.. _task-scheduler: Task scheduler -------------- | Task scheduler — allows scheduled task execution. Note that scripts excecuted this way are executed as root user - this may be dangerous. | Together with :ref:`commandscripting` this can be used for automating configuration. .. code-block:: sh system task-scheduler task cron-spec executable arguments path interval [mhd] Interval ******** You are able to set the time as an time interval. .. code-block:: sh set system task-scheduler task interval Sets the task to execute every N minutes, hours, or days. Suffixes: * m — minutes * h — hours * d — days If suffix is omitted, minutes are implied. Or set the execution time in common cron time. .. code-block:: sh set system task-scheduler task TEST crontab-spec "* * * 1 *" Example ******* .. code-block:: sh system task-scheduler task mytask interval 2h executable path /config/scripts/mytask arguments "arg1 arg2 arg3" task anothertask cron-spec "* * * 1 *" executable path /config/scripts/anothertask