:lastproofread: 2023-09-17
.. _firewall-configuration:
Firewall Configuration
VyOS makes use of Linux `netfilter `_ for packet
The firewall supports the creation of groups for addresses, domains,
interfaces, mac-addresses, networks and port groups. This groups can be used
later in firewall ruleset as desired.
Main structure is shown next:
.. code-block:: none
- set firewall
* global-options
+ all-ping
+ broadcast-ping
+ ...
* group
- address-group
- ipv6-address-group
- network-group
- ipv6-network-group
- interface-group
- mac-group
- port-group
- domain-group
* ipv4
- forward
+ filter
- input
+ filter
- output
+ filter
- name
+ custom_name
* ipv6
- forward
+ filter
- input
+ filter
- output
+ filter
- ipv6-name
+ custom_name
Where, main key words and configuration paths that needs to be understood:
* For firewall filtering, configuration should be done in ``set firewall
[ipv4 | ipv6] ...``
* For transit traffic, which is received by the router and forwarded,
base chain is **forward filter**: ``set firewall [ipv4 | ipv6]
forward filter ...``
* For traffic originated by the router, base chain is **output filter**:
``set firewall [ipv4 | ipv6] output filter ...``
* For traffic towards the router itself, base chain is **input filter**:
``set firewall [ipv4 | ipv6] input filter ...``
.. note:: **Important note about default-actions:**
If default action for any chain is not defined, then the default
action is set to **accept** for that chain. Only for custom chains,
the default action is set to **drop**.
Custom firewall chains can be created, with commands
``set firewall [ipv4 | ipv6] [name | ipv6-name] ...``. In order to use
such custom chain, a rule with **action jump**, and the appropiate **target**
should be defined in a base chain.
Global Options
Some firewall settings are global and have an affect on the whole system.
.. cfgcmd:: set firewall global-options all-ping [enable | disable]
By default, when VyOS receives an ICMP echo request packet destined for
itself, it will answer with an ICMP echo reply, unless you avoid it
through its firewall.
With the firewall you can set rules to accept, drop or reject ICMP in,
out or local traffic. You can also use the general **firewall all-ping**
command. This command affects only to LOCAL (packets destined for your
VyOS system), not to IN or OUT traffic.
.. note:: **firewall global-options all-ping** affects only to LOCAL
and it always behaves in the most restrictive way
.. code-block:: none
set firewall global-options all-ping enable
When the command above is set, VyOS will answer every ICMP echo request
addressed to itself, but that will only happen if no other rule is
applied dropping or rejecting local echo requests. In case of conflict,
VyOS will not answer ICMP echo requests.
.. code-block:: none
set firewall global-options all-ping disable
When the command above is set, VyOS will answer no ICMP echo request
addressed to itself at all, no matter where it comes from or whether
more specific rules are being applied to accept them.
.. cfgcmd:: set firewall global-options broadcast-ping [enable | disable]
This setting enable or disable the response of icmp broadcast
messages. The following system parameter will be altered:
* ``net.ipv4.icmp_echo_ignore_broadcasts``
.. cfgcmd:: set firewall global-options ip-src-route [enable | disable]
.. cfgcmd:: set firewall global-options ipv6-src-route [enable | disable]
This setting handle if VyOS accept packets with a source route
option. The following system parameter will be altered:
* ``net.ipv4.conf.all.accept_source_route``
* ``net.ipv6.conf.all.accept_source_route``
.. cfgcmd:: set firewall global-options receive-redirects [enable | disable]
.. cfgcmd:: set firewall global-options ipv6-receive-redirects
[enable | disable]
enable or disable of ICMPv4 or ICMPv6 redirect messages accepted
by VyOS. The following system parameter will be altered:
* ``net.ipv4.conf.all.accept_redirects``
* ``net.ipv6.conf.all.accept_redirects``
.. cfgcmd:: set firewall global-options send-redirects [enable | disable]
enable or disable ICMPv4 redirect messages send by VyOS
The following system parameter will be altered:
* ``net.ipv4.conf.all.send_redirects``
.. cfgcmd:: set firewall global-options log-martians [enable | disable]
enable or disable the logging of martian IPv4 packets.
The following system parameter will be altered:
* ``net.ipv4.conf.all.log_martians``
.. cfgcmd:: set firewall global-options source-validation
[strict | loose | disable]
Set the IPv4 source validation mode.
The following system parameter will be altered:
* ``net.ipv4.conf.all.rp_filter``
.. cfgcmd:: set firewall global-options syn-cookies [enable | disable]
Enable or Disable if VyOS use IPv4 TCP SYN Cookies.
The following system parameter will be altered:
* ``net.ipv4.tcp_syncookies``
.. cfgcmd:: set firewall global-options twa-hazards-protection
[enable | disable]
Enable or Disable VyOS to be :rfc:`1337` conform.
The following system parameter will be altered:
* ``net.ipv4.tcp_rfc1337``
Firewall groups represent collections of IP addresses, networks, ports,
mac addresses, domains or interfaces. Once created, a group can be referenced
by firewall, nat and policy route rules as either a source or destination
matcher, and as inbpund/outbound in the case of interface group.
Address Groups
In an **address group** a single IP address or IP address ranges are
.. cfgcmd:: set firewall group address-group address [address |
address range]
.. cfgcmd:: set firewall group ipv6-address-group address
Define a IPv4 or a IPv6 address group
.. code-block:: none
set firewall group address-group ADR-INSIDE-v4 address
set firewall group address-group ADR-INSIDE-v4 address
set firewall group ipv6-address-group ADR-INSIDE-v6 address 2001:db8::1
.. cfgcmd:: set firewall group address-group description
.. cfgcmd:: set firewall group ipv6-address-group description
Provide a IPv4 or IPv6 address group description
Network Groups
While **network groups** accept IP networks in CIDR notation, specific
IP addresses can be added as a 32-bit prefix. If you foresee the need
to add a mix of addresses and networks, the network group is
.. cfgcmd:: set firewall group network-group network
.. cfgcmd:: set firewall group ipv6-network-group network
Define a IPv4 or IPv6 Network group.
.. code-block:: none
set firewall group network-group NET-INSIDE-v4 network
set firewall group network-group NET-INSIDE-v4 network
set firewall group ipv6-network-group NET-INSIDE-v6 network 2001:db8::/64
.. cfgcmd:: set firewall group network-group description
.. cfgcmd:: set firewall group ipv6-network-group description
Provide an IPv4 or IPv6 network group description.
Interface Groups
An **interface group** represents a collection of interfaces.
.. cfgcmd:: set firewall group interface-group interface
Define an interface group. Wildcard are accepted too.
.. code-block:: none
set firewall group interface-group LAN interface bond1001
set firewall group interface-group LAN interface eth3*
.. cfgcmd:: set firewall group interface-group description
Provide an interface group description
Port Groups
A **port group** represents only port numbers, not the protocol. Port
groups can be referenced for either TCP or UDP. It is recommended that
TCP and UDP groups are created separately to avoid accidentally
filtering unnecessary ports. Ranges of ports can be specified by using
.. cfgcmd:: set firewall group port-group port
[portname | portnumber | startport-endport]
Define a port group. A port name can be any name defined in
/etc/services. e.g.: http
.. code-block:: none
set firewall group port-group PORT-TCP-SERVER1 port http
set firewall group port-group PORT-TCP-SERVER1 port 443
set firewall group port-group PORT-TCP-SERVER1 port 5000-5010
.. cfgcmd:: set firewall group port-group description
Provide a port group description.
MAC Groups
A **mac group** represents a collection of mac addresses.
.. cfgcmd:: set firewall group mac-group mac-address
Define a mac group.
.. code-block:: none
set firewall group mac-group MAC-G01 mac-address 88:a4:c2:15:b6:4f
set firewall group mac-group MAC-G01 mac-address 4c:d5:77:c0:19:81
.. cfgcmd:: set firewall group mac-group description
Provide a mac group description.
Domain Groups
A **domain group** represents a collection of domains.
.. cfgcmd:: set firewall group domain-group address
Define a domain group.
.. code-block:: none
set firewall group domain-group DOM address example.com
.. cfgcmd:: set firewall group domain-group description
Provide a domain group description.
Firewall Rules
For firewall filtering, firewall rules needs to be created. Each rule is
numbered, has an action to apply if the rule is matched, and the ability
to specify multiple criteria matchers. Data packets go through the rules
from 1 - 999999, so order is crucial. At the first match the action of the
rule will be executed.
If a rule is defined, then an action must be defined for it. This tells the
firewall what to do if all criteria matchers defined for such rule do match.
The action can be :
* ``accept``: accept the packet.
* ``drop``: drop the packet.
* ``reject``: reject the packet.
* ``jump``: jump to another custom chain.
* ``return``: Return from the current chain and continue at the next rule
of the last chain.
* ``queue``: Enqueue packet to userspace.
.. cfgcmd:: set firewall [ipv4 | ipv6] forward filter rule <1-999999> action
[accept | drop | jump | queue | reject | return]
.. cfgcmd:: set firewall [ipv4 | ipv6] input filter rule <1-999999> action
[accept | drop | jump | queue | reject | return]
.. cfgcmd:: set firewall [ipv4 | ipv6] output filter rule <1-999999> action
[accept | drop | jump | queue | reject | return]
.. cfgcmd:: set firewall ipv4 name rule <1-999999> action
[accept | drop | jump | queue | reject | return]
.. cfgcmd:: set firewall ipv6 ipv6-name rule <1-999999> action
[accept | drop | jump | queue | reject | return]
This required setting defines the action of the current rule. If action is
set to jump, then jump-target is also needed.
.. cfgcmd:: set firewall [ipv4 | ipv6] forward filter rule <1-999999>
.. cfgcmd:: set firewall [ipv4 | ipv6] input filter rule <1-999999>
.. cfgcmd:: set firewall [ipv4 | ipv6] output filter rule <1-999999>
.. cfgcmd:: set firewall ipv4 name rule <1-999999>
.. cfgcmd:: set firewall ipv6 ipv6-name rule <1-999999>
To be used only when action is set to jump. Use this command to specify
jump target.
Also, **default-action** is an action that takes place whenever a packet does
not match any rule in it's chain. For base chains, possible options for
**default-action** are **accept** or **drop**.
.. cfgcmd:: set firewall [ipv4 | ipv6] forward filter default-action
[accept | drop]
.. cfgcmd:: set firewall [ipv4 | ipv6] input filter default-action
[accept | drop]
.. cfgcmd:: set firewall [ipv4 | ipv6] output filter default-action
[accept | drop]
.. cfgcmd:: set firewall ipv4 name default-action
[accept | drop | jump | queue | reject | return]
.. cfgcmd:: set firewall ipv6 ipv6-name default-action
[accept | drop | jump | queue | reject | return]
This set the default action of the rule-set if no rule matched a packet
criteria. If defacult-action is set to ``jump``, then
``default-jump-target`` is also needed. Note that for base chains, default
action can only be set to ``accept`` or ``drop``, while on custom chain,
more actions are available.
.. cfgcmd:: set firewall name default-jump-target
.. cfgcmd:: set firewall ipv6-name default-jump-target
To be used only when ``defult-action`` is set to ``jump``. Use this
command to specify jump target for default rule.
.. note:: **Important note about default-actions:**
If default action for any chain is not defined, then the default
action is set to **drop** for that chain.
Firewall Logs
Logging can be enable for every single firewall rule. If enabled, other
log options can be defined.
.. cfgcmd:: set firewall [ipv4 | ipv6] forward filter rule <1-999999> log
[disable | enable]
.. cfgcmd:: set firewall [ipv4 | ipv6] input filter rule <1-999999> log
[disable | enable]
.. cfgcmd:: set firewall [ipv4 | ipv6] output filter rule <1-999999> log
[disable | enable]
.. cfgcmd:: set firewall ipv4 name rule <1-999999> log
[disable | enable]
.. cfgcmd:: set firewall ipv6 ipv6-name rule <1-999999> log
[disable | enable]
Enable or disable logging for the matched packet.
.. cfgcmd:: set firewall ipv4 name enable-default-log
.. cfgcmd:: set firewall ipv6 ipv6-name enable-default-log
Use this command to enable the logging of the default action on
custom chains.
.. cfgcmd:: set firewall [ipv4 | ipv6] forward filter rule <1-999999>
log-options level [emerg | alert | crit | err | warn | notice
| info | debug]
.. cfgcmd:: set firewall [ipv4 | ipv6] input filter rule <1-999999>
log-options level [emerg | alert | crit | err | warn | notice
| info | debug]
.. cfgcmd:: set firewall [ipv4 | ipv6] output filter rule <1-999999>
log-options level [emerg | alert | crit | err | warn | notice
| info | debug]
.. cfgcmd:: set firewall ipv4 name rule <1-999999>
log-options level [emerg | alert | crit | err | warn | notice
| info | debug]
.. cfgcmd:: set firewall ipv6 ipv6-name rule <1-999999>
log-options level [emerg | alert | crit | err | warn | notice
| info | debug]
Define log-level. Only applicable if rule log is enable.
.. cfgcmd:: set firewall [ipv4 | ipv6] forward filter rule <1-999999>
log-options group <0-65535>
.. cfgcmd:: set firewall [ipv4 | ipv6] input filter rule <1-999999>
log-options group <0-65535>
.. cfgcmd:: set firewall [ipv4 | ipv6] output filter rule <1-999999>
log-options group <0-65535>
.. cfgcmd:: set firewall ipv4 name rule <1-999999>
log-options group <0-65535>
.. cfgcmd:: set firewall ipv6 ipv6-name rule <1-999999>
log-options group <0-65535>
Define log group to send message to. Only applicable if rule log is enable.
.. cfgcmd:: set firewall [ipv4 | ipv6] forward filter rule <1-999999>
log-options snapshot-length <0-9000>
.. cfgcmd:: set firewall [ipv4 | ipv6] input filter rule <1-999999>
log-options snapshot-length <0-9000>
.. cfgcmd:: set firewall [ipv4 | ipv6] output filter rule <1-999999>
log-options snapshot-length <0-9000>
.. cfgcmd:: set firewall ipv4 name rule <1-999999>
log-options snapshot-length <0-9000>
.. cfgcmd:: set firewall ipv6 ipv6-name rule <1-999999>
log-options snapshot-length <0-9000>
Define length of packet payload to include in netlink message. Only
applicable if rule log is enable and log group is defined.
.. cfgcmd:: set firewall [ipv4 | ipv6] forward filter rule <1-999999>
log-options queue-threshold <0-65535>
.. cfgcmd:: set firewall [ipv4 | ipv6] input filter rule <1-999999>
log-options queue-threshold <0-65535>
.. cfgcmd:: set firewall [ipv4 | ipv6] output filter rule <1-999999>
log-options queue-threshold <0-65535>
.. cfgcmd:: set firewall ipv4 name rule <1-999999>
log-options queue-threshold <0-65535>
.. cfgcmd:: set firewall ipv6 ipv6-name rule <1-999999>
log-options queue-threshold <0-65535>
Define number of packets to queue inside the kernel before sending them to
userspace. Only applicable if rule log is enable and log group is defined.
Firewall Description
For reference, a description can be defined for every single rule, and for
every defined custom chain.
.. cfgcmd:: set firewall ipv4 name description
.. cfgcmd:: set firewall ipv6 ipv6-name description
Provide a rule-set description to a custom firewall chain.
.. cfgcmd:: set firewall [ipv4 | ipv6] forward filter rule <1-999999>
.. cfgcmd:: set firewall [ipv4 | ipv6] input filter rule <1-999999>
.. cfgcmd:: set firewall [ipv4 | ipv6] output filter rule <1-999999>
.. cfgcmd:: set firewall ipv4 name rule <1-999999> description
.. cfgcmd:: set firewall ipv6 ipv6-name rule <1-999999> description
Provide a description for each rule.
Rule Status
When defining a rule, it is enable by default. In some cases, it is useful to
just disable the rule, rather than removing it.
.. cfgcmd:: set firewall [ipv4 | ipv6] forward filter rule <1-999999> disable
.. cfgcmd:: set firewall [ipv4 | ipv6] input filter rule <1-999999> disable
.. cfgcmd:: set firewall [ipv4 | ipv6] output filter rule <1-999999> disable
.. cfgcmd:: set firewall ipv4 name rule <1-999999> disable
.. cfgcmd:: set firewall ipv6 ipv6-name rule <1-999999> disable
Command for disabling a rule but keep it in the configuration.
Matching criteria
There are a lot of matching criteria against which the package can be tested.
.. cfgcmd:: set firewall [ipv4 | ipv6] forward filter rule <1-999999>
connection-status nat [destination | source]
.. cfgcmd:: set firewall [ipv4 | ipv6] input filter rule <1-999999>
connection-status nat [destination | source]
.. cfgcmd:: set firewall [ipv4 | ipv6] output filter rule <1-999999>
connection-status nat [destination | source]
.. cfgcmd:: set firewall ipv4 name rule <1-999999>
connection-status nat [destination | source]
.. cfgcmd:: set firewall ipv6 ipv6-name rule <1-999999>
connection-status nat [destination | source]
Match criteria based on nat connection status.
.. cfgcmd:: set firewall [ipv4 | ipv6] forward filter rule <1-999999>
connection-mark <1-2147483647>
.. cfgcmd:: set firewall [ipv4 | ipv6] input filter rule <1-999999>
connection-mark <1-2147483647>
.. cfgcmd:: set firewall [ipv4 | ipv6] output filter rule <1-999999>
connection-mark <1-2147483647>
.. cfgcmd:: set firewall ipv4 name rule <1-999999>
connection-mark <1-2147483647>
.. cfgcmd:: set firewall ipv6 ipv6-name rule <1-999999>
connection-mark <1-2147483647>
Match criteria based on connection mark.
.. cfgcmd:: set firewall [ipv4 | ipv6] forward filter rule <1-999999>
source address [address | addressrange | CIDR]
.. cfgcmd:: set firewall [ipv4 | ipv6] input filter rule <1-999999>
source address [address | addressrange | CIDR]
.. cfgcmd:: set firewall [ipv4 | ipv6] output filter rule <1-999999>
source address [address | addressrange | CIDR]
.. cfgcmd:: set firewall ipv4 name rule <1-999999>
source address [address | addressrange | CIDR]
.. cfgcmd:: set firewall ipv6 ipv6-name rule <1-999999>
source address [address | addressrange | CIDR]
.. cfgcmd:: set firewall [ipv4 | ipv6] forward filter rule <1-999999>
destination address [address | addressrange | CIDR]
.. cfgcmd:: set firewall [ipv4 | ipv6] input filter rule <1-999999>
destination address [address | addressrange | CIDR]
.. cfgcmd:: set firewall [ipv4 | ipv6] output filter rule <1-999999>
destination address [address | addressrange | CIDR]
.. cfgcmd:: set firewall ipv4 name rule <1-999999>
destination address [address | addressrange | CIDR]
.. cfgcmd:: set firewall ipv6 ipv6-name rule <1-999999>
destination address [address | addressrange | CIDR]
Match criteria based on source and/or destination address. This is similar
to the network groups part, but here you are able to negate the matching
.. code-block:: none
set firewall ipv4 name FOO rule 50 source address
# with a '!' the rule match everything except the specified subnet
set firewall ipv4 input filter FOO rule 51 source address !
set firewall ipv6 ipv6-name FOO rule 100 source address 2001:db8::202
.. cfgcmd:: set firewall [ipv4 | ipv6] forward filter rule <1-999999>
source address-mask [address]
.. cfgcmd:: set firewall [ipv4 | ipv6] input filter rule <1-999999>
source address-mask [address]
.. cfgcmd:: set firewall [ipv4 | ipv6] output filter rule <1-999999>
source address-mask [address]
.. cfgcmd:: set firewall ipv4 name rule <1-999999>
source address-mask [address]
.. cfgcmd:: set firewall ipv6 ipv6-name rule <1-999999>
source address-mask [address]
.. cfgcmd:: set firewall [ipv4 | ipv6] forward filter rule <1-999999>
destination address-mask [address]
.. cfgcmd:: set firewall [ipv4 | ipv6] input filter rule <1-999999>
destination address-mask [address]
.. cfgcmd:: set firewall [ipv4 | ipv6] output filter rule <1-999999>
destination address-mask [address]
.. cfgcmd:: set firewall ipv4 name rule <1-999999>
destination address-mask [address]
.. cfgcmd:: set firewall ipv6 ipv6-name rule <1-999999>
destination address-mask [address]
An arbitrary netmask can be applied to mask addresses to only match against
a specific portion. This is particularly useful with IPv6 as rules will
remain valid if the IPv6 prefix changes and the host
portion of systems IPv6 address is static (for example, with SLAAC or
`tokenised IPv6 addresses
This functions for both individual addresses and address groups.
.. code-block:: none
# Match any IPv6 address with the suffix ::0000:0000:0000:beef
set firewall ipv6 forward filter rule 100 destination address ::beef
set firewall ipv6 forward filter rule 100 destination address-mask ::ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff
# Match any IPv4 address with `11` as the 2nd octet and `13` as the forth octet
set firewall ipv4 name FOO rule 100 destination address
set firewall ipv4 name FOO rule 100 destination address-mask
# Address groups
set firewall group ipv6-address-group WEBSERVERS address ::1000
set firewall group ipv6-address-group WEBSERVERS address ::2000
set firewall ipv6 forward filter rule 200 source group address-group WEBSERVERS
set firewall ipv6 forward filter rule 200 source address-mask ::ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff
.. cfgcmd:: set firewall [ipv4 | ipv6] forward filter rule <1-999999>
source fqdn
.. cfgcmd:: set firewall [ipv4 | ipv6] input filter rule <1-999999>
source fqdn
.. cfgcmd:: set firewall [ipv4 | ipv6] output filter rule <1-999999>
source fqdn
.. cfgcmd:: set firewall ipv4 name rule <1-999999>
source fqdn
.. cfgcmd:: set firewall ipv6 ipv6-name rule <1-999999>
source fqdn
.. cfgcmd:: set firewall [ipv4 | ipv6] forward filter rule <1-999999>
destination fqdn
.. cfgcmd:: set firewall [ipv4 | ipv6] input filter rule <1-999999>
destination fqdn
.. cfgcmd:: set firewall [ipv4 | ipv6] output filter rule <1-999999>
destination fqdn
.. cfgcmd:: set firewall ipv4 name rule <1-999999>
destination fqdn
.. cfgcmd:: set firewall ipv6 ipv6-name rule <1-999999>
destination fqdn
Specify a Fully Qualified Domain Name as source/destination matcher. Ensure
router is able to resolve such dns query.
.. cfgcmd:: set firewall [ipv4 | ipv6] forward filter rule <1-999999>
source geoip country-code
.. cfgcmd:: set firewall [ipv4 | ipv6] input filter rule <1-999999>
source geoip country-code
.. cfgcmd:: set firewall [ipv4 | ipv6] output filter rule <1-999999>
source geoip country-code
.. cfgcmd:: set firewall ipv4 name rule <1-999999>
source geoip country-code
.. cfgcmd:: set firewall ipv6 ipv6-name rule <1-999999>
source geoip country-code
.. cfgcmd:: set firewall [ipv4 | ipv6] forward filter rule <1-999999>
destination geoip country-code
.. cfgcmd:: set firewall [ipv4 | ipv6] input filter rule <1-999999>
destination geoip country-code
.. cfgcmd:: set firewall [ipv4 | ipv6] output filter rule <1-999999>
destination geoip country-code
.. cfgcmd:: set firewall ipv4 name rule <1-999999>
destination geoip country-code
.. cfgcmd:: set firewall ipv6 ipv6-name rule <1-999999>
destination geoip country-code
.. cfgcmd:: set firewall [ipv4 | ipv6] forward filter rule <1-999999>
source geoip inverse-match
.. cfgcmd:: set firewall [ipv4 | ipv6] input filter rule <1-999999>
source geoip inverse-match
.. cfgcmd:: set firewall [ipv4 | ipv6] output filter rule <1-999999>
source geoip inverse-match
.. cfgcmd:: set firewall ipv4 name rule <1-999999>
source geoip inverse-match
.. cfgcmd:: set firewall ipv6 ipv6-name rule <1-999999>
source geoip inverse-match
.. cfgcmd:: set firewall [ipv4 | ipv6] forward filter rule <1-999999>
destination geoip inverse-match
.. cfgcmd:: set firewall [ipv4 | ipv6] input filter rule <1-999999>
destination geoip inverse-match
.. cfgcmd:: set firewall [ipv4 | ipv6] output filter rule <1-999999>
destination geoip inverse-match
.. cfgcmd:: set firewall ipv4 name rule <1-999999>
destination geoip inverse-match
.. cfgcmd:: set firewall ipv6 ipv6-name rule <1-999999>
destination geoip inverse-match
Match IP addresses based on its geolocation. More info: `geoip matching
Use inverse-match to match anything except the given country-codes.
Data is provided by DB-IP.com under CC-BY-4.0 license. Attribution required,
permits redistribution so we can include a database in images(~3MB
compressed). Includes cron script (manually callable by op-mode update
geoip) to keep database and rules updated.
.. cfgcmd:: set firewall [ipv4 | ipv6] forward filter rule <1-999999>
source mac-address
.. cfgcmd:: set firewall [ipv4 | ipv6] input filter rule <1-999999>
source mac-address
.. cfgcmd:: set firewall [ipv4 | ipv6] output filter rule <1-999999>
source mac-address
.. cfgcmd:: set firewall ipv4 name rule <1-999999>
source mac-address
.. cfgcmd:: set firewall ipv6 ipv6-name rule <1-999999>
source mac-address
Only in the source criteria, you can specify a mac-address.
.. code-block:: none
set firewall ipv4 input filter rule 100 source mac-address 00:53:00:11:22:33
set firewall ipv4 input filter rule 101 source mac-address !00:53:00:aa:12:34
.. cfgcmd:: set firewall [ipv4 | ipv6] forward filter rule <1-999999>
source port [1-65535 | portname | start-end]
.. cfgcmd:: set firewall [ipv4 | ipv6] input filter rule <1-999999>
source port [1-65535 | portname | start-end]
.. cfgcmd:: set firewall [ipv4 | ipv6] output filter rule <1-999999>
source port [1-65535 | portname | start-end]
.. cfgcmd:: set firewall ipv4 name rule <1-999999>
source port [1-65535 | portname | start-end]
.. cfgcmd:: set firewall ipv6 ipv6-name rule <1-999999>
source port [1-65535 | portname | start-end]
.. cfgcmd:: set firewall [ipv4 | ipv6] forward filter rule <1-999999>
destination port [1-65535 | portname | start-end]
.. cfgcmd:: set firewall [ipv4 | ipv6] input filter rule <1-999999>
destination port [1-65535 | portname | start-end]
.. cfgcmd:: set firewall [ipv4 | ipv6] output filter rule <1-999999>
destination port [1-65535 | portname | start-end]
.. cfgcmd:: set firewall ipv4 name rule <1-999999>
destination port [1-65535 | portname | start-end]
.. cfgcmd:: set firewall ipv6 ipv6-name rule <1-999999>
destination port [1-65535 | portname | start-end]
A port can be set with a port number or a name which is here
defined: ``/etc/services``.
.. code-block:: none
set firewall ipv4 forward filter rule 10 source port '22'
set firewall ipv4 forward filter rule 11 source port '!http'
set firewall ipv4 forward filter rule 12 source port 'https'
Multiple source ports can be specified as a comma-separated list.
The whole list can also be "negated" using ``!``. For example:
.. code-block:: none
set firewall ipv6 forward filter rule 10 source port '!22,https,3333-3338'
.. cfgcmd:: set firewall [ipv4 | ipv6] forward filter rule <1-999999>
source group address-group
.. cfgcmd:: set firewall [ipv4 | ipv6] input filter rule <1-999999>
source group address-group
.. cfgcmd:: set firewall [ipv4 | ipv6] output filter rule <1-999999>
source group address-group
.. cfgcmd:: set firewall ipv4 name rule <1-999999>
source group address-group
.. cfgcmd:: set firewall ipv6 ipv6-name rule <1-999999>
source group address-group
.. cfgcmd:: set firewall [ipv4 | ipv6] forward filter rule <1-999999>
destination group address-group
.. cfgcmd:: set firewall [ipv4 | ipv6] input filter rule <1-999999>
destination group address-group
.. cfgcmd:: set firewall [ipv4 | ipv6] output filter rule <1-999999>
destination group address-group
.. cfgcmd:: set firewall ipv4 name rule <1-999999>
destination group address-group
.. cfgcmd:: set firewall ipv6 ipv6-name rule <1-999999>
destination group address-group
Use a specific address-group. Prepend character ``!`` for inverted matching
.. cfgcmd:: set firewall [ipv4 | ipv6] forward filter rule <1-999999>
source group network-group
.. cfgcmd:: set firewall [ipv4 | ipv6] input filter rule <1-999999>
source group network-group
.. cfgcmd:: set firewall [ipv4 | ipv6] output filter rule <1-999999>
source group network-group
.. cfgcmd:: set firewall ipv4 name rule <1-999999>
source group network-group
.. cfgcmd:: set firewall ipv6 ipv6-name rule <1-999999>
source group network-group
.. cfgcmd:: set firewall [ipv4 | ipv6] forward filter rule <1-999999>
destination group network-group
.. cfgcmd:: set firewall [ipv4 | ipv6] input filter rule <1-999999>
destination group network-group
.. cfgcmd:: set firewall [ipv4 | ipv6] output filter rule <1-999999>
destination group network-group
.. cfgcmd:: set firewall ipv4 name rule <1-999999>
destination group network-group
.. cfgcmd:: set firewall ipv6 ipv6-name rule <1-999999>
destination group network-group
Use a specific network-group. Prepend character ``!`` for inverted matching
.. cfgcmd:: set firewall [ipv4 | ipv6] forward filter rule <1-999999>
source group port-group
.. cfgcmd:: set firewall [ipv4 | ipv6] input filter rule <1-999999>
source group port-group
.. cfgcmd:: set firewall [ipv4 | ipv6] output filter rule <1-999999>
source group port-group
.. cfgcmd:: set firewall ipv4 name rule <1-999999>
source group port-group
.. cfgcmd:: set firewall ipv6 ipv6-name rule <1-999999>
source group port-group
.. cfgcmd:: set firewall [ipv4 | ipv6] forward filter rule <1-999999>
destination group port-group
.. cfgcmd:: set firewall [ipv4 | ipv6] input filter rule <1-999999>
destination group port-group
.. cfgcmd:: set firewall [ipv4 | ipv6] output filter rule <1-999999>
destination group port-group
.. cfgcmd:: set firewall ipv4 name rule <1-999999>
destination group port-group
.. cfgcmd:: set firewall ipv6 ipv6-name rule <1-999999>
destination group port-group
Use a specific port-group. Prepend character ``!`` for inverted matching
.. cfgcmd:: set firewall [ipv4 | ipv6] forward filter rule <1-999999>
source group domain-group
.. cfgcmd:: set firewall [ipv4 | ipv6] input filter rule <1-999999>
source group domain-group
.. cfgcmd:: set firewall [ipv4 | ipv6] output filter rule <1-999999>
source group domain-group
.. cfgcmd:: set firewall ipv4 name rule <1-999999>
source group domain-group
.. cfgcmd:: set firewall ipv6 ipv6-name rule <1-999999>
source group domain-group
.. cfgcmd:: set firewall [ipv4 | ipv6] forward filter rule <1-999999>
destination group domain-group
.. cfgcmd:: set firewall [ipv4 | ipv6] input filter rule <1-999999>
destination group domain-group
.. cfgcmd:: set firewall [ipv4 | ipv6] output filter rule <1-999999>
destination group domain-group
.. cfgcmd:: set firewall ipv4 name rule <1-999999>
destination group domain-group
.. cfgcmd:: set firewall ipv6 ipv6-name rule <1-999999>
destination group domain-group
Use a specific domain-group. Prepend character ``!`` for inverted matching
.. cfgcmd:: set firewall [ipv4 | ipv6] forward filter rule <1-999999>
source group mac-group
.. cfgcmd:: set firewall [ipv4 | ipv6] input filter rule <1-999999>
source group mac-group
.. cfgcmd:: set firewall [ipv4 | ipv6] output filter rule <1-999999>
source group mac-group
.. cfgcmd:: set firewall ipv4 name rule <1-999999>
source group mac-group
.. cfgcmd:: set firewall ipv6 ipv6-name rule <1-999999>
source group mac-group
.. cfgcmd:: set firewall [ipv4 | ipv6] forward filter rule <1-999999>
destination group mac-group
.. cfgcmd:: set firewall [ipv4 | ipv6] input filter rule <1-999999>
destination group mac-group
.. cfgcmd:: set firewall [ipv4 | ipv6] output filter rule <1-999999>
destination group mac-group
.. cfgcmd:: set firewall ipv4 name rule <1-999999>
destination group mac-group
.. cfgcmd:: set firewall ipv6 ipv6-name rule <1-999999>
destination group mac-group
Use a specific mac-group. Prepend character ``!`` for inverted matching
.. cfgcmd:: set firewall [ipv4 | ipv6] forward filter rule <1-999999>
dscp [0-63 | start-end]
.. cfgcmd:: set firewall [ipv4 | ipv6] input filter rule <1-999999>
dscp [0-63 | start-end]
.. cfgcmd:: set firewall [ipv4 | ipv6] output filter rule <1-999999>
dscp [0-63 | start-end]
.. cfgcmd:: set firewall ipv4 name rule <1-999999>
dscp [0-63 | start-end]
.. cfgcmd:: set firewall ipv6 ipv6-name rule <1-999999>
dscp [0-63 | start-end]
.. cfgcmd:: set firewall [ipv4 | ipv6] forward filter rule <1-999999>
dscp-exclude [0-63 | start-end]
.. cfgcmd:: set firewall [ipv4 | ipv6] input filter rule <1-999999>
dscp-exclude [0-63 | start-end]
.. cfgcmd:: set firewall [ipv4 | ipv6] output filter rule <1-999999>
dscp-exclude [0-63 | start-end]
.. cfgcmd:: set firewall ipv4 name rule <1-999999>
dscp-exclude [0-63 | start-end]
.. cfgcmd:: set firewall ipv6 ipv6-name rule <1-999999>
dscp-exclude [0-63 | start-end]
Match based on dscp value.
.. cfgcmd:: set firewall [ipv4 | ipv6] forward filter rule <1-999999>
fragment [match-frag | match-non-frag]
.. cfgcmd:: set firewall [ipv4 | ipv6] input filter rule <1-999999>
fragment [match-frag | match-non-frag]
.. cfgcmd:: set firewall [ipv4 | ipv6] output filter rule <1-999999>
fragment [match-frag | match-non-frag]
.. cfgcmd:: set firewall ipv4 name rule <1-999999>
fragment [match-frag | match-non-frag]
.. cfgcmd:: set firewall ipv6 ipv6-name rule <1-999999>
fragment [match-frag | match-non-frag]
Match based on fragment criteria.
.. cfgcmd:: set firewall ipv4 forward filter rule <1-999999>
icmp [code | type] <0-255>
.. cfgcmd:: set firewall ipv4 input filter rule <1-999999>
icmp [code | type] <0-255>
.. cfgcmd:: set firewall ipv4 output filter rule <1-999999>
icmp [code | type] <0-255>
.. cfgcmd:: set firewall ipv4 name rule <1-999999>
icmp [code | type] <0-255>
.. cfgcmd:: set firewall ipv6 forward filter rule <1-999999>
icmpv6 [code | type] <0-255>
.. cfgcmd:: set firewall ipv6 input filter rule <1-999999>
icmpv6 [code | type] <0-255>
.. cfgcmd:: set firewall ipv6 output filter rule <1-999999>
icmpv6 [code | type] <0-255>
.. cfgcmd:: set firewall ipv6 ipv6-name rule <1-999999>
icmpv6 [code | type] <0-255>
Match based on icmp|icmpv6 code and type.
.. cfgcmd:: set firewall ipv4 forward filter rule <1-999999>
icmp type-name
.. cfgcmd:: set firewall ipv4 input filter rule <1-999999>
icmp type-name
.. cfgcmd:: set firewall ipv4 output filter rule <1-999999>
icmp type-name
.. cfgcmd:: set firewall ipv4 name rule <1-999999>
icmp type-name
.. cfgcmd:: set firewall ipv6 forward filter rule <1-999999>
icmpv6 type-name
.. cfgcmd:: set firewall ipv6 input filter rule <1-999999>
icmpv6 type-name
.. cfgcmd:: set firewall ipv6 output filter rule <1-999999>
icmpv6 type-name
.. cfgcmd:: set firewall ipv6 ipv6-name rule <1-999999>
icmpv6 type-name
Match based on icmp|icmpv6 type-name criteria. Use tab for information
about what **type-name** criteria are supported.
.. cfgcmd:: set firewall [ipv4 | ipv6] forward filter rule <1-999999>
.. cfgcmd:: set firewall [ipv4 | ipv6] input filter rule <1-999999>
.. cfgcmd:: set firewall ipv4 name rule <1-999999>
.. cfgcmd:: set firewall ipv6 ipv6-name rule <1-999999>
Match based on inbound interface. Wilcard ``*`` can be used.
For example: ``eth2*``
.. cfgcmd:: set firewall [ipv4 | ipv6] forward filter rule <1-999999>
.. cfgcmd:: set firewall [ipv4 | ipv6] output filter rule <1-999999>
.. cfgcmd:: set firewall ipv4 name rule <1-999999>
.. cfgcmd:: set firewall ipv6 ipv6-name rule <1-999999>
Match based on outbound interface. Wilcard ``*`` can be used.
For example: ``eth2*``
.. cfgcmd:: set firewall [ipv4 | ipv6] forward filter rule <1-999999>
ipsec [match-ipsec | match-none]
.. cfgcmd:: set firewall [ipv4 | ipv6] input filter rule <1-999999>
ipsec [match-ipsec | match-none]
.. cfgcmd:: set firewall [ipv4 | ipv6] output filter rule <1-999999>
ipsec [match-ipsec | match-none]
.. cfgcmd:: set firewall ipv4 name rule <1-999999>
ipsec [match-ipsec | match-none]
.. cfgcmd:: set firewall ipv6 ipv6-name rule <1-999999>
ipsec [match-ipsec | match-none]
Match based on ipsec criteria.
.. cfgcmd:: set firewall [ipv4 | ipv6] forward filter rule <1-999999>
limit burst <0-4294967295>
.. cfgcmd:: set firewall [ipv4 | ipv6] input filter rule <1-999999>
limit burst <0-4294967295>
.. cfgcmd:: set firewall [ipv4 | ipv6] output filter rule <1-999999>
limit burst <0-4294967295>
.. cfgcmd:: set firewall ipv4 name rule <1-999999>
limit burst <0-4294967295>
.. cfgcmd:: set firewall ipv6 ipv6-name rule <1-999999>
limit burst <0-4294967295>
Match based on the maximum number of packets to allow in excess of rate.
.. cfgcmd:: set firewall [ipv4 | ipv6] forward filter rule <1-999999>
limit rate
.. cfgcmd:: set firewall [ipv4 | ipv6] input filter rule <1-999999>
limit rate
.. cfgcmd:: set firewall [ipv4 | ipv6] output filter rule <1-999999>
limit rate
.. cfgcmd:: set firewall ipv4 name rule <1-999999>
limit rate
.. cfgcmd:: set firewall ipv6 ipv6-name rule <1-999999>
limit rate
Match based on the maximum average rate, specified as **integer/unit**.
For example **5/minutes**
.. cfgcmd:: set firewall [ipv4 | ipv6] forward filter rule <1-999999>
.. cfgcmd:: set firewall [ipv4 | ipv6] input filter rule <1-999999>
.. cfgcmd:: set firewall [ipv4 | ipv6] output filter rule <1-999999>
.. cfgcmd:: set firewall ipv4 name rule <1-999999>
.. cfgcmd:: set firewall ipv6 ipv6-name rule <1-999999>
.. cfgcmd:: set firewall [ipv4 | ipv6] forward filter rule <1-999999>
.. cfgcmd:: set firewall [ipv4 | ipv6] input filter rule <1-999999>
.. cfgcmd:: set firewall [ipv4 | ipv6] output filter rule <1-999999>
.. cfgcmd:: set firewall ipv4 name rule <1-999999>
.. cfgcmd:: set firewall ipv6 ipv6-name rule <1-999999>
Match based on packet length criteria. Multiple values from 1 to 65535
and ranges are supported.
.. cfgcmd:: set firewall [ipv4 | ipv6] forward filter rule <1-999999>
packet-type [broadcast | host | multicast | other]
.. cfgcmd:: set firewall [ipv4 | ipv6] input filter rule <1-999999>
packet-type [broadcast | host | multicast | other]
.. cfgcmd:: set firewall [ipv4 | ipv6] output filter rule <1-999999>
packet-type [broadcast | host | multicast | other]
.. cfgcmd:: set firewall ipv4 name rule <1-999999>
packet-type [broadcast | host | multicast | other]
.. cfgcmd:: set firewall ipv6 ipv6-name