.. _index: VyOS User Guide =============== VyOS is an open source network operating system based on Debian GNU/Linux. VyOS provides a free routing platform that competes directly with other commercially available solutions from well known network providers. Because VyOS is run on standard amd64, i586 and ARM systems, it is able to be used as a router and firewall platform for cloud deployments. ##### About ##### We use multiple live versions of our manual hosted thankfully by https://readthedocs.org. We will provide one version of the manual for every VyOS major version starting with VyOS 1.2 which will receive Long-term support (LTS). The manual version is selected/specified by it's Git branch name. You can switch between versions of the documentation by selecting the appropriate branch on the bottom left corner. VyOS CLI syntax may change between major (and sometimes minor) versions. Please always refer to the documentation matching your current, running installation. If a change in the CLI is required, VyOS will ship a so called migration script which will take care of adjusting the synatax. No action needs to be taken by you. .. _introduction: .. toctree:: :caption: Introduction :maxdepth: 2 history install cli quick-start configuration-overview interfaces/index routing/index firewall nat vpn/index qos services/index system/index high-availability clustering load-balancing image-mgmt commandscripting .. modules .. _appendix: .. toctree:: :caption: Appendix :maxdepth: 2 appendix/releasenotes appendix/troubleshooting appendix/examples/index appendix/commandtree/index appendix/vyos-on-vmware appendix/vyos-on-baremetal appendix/migrate-from-vyatta .. _contributing: .. toctree:: :caption: Contributing :maxdepth: 2 contributing/build-vyos contributing/issues-features contributing/development contributing/documentation ################ Copyright Notice ################ Copyright (C) 2018-2019 VyOS maintainers and contributors Permission is granted to make and distribute verbatim copies of this manual provided the copyright notice and this permission notice are preserved on all copies. Permission is granted to copy and distribute modified versions of this manual under the conditions for verbatim copying, provided that the entire resulting derived work is distributed under the terms of a permission notice identical to this one. Permission is granted to copy and distribute translations of this manual into another language, under the above conditions for modified versions, except that this permission notice may be stated in a translation approved by the VyOS maintainers.