.. _rpki: #### RPKI #### :abbr:`RPKI (Resource Public Key Infrastructure)` is a framework :abbr:`PKI (Public Key Infastucrure)` designed to secure the Internet routing infrastructure. It associate a BGP route announcement with the correct originating :abbr:`ASN (Autonomus System Number)` and check its validity. RPKI is described in :rfc:`6480`. This is a separate server. You can find more details at RIPE-NNC_. Imported prefixes during the validation may have values: valid, invalid and not found. * The valid state means that prefix and ASN that originated it match the :abbr:`ROA (Route Origination Authorizations)` base. * Invalid means that prefix/prefix length and ASN that originated it doesn't match with ROA. * Notfound means that prefix not found in ROA. We can build route-maps for import, based on these states. Simple RPKI configuration, where 'routinator' - RPKI cache server with ip ''. .. code-block:: none set protocols rpki cache routinator address '' set protocols rpki cache routinator port '3323' Example route-map for import. We can set local-preference logic based on states. Also we may not import prefixes with the state 'invalid'. .. code-block:: none set policy route-map ROUTES-IN rule 10 action 'permit' set policy route-map ROUTES-IN rule 10 match rpki 'valid' set policy route-map ROUTES-IN rule 10 set local-preference '300' set policy route-map ROUTES-IN rule 20 action 'permit' set policy route-map ROUTES-IN rule 20 match rpki 'notfound' set policy route-map ROUTES-IN rule 20 set local-preference '125' set policy route-map ROUTES-IN rule 30 action 'deny' set policy route-map ROUTES-IN rule 30 match rpki 'invalid' .. _RIPE-NNC: https://github.com/RIPE-NCC/rpki-validator-3/wiki