-mode information from VyOS nodes: .. code-block:: none / # salt '*' network.interface eth0 r11: |_ ---------- address: broadcast: label: eth0 netmask: r14: |_ ---------- address: broadcast: label: eth0 netmask: / # salt r14 network.arp r14: ---------- aa:bb:cc:dd:f3:db: aa:bb:cc:dd:2e:80: Netmiko-proxy ------------- It is possible to configure VyOS via netmiko_ proxy module. It requires a minion with installed packet ``python3-netmiko`` module who has a connection to VyOS nodes. Salt-minion have to communicate with salt master Configuration ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Salt master configuration: .. code-block:: none / # cat /etc/salt/master file_roots: base: - /srv/salt/states pillar_roots: base: - /srv/salt/pillars Structure of /srv/salt: .. code-block:: none / # tree /srv/salt/ /srv/salt/ |___ pillars | |__ r11-proxy.sls | |__ top.sls |___ states |__ commands.txt top.sls .. code-block:: none / # cat /srv/salt/pillars/top.sls base: r11-proxy: - r11-proxy r11-proxy.sls Includes parameters for connecting to salt-proxy minion .. code-block:: none / # cat /srv/salt/pillars/r11-proxy.sls proxy: proxytype: netmiko # how to connect to proxy minion, change it device_type: vyos # host: username: user password: secret_passwd commands.txt .. code-block:: none / # cat /srv/salt/states/commands.txt set interfaces ethernet eth0 description 'WAN' set interfaces ethernet eth1 description 'LAN' Check that proxy minion is alive: .. code-block:: none / # salt r11-proxy test.ping r11-proxy: True / # Examples ^^^^^^^^ Example of op-mode: .. code-block:: none / # salt r11-proxy netmiko.send_command 'show interfaces ethernet eth0 brief' host= device_type=vyos username=vyos password=vyos r11-proxy: Codes: S - State, L - Link, u - Up, D - Down, A - Admin Down Interface IP Address S/L Description --------- ---------- --- ----------- eth0 u/u Upstream / # Example of configuration: .. code-block:: none / # salt r11-proxy netmiko.send_config config_commands=['set interfaces ethernet eth0 description Link_to_WAN'] commit=True host= device_type=vyos username=vyos password=vyos r11-proxy: configure set interfaces ethernet eth0 description Link_to_WAN [edit] vyos@r14# commit [edit] vyos@r14# / # Example of configuration commands from the file "/srv/salt/states/commands.txt" .. code-block:: none / # salt r11-proxy netmiko.send_config config_file=salt://commands.txt commit=True host= device_type=vyos username=vyos password=vyos r11-proxy: configure set interfaces ethernet eth0 description 'WAN' [edit] vyos@r1# set interfaces ethernet eth1 description 'LAN' [edit] vyos@r1# commit [edit] vyos@r1# / # .. _salt: https://docs.saltproject.io/en/latest/contents.html .. _netmiko: https://docs.saltproject.io/en/latest/ref/modules/all/salt.modules.netmiko_mod.html#module-salt.modules.netmiko_mod