.. _dhcp-relay:

DHCP Relay

If you want your router to forward DHCP requests to an external DHCP server
you can configure the system to act as a DHCP relay agent. The DHCP relay
agent works with IPv4 and IPv6 addresses.

All interfaces used for the DHCP relay must be configured.

IPv4 relay


.. cfgcmd:: set service dhcp-relay interface <interface>

   Enable the DHCP relay service on the given interface.

.. cfgcmd:: set service dhcp-relay server <server>

   Configure IP address of the DHCP `<server>` which will handle the relayed

.. cfgcmd:: set service dhcp-relay relay-options relay-agents-packets discard

   The router should discard DHCP packages already containing relay agent
   information to ensure that only requests from DHCP clients are forwarded.


.. cfgcmd:: set service dhcp-relay relay-options hop-count <count>

   Set the maximum hop `<count>` before packets are discarded. Range 0...255,
   default 10.

.. cfgcmd:: set service dhcp-relay relay-options max-size <size>

   Set maximum `<size>` of DHCP packets including relay agent information. If a
   DHCP packet size surpasses this value it will be forwarded without appending
   relay agent information. Range 64...1400, default 576.

.. cfgcmd:: set service dhcp-relay relay-options relay-agents-packet
   <append | discard | forward | replace>

   Four policies for reforwarding DHCP packets exist:

   * **append:** The relay agent is allowed to append its own relay information
     to a received DHCP packet, disregarding relay information already present
     in the packet.

   * **discard:** Received packets which already contain relay information will
     be discarded.

   * **forward:** All packets are forwarded, relay information already present
     will be ignored.

   * **replace:** Relay information already present in a packet is stripped and
     replaced with the router's own relay information set.


* Listen for DHCP requests on interface ``eth1``.
* DHCP server is located at IPv4 address
* Router receives DHCP client requests on ``eth1`` and relays them to the server

.. figure:: /_static/images/service_dhcp-relay01.png
   :scale: 80 %
   :alt: DHCP relay example

   DHCP relay example

The generated configuration will look like:

.. code-block:: none

  show service dhcp-relay
      interface eth1
      relay-options {
         relay-agents-packets discard


.. opcmd:: restart dhcp relay-agent

   Restart DHCP relay service

IPv6 relay


.. cfgcmd:: set service dhcpv6-relay listen-interface <interface>

   Set eth1 to be the listening interface for the DHCPv6 relay.

   Multiple interfaces may be specified.

.. cfgcmd:: set service dhcpv6-relay upstream-interface <interface>
   address <server>

   Specifies an upstream network `<interface>` from which replies from
   `<server>` and other relay agents will be accepted.


.. cfgcmd:: set service dhcpv6-relay max-hop-count 'count'

   Set maximum hop count before packets are discarded, default: 10

.. cfgcmd:: set service dhcpv6-relay use-interface-id-option

   If this is set the relay agent will insert the interface ID. This option is
   set automatically if more than one listening interfaces are in use.


* DHCPv6 requests are received by the router on `listening interface` ``eth1``
* Requests are forwarded through ``eth2`` as the `upstream interface`
* External DHCPv6 server is at 2001:db8::4

.. figure:: /_static/images/service_dhcpv6-relay01.png
   :scale: 80 %
   :alt: DHCPv6 relay example

   DHCPv6 relay example

The generated configuration will look like:

.. code-block:: none

  show service dhcpv6-relay
      listen-interface eth1 {
      upstream-interface eth2 {
         address 2001:db8::4


.. opcmd:: restart dhcpv6 relay-agent

   Restart DHCPv6 relay agent immediately.