.. _console_server: ############## Console Server ############## Starting of with VyOS 1.3 (equuleus) we added support for running VyOS as an Out-of-Band Management device which provides remote access by means of SSH to directly attached serial interfaces. Serial interfaces can be any interface which is directly connected to the CPU or chipset (mostly known as a ttyS interface in Linux) or any other USB to serial converter (Prolific PL2303 or FTDI FT232/FT4232 based chips). If you happened to use a Cisco NM-16A - Sixteen Port Async Network Module or NM-32A - Thirty-two Port Async Network Module - this is your VyOS replacement. For USB port information please refor to: :ref:`hardware_usb`. Configuration ============= Between computers, the most common configuration used was "8N1": eight bit characters, with one start bit, one stop bit, and no parity bit. Thus 10 Baud times are used to send a single character, and so dividing the signalling bit-rate by ten results in the overall transmission speed in characters per second. This is also the default setting if none of those options are defined. .. cfgcmd:: set service console-server device <device> data-bits [7 | 8] Configure either seven or eight data bits. This defaults to eight data bits if left unconfigured. .. cfgcmd:: set service console-server device <device> description <string> A user friendly description identifying the connected peripheral. .. cfgcmd:: set service console-server device <device> alias <string> A user friendly alias for this connection. Can be used instead of the device name when connecting. .. cfgcmd:: set service console-server device <device> parity [even | odd | none] Set the parity option for the console. If unset this will default to none. .. cfgcmd:: set service console-server device <device> stop-bits [1 | 2] Configure either one or two stop bits. This defaults to one stop bits if left unconfigured. .. cfgcmd:: set service console-server device <device> speed [ 300 | 1200 | 2400 | 4800 | 9600 | 19200 | 38400 | 57600 | 115200 ] .. note:: USB to serial converters will handle most of their work in software so you should be carefull with the selected baudrate as some times they can't cope with the expected speed. Remote Access ------------- Each individual configured console-server device can be directly exposed to the outside world. A user can directly connect via SSH to the configured port. .. cfgcmd:: set service console-server device <device> ssh port <port> Accept SSH connections for the given `<device>` on TCP port `<port>`. After successfull authentication the user will be directly dropped to the connected serial device. .. hint:: Multiple users can connect to the same serial device but only one is allowed to write to the console port. Operation ========= .. opcmd:: show console-server ports Show configured serial ports and their respective interface configuration. .. code-block:: none vyos@vyos:~$ show console-server ports usb0b2.4p1.0 on /dev/serial/by-bus/usb0b2.4p1.0@ at 9600n .. opcmd:: show console-server user Show currently connected users. .. code-block:: none vyos@vyos:~$ show console-server user usb0b2.4p1.0 up vyos@localhost .. opcmd:: connect console <device> Locally connect to serial port identified by `<device>`. .. code-block:: none vyos@vyos-r1:~$ connect console usb0b2.4p1.0 [Enter `^Ec?' for help] [-- MOTD -- VyOS Console Server] vyos-r2 login: .. hint:: Multiple users can connect to the same serial device but only one is allowed to write to the console port. .. hint:: The sequence ``^Ec?`` translates to: ``Ctrl+E c ?``. To quit the session use: ``Ctrl+E c .`` .. hint:: If ``alias`` is set, it can be used instead of the device when connecting. .. opcmd:: show log console-server Show the console server log.