path: root/includes/common/doc/bug-log-mailserver.txt
diff options
authorDaniel Baumann <>2007-09-23 10:04:50 +0200
committerDaniel Baumann <>2011-03-09 18:18:29 +0100
commit4739146fc6c4de8b16418517bb882312c475195c (patch)
treea3c29d97d1ead4ad4fa532b1c6bfdb419f160e71 /includes/common/doc/bug-log-mailserver.txt
parent1863ed88740575342008ac5f694d03e944bcece2 (diff)
Adding live-helper 1.0~a6-1.
Diffstat (limited to 'includes/common/doc/bug-log-mailserver.txt')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 137 deletions
diff --git a/includes/common/doc/bug-log-mailserver.txt b/includes/common/doc/bug-log-mailserver.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index aa28efc56..000000000
--- a/includes/common/doc/bug-log-mailserver.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,137 +0,0 @@
-Introduction to the bug system request server
- There is a mailserver which can send the bug reports and indices as
- plain text on request.
- To use it you send a mail message to The
- Subject of the message is ignored, except for generating the Subject
- of the reply.
- The body you send should be a series of commands, one per line. You'll
- receive a reply which looks like a transcript of your message being
- interpreted, with a response to each command. No notifications are
- sent to anyone for the commands listed here and the mail isn't logged
- anywhere publicly available.
- Any text on a line starting with a hash sign # is ignored; the server
- will stop processing when it finds a line starting with quit, stop,
- thank or two hyphens (to avoid parsing a signature). It will also stop
- if it encounters too many unrecognised or badly-formatted commands. If
- no commands are successfully handled it will send the help text for
- the server.
-Commands available
- send bugnumber
- send-detail bugnumber
- Requests the transcript for the bug report in question.
- send-detail sends all of the `boring' messages in the
- transcript as well, such as the various auto-acks.
- index [full]
- index-summary by-package
- index-summary by-number
- Request the full index (with full details, and including done
- and forwarded reports), or the summary sorted by package or by
- number, respectively.
- index-maint
- Requests the index page giving the list of maintainers with
- bugs (open and recently-closed) in the tracking system.
- index maint maintainer
- Requests the index pages of bugs in the system for the
- maintainer maintainer. The search term is an exact match. The
- bug index will be sent in a separate message.
- index-packages
- Requests the index page giving the list of packages with bugs
- (open and recently-closed) in the tracking system.
- index packages package
- Requests the index pages of bugs in the system for the package
- package. The search term is an exact match. The bug index will
- be sent in a separate message.
- send-unmatched [this|0]
- send-unmatched last|-1
- send-unmatched old|-2
- Requests logs of messages not matched to a particular bug
- report, for this week, last week and the week before. (Each
- week ends on a Wednesday.)
- getinfo filename
- Request a file containing information about package(s) and or
- maintainer(s) - the files available are:
- maintainers
- The unified list of packages' maintainers, as used by the
- tracking system. This is derived from information in the
- Packages files, override files and pseudo-packages files.
- override.distribution
- override.distribution.non-free
- override.distribution.contrib
- override.experimental
- Information about the priorities and sections of packages
- and overriding values for the maintainers. This
- information is used by the process which generates the
- Packages files in the FTP archive. Information is
- available for each of the main distribution trees
- available, by their codewords.
- pseudo-packages.description
- pseudo-packages.maintainers
- List of descriptions and maintainers respectively for
- pseudo-packages.
- refcard
- Requests that the mailservers' reference card be sent in plain
- help
- Requests that this help document be sent by email in plain
- quit
- stop
- thank...
- --...
- Stops processing at this point of the message. After this you
- may include any text you like, and it will be ignored. You can
- use this to include longer comments than are suitable for #,
- for example for the benefit of human readers of your message
- (reading it via the tracking system logs or due to a CC or
- BCC).
- #...
- One-line comment. The # must be at the start of the line.
- debug level
- Sets the debugging level to level, which should be a
- nonnegative integer. 0 is no debugging; 1 is usually
- sufficient. The debugging output appears in the transcript. It
- is not likely to be useful to general users of the bug system.
- There is a reference card for the mailservers, available via the WWW,
- in bug-mailserver-refcard.txt or by email using the refcard command
- (see above).
- If you wish to manipulate bug reports you should use the
- address, which understands a superset of the
- commands listed above. This is described in another document,
- available on the WWW, in the file bug-maint-mailcontrol.txt, or by
- sending help to control@bugs.
- In case you are reading this as a plain text file or via email: an
- HTML version is available via the bug system main contents page
- _________________________________________________________________
- Debian BTS administrators <>
- Debian bug tracking system
- Copyright © 1999 Darren O. Benham, 1997, 2003 nCipher Corporation Ltd,
- 1994-1997 Ian Jackson.
- _________________________________________________________________