########## Monitoring ########## VyOS supports monitoring through Telegraf as well as through Prometheus exporters. ******** Telegraf ******** Telegraf is the open source server agent to help you collect metrics, events and logs from your routers. The following Telegraf plugins are configurable to export metrics and logs: * Azure Data Explorer * Prometheus Client * Splunk * InfluxDB * Loki Azure data explorer =================== Telegraf output plugin azure-data-explorer_. .. cfgcmd:: set service monitoring telegraf azure-data-explorer authentication client-id Authentication application client-id. .. cfgcmd:: set service monitoring telegraf azure-data-explorer authentication client-secret Authentication application client-secret. .. cfgcmd:: set service monitoring telegraf azure-data-explorer authentication tenant-id Authentication application tenant-id .. cfgcmd:: set service monitoring telegraf azure-data-explorer database Remote database name. .. cfgcmd:: set service monitoring telegraf azure-data-explorer group-metrics Type of metrics grouping when push to Azure Data Explorer. The default is ``table-per-metric``. .. cfgcmd:: set service monitoring telegraf azure-data-explorer table Name of the single table Only if set group-metrics single-table. .. cfgcmd:: set service monitoring telegraf azure-data-explorer url Remote URL. Prometheus client ================= Telegraf output plugin prometheus-client_ This plugin allows export of Telegraf metrics to Prometheus, for Prometheus native metrics through exporters see section below. .. cfgcmd:: set service monitoring telegraf prometheus-client Output plugin Prometheus client .. cfgcmd:: set service monitoring telegraf prometheus-client allow-from Networks allowed to query this server .. cfgcmd:: set service monitoring telegraf prometheus-client authentication username HTTP basic authentication username .. cfgcmd:: set service monitoring telegraf prometheus-client authentication password HTTP basic authentication username .. cfgcmd:: set service monitoring telegraf prometheus-client listen-address
Local IP addresses to listen on .. cfgcmd:: set service monitoring telegraf prometheus-client metric-version <1 | 2> Metris version, the default is ``2`` .. cfgcmd:: set service monitoring telegraf prometheus-client port Port number used by connection, default is ``9273`` Example: .. code-block:: none set service monitoring telegraf prometheus-client .. code-block:: none vyos@r14:~$ curl --silent localhost:9273/metrics | egrep -v "#" | grep cpu_usage_system cpu_usage_system{cpu="cpu-total",host="r14"} 0.20040080160320556 cpu_usage_system{cpu="cpu0",host="r14"} 0.17182130584191915 cpu_usage_system{cpu="cpu1",host="r14"} 0.22896393817971655 Splunk ====== Telegraf output plugin splunk_ HTTP Event Collector. .. cfgcmd:: set service monitoring telegraf splunk authentication insecure Use TLS but skip host validation .. cfgcmd:: set service monitoring telegraf splunk authentication token Authorization token .. cfgcmd:: set service monitoring telegraf splunk authentication url Remote URL to Splunk collector Example: .. code-block:: none set service monitoring telegraf splunk authentication insecure set service monitoring telegraf splunk authentication token 'xxxxf5b8-xxxx-452a-xxxx-43828911xxxx' set service monitoring telegraf splunk url '' InfluxDB ======== Telegraf output plugin influxdb_ to write metrics to ``InfluxDB`` via HTTP. .. cfgcmd:: set service monitoring telegraf influxdb authentication organization Authentication organization name .. cfgcmd:: set service monitoring telegraf influxdb authentication token Authentication token .. cfgcmd:: set service monitoring telegraf bucket Remote ``InfluxDB`` bucket name .. cfgcmd:: set service monitoring telegraf influxdb port Remote port .. cfgcmd:: set service monitoring telegraf influxdb url Remote URL Example: .. code-block:: none set service monitoring telegraf influxdb authentication organization 'vyos' set service monitoring telegraf influxdb authentication token 'ZAml9Uy5wrhA...==' set service monitoring telegraf influxdb bucket 'bucket_vyos' set service monitoring telegraf influxdb port '8086' set service monitoring telegraf influxdb url 'http://r1.influxdb2.local' Loki ==== Telegraf can be used to send logs to loki_ using tags as labels. .. cfgcmd:: set service monitoring telegraf loki port Remote Loki port Default is 3100 .. cfgcmd:: set service monitoring telegraf loki url Remote Loki url .. cfgcmd:: set service monitoring telegraf loki authentication username .. cfgcmd:: set service monitoring telegraf loki authentication password HTTP basic authentication. If either is set both must be set. .. cfgcmd:: set service monitoring telegraf loki metric-name-label