.. _configuration-overview:

Configuration Overview

VyOS makes use of a unified configuration file for all system configuration:
`config.boot`. This allows for easy template creation, backup, and replication
of system configuration.

The current active configuration -aka running configuration- can be viewed
using the show configuration command.

.. code-block:: none

  vyos@vyos:~$ show configuration
  interfaces {
      ethernet eth0 {
          address dhcp
          hw-id 00:53:dd:44:3b:0f
      loopback lo {
  service {
      ssh {
          port 22
  system {
      config-management {
          commit-revisions 20
      console {
          device ttyS0 {
              speed 9600
      login {
          user vyos {
              authentication {
                  encrypted-password ****************
              level admin
      ntp {
          server 0.pool.ntp.org {
          server 1.pool.ntp.org {
          server 2.pool.ntp.org {
      syslog {
          global {
              facility all {
                  level notice
              facility protocols {
                  level debug

By default the configuration is displayed in a hierarchy like the example above,
this is only one of the possible ways to display the configuration. When the
configuration is generated and the device is configured, changes are added
through a collection of ``set`` and ``delete`` commands.

.. opcmd:: show configuration commands

Get a collection of all the set commands required which led to this
running configuration.

.. code-block:: none

  vyos@vyos:~$ show configuration commands
  set interfaces ethernet eth0 address 'dhcp'
  set interfaces ethernet eth0 hw-id '00:53:dd:44:3b:0f'
  set interfaces loopback 'lo'
  set service ssh port '22'
  set system config-management commit-revisions '20'
  set system console device ttyS0 speed '9600'
  set system login user vyos authentication encrypted-password '<removed>'
  set system login user vyos level 'admin'
  set system ntp server '0.pool.ntp.org'
  set system ntp server '1.pool.ntp.org'
  set system ntp server '2.pool.ntp.org'
  set system syslog global facility all level 'notice'
  set system syslog global facility protocols level 'debug'

Both these commands should be executed when in operational mode, they do not
work in configuration mode.


A VyOS system has three major types of configurations:


The active or running configuration is the system configuration that is loaded
and currently being used by VyOS. Any change in the configuration will have to
be committed to belong to the active/running configuration.


The working configuration is the configuration which is currently being
modified in configuration mode. Changes made to the working configuration do
not go into effect until the changes are committed with the `commit` command.
At which time the working configuration will become the active or running


A saved configuration is a configuration saved to a file using the ``save``
command. It allows you to keep safe a configuration for future uses. There can
be multiple configuration files. The default or "boot" configuration is saved
and loaded from the file config.boot.


When entering the configuration mode you are navigating inside the tree
structure exported in the overview above, to enter configuration mode enter
the command ``configure`` when in operational mode.

.. code-block:: none

  vyos@vyos$ configure

.. note:: When going into configuration mode, prompt changes from *$* to *#*.
   To exit configuration mode, type `exit`.

All commands executed here are relative to the configuration level you have
entered. You can do everything from the top level, but commands will be quite
lengthy when manually typing them.

To change the current hierarchy level use the command: ``edit``

.. code-block:: none

  vyos@vyos# edit interfaces ethernet eth0

  [edit interfaces ethernet eth0]

You are now in a sublevel relative to ``interfaces ethernet eth0``, all
commands executed from this point on are relative to this sublevel. Use either
the ``top`` or ``exit`` command to go back to the top of the hierarchy. You can
also use the ``up`` command to move only one level up at a time.

The ``show`` command within configuration mode will show the working
configuration indicating line changes with ``+`` for additions, ``>`` for
replacements and ``-`` for deletions.

.. code-block:: none

 vyos@vyos:~$ configure
 vyos@vyos# show interfaces
  ethernet eth0 {
      description MY_OLD_DESCRIPTION
      hw-id 00:53:dd:44:3b:03
  loopback lo {
 vyos@vyos# set interfaces ethernet eth0 address dhcp
 vyos@vyos# set interfaces ethernet eth0 description MY_NEW_DESCRIPTION
 vyos@vyos# delete interfaces ethernet eth0 disable
 vyos@vyos# show interfaces
  ethernet eth0 {
 +    address dhcp
 >    description MY_NEW_DESCRIPTION
 -    disable
      hw-id 00:53:dd:44:3b:03
  loopback lo {

It is also possible to display all `set` commands within configuration mode
using ``show | commands``

.. code-block:: none

  vyos@vyos# show interfaces ethernet eth0 | commands
  set address dhcp
  set hw-id 00:53:ad:44:3b:03

These commands are also relative to the level you are inside and only relevant
configuration blocks will be displayed when entering a sub-level.

.. code-block:: none

  [edit interfaces ethernet eth0]
  vyos@vyos# show
   address dhcp
   hw-id 00:53:ad:44:3b:03

Exiting from the configuration mode is done via the ``exit`` command from the
top level, executing `exit` from within a sub-level takes you back to the top

.. code-block:: none

  [edit interfaces ethernet eth0]
  vyos@vyos# exit
  vyos@vyos# exit
  Warning: configuration changes have not been saved.


The configuration is managed by the use of ``set`` and ``delete`` commands from
within configuration mode. Configuration commands are flattened from the tree
into 'one-liner' commands shown in ``show configuration commands`` from
operation mode.

These commands are also relative to the level where they are executed and all
redundant information from the current level is removed from the command

.. code-block:: none

  vyos@vyos# set interface ethernet eth0 address

  [edit interfaces ethernet eth0]
  vyos@vyos# set address

These two commands above are essentially the same, just executed from different
levels in the hierarchy.

To delete a configuration entry use the ``delete`` command, this also deletes
all sub-levels under the current level you've specified in the ``delete``
command. Deleting an entry will also result in the element reverting back to
its default value if one exists.

.. code-block:: none

  [edit interfaces ethernet eth0]
  vyos@vyos#  delete address

Any change you do on the configuration, will not take effect until committed
using the ``commit`` command in configuration mode.

.. code-block:: none

  vyos@vyos# commit
  vyos@vyos# exit
  Warning: configuration changes have not been saved.

In order to preserve configuration changes upon reboot, the configuration must
also be saved once applied. This is done using the ``save`` command in
configuration mode.

.. code-block:: none

  vyos@vyos# save
  Saving configuration to '/config/config.boot'...

Configuration mode can not be exited while uncommitted changes exist. To exit
configuration mode without applying changes, the exit discard command can be

.. code-block:: none

  vyos@vyos# exit
  Cannot exit: configuration modified.
  Use 'exit discard' to discard the changes and exit.
  vyos@vyos# exit discard

.. code-block:: none

  vyos@vyos# save [tab]
  Possible completions:
    <Enter>       Save to system config file
    <file>        Save to file on local machine
    scp://<user>:<passwd>@<host>/<file> Save to file on remote machine
    ftp://<user>:<passwd>@<host>/<file> Save to file on remote machine
    tftp://<host>/<file>      Save to file on remote machine
  vyos@vyos# save tftp://
  Saving configuration to 'tftp://'...
  ######################################################################## 100.0%

Access from config mode

When inside configuration mode you are not directly able to execute operational

Access to these commands are possible through the use of the ``run [command]``
command. From this command you will have access to everything accessible from
operational mode.

Command completion and syntax help with ``?`` and ``[tab]`` will also work.

.. code-block:: none

  vyos@vyos# run show interfaces
  Codes: S - State, L - Link, u - Up, D - Down, A - Admin Down
  Interface        IP Address                        S/L  Description
  ---------        ----------                        ---  -----------
  eth0                            u/u


VyOS automatically maintains backups of previous configurations.

Local archive and revisions

Revisions are stored on disk. You can view them, compare them, and rollback to
previous revisions if anything goes wrong.

To view existing revisions, use ``show system commit`` operational mode command.

.. code-block:: none

  vyos@vyos-test-2# run show system commit
  0   2015-03-30 08:53:03 by vyos via cli
  1   2015-03-30 08:52:20 by vyos via cli
  2   2015-03-26 21:26:01 by root via boot-config-loader
  3   2015-03-26 20:43:18 by root via boot-config-loader
  4   2015-03-25 11:06:14 by root via boot-config-loader
  5   2015-03-25 01:04:28 by root via boot-config-loader
  6   2015-03-25 00:16:47 by vyos via cli
  7   2015-03-24 23:43:45 by root via boot-config-loader

To compare configuration revisions in configuration mode, use the compare

.. code-block:: none

  vyos@vyos# compare [tab]
  Possible completions:
    <Enter>	Compare working & active configurations
    saved		Compare working & saved configurations
    <N>		Compare working with revision N
    <N> <M>	Compare revision N with M
      0	   2013-12-17 20:01:37 root by boot-config-loader
      1	   2013-12-13 15:59:31 root by boot-config-loader
      2	   2013-12-12 21:56:22 vyos by cli
      3	   2013-12-12 21:55:11 vyos by cli
      4	   2013-12-12 21:27:54 vyos by cli
      5	   2013-12-12 21:23:29 vyos by cli
      6	   2013-12-12 21:13:59 root by boot-config-loader
      7	   2013-12-12 16:25:19 vyos by cli
      8	   2013-12-12 15:44:36 vyos by cli
      9	   2013-12-12 15:42:07 root by boot-config-loader
      10   2013-12-12 15:42:06 root by init

Comparing Revisions

You can compare revisions with ``compare X Y`` command, where X and Y are
revision numbers. The output will describe how the configuration X is when
compared to Y, indicating with a plus sign (``+``) the additional parts X has
when compared to y, and indicating with a minus sign (``-``) the lacking parts
x misses when compared to y.

.. code-block:: none

  vyos@vyos-test-2# compare 0 6
  [edit interfaces]
  +dummy dum1 {
  +    address
  [edit interfaces ethernet eth0]
  +vif 99 {
  +    address
  -vif 900 {
  -    address

Rolling Back Changes

You can rollback configuration using the rollback command. This command will
apply the selected revision and trigger a system reboot.

.. code-block:: none

  vyos@vyos# compare 1
  [edit system]
  >host-name vyos-1
  vyos@vyos# rollback 1
  Proceed with reboot? [confirm][y]
  Broadcast message from root@vyos-1 (pts/0) (Tue Dec 17 21:07:45 2013):
  The system is going down for reboot NOW!

Configuring the archive size

You can specify the number of revisions stored on disk with ``set system
config-management commit-revisions X``, where X is a number between 0 and 65535.
When the number of revisions exceeds that number, the oldest revision is

Remote archive

VyOS can copy the config to a remote location after each commit. TFTP, FTP,
and SFTP servers are supported.

You can specify the location with:

* ``set system config-management commit-archive location URL``

For example, ``set system config-management commit-archive location tftp://``.

You can specify the location with ``set system config-management commit-archive
location URL`` command, e.g. ``set system config-management commit-archive
location tftp://``.

Restore Default

In the case you want to completely delete your configuration and restore the
default one, you can enter the following command in configuration mode:

.. code-block:: none

  load /opt/vyatta/etc/config.boot.default

You will be asked if you want to continue. If you accept, you will have to use

Then you may want to ``save`` in order to delete the saved configuration too.

.. note:: If you are remotely connected, you will lose your connection. You may
   want to copy first the config, edit it to ensure connectivity, and load the
   edited config.