######## Coverage ######## Overview over all commands, which are documented in the ``.. cfgcmd::`` or ``.. opcmd::`` Directives. | The build process take all xml definition files from `vyos-1x <https://github.com/vyos/vyos-1x>`_ and extract each leaf command or executable command. | After this the commands are compare and shown in the follwoing two tables. | The script compare only the fixed part of a command. All varables or values will be erase and then compare: for example there are these two commands: * documentation: ``interfaces ethernet <interface> address <address | dhcp | dhcpv6>``` * xml: ``interface ethernet <ethernet> address <address>`` Now the script earse all in between ``<`` and ``>`` and simply compare the strings. **There are 2 kind of problems:** | ``Not documented yet`` | A XML command are not found in ``.. cfgcmd::`` or ``.. opcmd::`` Commands | The command should be documented | ``Nothing found in XML Definitions``: | ``.. cfgcmd::`` or ``.. opcmd::`` Command are not found in a XML command | Maybe the command where changed in the XML Definition, or the feature is not anymore in VyOS | Some commands are not yet translated to XML Configuration Commands ====================== .. cfgcmdlist:: :show-coverage: Operational Commands ==================== .. opcmdlist:: :show-coverage: