##### Azure ##### Deploy VM --------- Deploy VyOS on Azure. 1. Go to the Azure services and Click to **Add new Virtual machine** 2. Choose vm name, resource group, region and click **Browse all public and private images** .. figure:: /_static/images/cloud-azure-01.png 3. On the marketplace search ``VyOS`` and choose the appropriate subscription .. figure:: /_static/images/cloud-azure-02.png 4. Generate new SSH key pair or use existing. .. figure:: /_static/images/cloud-azure-03.png 5. Define network, subnet, Public IP. Or it will be created by default. .. figure:: /_static/images/cloud-azure-04.png 6. Click ``Review + create``. After a few seconds your deployment will be complete .. figure:: /_static/images/cloud-azure-05.png 7. Click to your new vm and find out your Public IP address. .. figure:: /_static/images/cloud-azure-06.png 8. Connect to the instance by SSH key. .. code-block:: none ssh -i ~/.ssh/vyos_azure vyos@ vyos@vyos-doc-r1:~$ Add interface ------------- If instance was deployed with one **eth0** ``WAN`` interface and want to add new one. To add new interface an example **eth1** ``LAN`` you need shutdown the instance. Attach the interface in the Azure portal and then start the instance. .. note:: Azure does not allow you attach interface when the instance in the **Running** state. Absorbing Routes ---------------- If using as a router, you will want your LAN interface to absorb some or all of the traffic from your VNET by using a route table applied to the subnet. 1. Create a route table and browse to **Configuration** 2. Add one or more routes for networks you want to pass through the VyOS VM. Next hop type **Virtual Appliance** with the **Next Hop Address** of the VyOS ``LAN`` interface. .. note:: If you want to create a new default route for VMs on the subnet, use **Address Prefix** ```` Also note that if you want to use this as a typical edge device, you'll want masquerade NAT for the ``WAN`` interface. Serial Console -------------- Azure has a way to access the serial console of a VM, but this needs to be configured on the VyOS. It's there by default, but keep it in mind if you are replacing config.boot and rebooting: ``set system console device ttyS0 speed '9600'`` References ---------- https://azure.microsoft.com