path: root/includes/squeeze/common/doc/bug-maint-info.txt
diff options
authorDaniel Baumann <>2011-02-01 21:09:21 +0100
committerDaniel Baumann <>2011-03-09 19:17:33 +0100
commit26d74703053425539dc19fa50bf71db88298a223 (patch)
tree9c19c4077c3b8d283418294ea8e4e14924c2ebb6 /includes/squeeze/common/doc/bug-maint-info.txt
parentada0bb07e7f94851e806b8589307edb849735492 (diff)
Updating includes for squeeze.
Diffstat (limited to 'includes/squeeze/common/doc/bug-maint-info.txt')
1 files changed, 443 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/includes/squeeze/common/doc/bug-maint-info.txt b/includes/squeeze/common/doc/bug-maint-info.txt
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..332541279
--- /dev/null
+++ b/includes/squeeze/common/doc/bug-maint-info.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,443 @@
+ Initially, a bug report is submitted by a user as an ordinary mail
+ message to This will then be given a number,
+ acknowledged to the user, and forwarded to debian-bugs-dist. If the
+ submitter included a Package line listing a package with a known
+ maintainer the maintainer will get a copy too.
+ The Subject line will have Bug#nnn: added, and the Reply-To will be set
+ to include both the submitter of the report and
+ __________________________________________________________________
+ * Closing bug reports
+ * Followup messages
+ * Severity levels
+ * Tags for bug reports
+ * Recording that you have passed on a bug report
+ * Changing bug ownership
+ * Incorrectly listed package maintainers
+ * Reopening, reassigning and manipulating bugs
+ * Subscribing to bugs
+ * More-or-less obsolete subject-scanning feature
+ * Obsolete X-Debian-PR: quiet feature
+ __________________________________________________________________
+Closing bug reports
+ Debian bug reports should be closed when the problem is fixed. Problems
+ in packages can only be considered fixed once a package that includes
+ the bug fix enters the Debian archive.
+ Normally, the only people that should close a bug report are the
+ submitter of the bug and the maintainer(s) of the package against which
+ the bug is filed. There are exceptions to this rule, for example, the
+ bugs filed against unknown packages or certain generic pseudo-packages.
+ When in doubt, don't close bugs, first ask for advice on the
+ debian-devel mailing list.
+ Bug reports should be closed by sending email to
+ The message body needs to contain an
+ explanation of how the bug was fixed.
+ With the emails received from the bug tracking system, all you need to
+ do to close the bug is to make a Reply in your mail reader program and
+ edit the To field to say instead of
+ (nnn-close is provided as an alias for nnn-done).
+ Where applicable, please supply a Version line in the pseudo-header of
+ your message when closing a bug, so that the bug tracking system knows
+ which releases of the package contain the fix.
+ The person closing the bug, the person who submitted it and the
+ debian-bugs-closed mailing list will each get a notification about the
+ change in status of the report. The submitter and the mailing list will
+ also receive the contents of the message sent to nnn-done.
+Followup messages
+ The bug tracking system will include the submitter's address and the
+ bug address ( in the Reply-To header after
+ forwarding the bug report. Please note that these are two distinct
+ addresses.
+ If a developer wishes to reply to a bug report they should simply reply
+ to the message, respecting the Reply-To header. This will not close the
+ bug.
+ The bug tracking system will receive the message at
+, pass it on to the package maintainer, file the
+ reply with the rest of the logs for that bug report and forward it to
+ debian-bugs-dist.
+ Sending a message to will explicitly
+ email the submitter of the bug and place a copy in the Bug tracking
+ system. The message will not be sent to package maintainer.
+ If you wish to send a followup message which is not appropriate for
+ debian-bugs-dist you can do so by sending it to
+ or Mail to
+ is filed in the Bug Tracking System but is
+ not delivered to any individuals or mailing lists. Mail to
+ is filed in the Bug Tracking System and
+ is delivered only to the maintainer of the package in question.
+ Do not use the "reply to all recipients" or "followup" feature of your
+ mailer unless you intend to edit down the recipients substantially. In
+ particular, see that you don't send followup messages to
+ For more information about headers to suppress ACK messages and how to
+ send carbon copies using the Bug Tracking System, see the instructions
+ for reporting bugs.
+Severity levels
+ The bug system records a severity level with each bug report. This is
+ set to normal by default, but can be overridden either by supplying a
+ Severity line in the pseudo-header when the bug is submitted (see the
+ instructions for reporting bugs), or by using the severity command with
+ the control request server.
+ The severity levels are:
+ critical
+ makes unrelated software on the system (or the whole system)
+ break, or causes serious data loss, or introduces a security
+ hole on systems where you install the package.
+ grave
+ makes the package in question unusable or mostly so, or causes
+ data loss, or introduces a security hole allowing access to the
+ accounts of users who use the package.
+ serious
+ is a severe violation of Debian policy (roughly, it violates a
+ "must" or "required" directive), or, in the package maintainer's
+ or release manager's opinion, makes the package unsuitable for
+ release.
+ important
+ a bug which has a major effect on the usability of a package,
+ without rendering it completely unusable to everyone.
+ normal
+ the default value, applicable to most bugs.
+ minor
+ a problem which doesn't affect the package's usefulness, and is
+ presumably trivial to fix.
+ wishlist
+ for any feature request, and also for any bugs that are very
+ difficult to fix due to major design considerations.
+ Certain severities are considered release-critical, meaning the bug
+ will have an impact on releasing the package with the stable release of
+ Debian. Currently, these are critical, grave and serious. For complete
+ and canonical rules on what issues merit these severities, see the list
+ of Release-Critical Issues for Lenny.
+Tags for bug reports
+ Each bug can have zero or more of a set of given tags. These tags are
+ displayed in the list of bugs when you look at a package's page, and
+ when you look at the full bug log.
+ Tags can be set by supplying a Tags line in the pseudo-header when the
+ bug is submitted (see the instructions for reporting bugs), or by using
+ the tags command with the control request server. Separate multiple
+ tags with commas, spaces, or both.
+ The current bug tags are:
+ patch
+ A patch or some other easy procedure for fixing the bug is
+ included in the bug logs. If there's a patch, but it doesn't
+ resolve the bug adequately or causes some other problems, this
+ tag should not be used.
+ wontfix
+ This bug won't be fixed. Possibly because this is a choice
+ between two arbitrary ways of doing things and the maintainer
+ and submitter prefer different ways of doing things, possibly
+ because changing the behaviour will cause other, worse, problems
+ for others, or possibly for other reasons.
+ moreinfo
+ This bug can't be addressed until more information is provided
+ by the submitter. The bug will be closed if the submitter
+ doesn't provide more information in a reasonable (few months)
+ timeframe. This is for bugs like "It doesn't work". What doesn't
+ work?
+ unreproducible
+ This bug can't be reproduced on the maintainer's system.
+ Assistance from third parties is needed in diagnosing the cause
+ of the problem.
+ help
+ The maintainer is requesting help with dealing with this bug.
+ pending
+ A solution to this bug has been found and an upload will be made
+ soon.
+ fixed
+ This bug is fixed or worked around (by a non-maintainer upload,
+ for example), but there's still an issue that needs to be
+ resolved. This tag replaces the old "fixed" severity.
+ security
+ This bug describes a security problem in a package (e.g., bad
+ permissions allowing access to data that shouldn't be
+ accessible; buffer overruns allowing people to control a system
+ in ways they shouldn't be able to; denial of service attacks
+ that should be fixed, etc). Most security bugs should also be
+ set at critical or grave severity.
+ upstream
+ This bug applies to the upstream part of the package.
+ confirmed
+ The maintainer has looked at, understands, and basically agrees
+ with the bug, but has yet to fix it. (Use of this tag is
+ optional; it is intended mostly for maintainers who need to
+ manage large numbers of open bugs.)
+ fixed-upstream
+ The bug has been fixed by the upstream maintainer, but not yet
+ in the package (for whatever reason: perhaps it is too
+ complicated to backport the change or too minor to be worth
+ bothering).
+ fixed-in-experimental
+ The bug has been fixed in the package of the experimental
+ distribution, but not yet in the unstable distribution.
+ d-i
+ This bug is relevant to the development of debian-installer. It
+ is expected that this will be used when the bug affects
+ installer development but is not filed against a package that
+ forms a direct part of the installer itself.
+ ipv6
+ This bug affects support for Internet Protocol version 6.
+ lfs
+ This bug affects support for large files (over 2 gigabytes).
+ l10n
+ This bug is relevant to the localisation of the package.
+ potato
+ This bug particularly applies to the potato release of Debian.
+ woody
+ This bug particularly applies to the woody distribution.
+ sarge
+ This is a distribution tag, which has two effects. When set on a
+ bug, the bug can only affect sarge (though it may also affect
+ other distributions if other distribution tags are set) but
+ otherwise normal buggy/fixed/absent rules apply. The bug also
+ should not be archived until it is fixed in sarge.
+ sarge-ignore
+ This release-critical bug is to be ignored for the purposes of
+ releasing sarge. This tag should only be used by the release
+ manager; do not set it yourself without explicit authorization
+ from them.
+ etch
+ This is a distribution tag, which has two effects. When set on a
+ bug, the bug can only affect etch (though it may also affect
+ other distributions if other distribution tags are set) but
+ otherwise normal buggy/fixed/absent rules apply. The bug also
+ should not be archived until it is fixed in etch.
+ etch-ignore
+ This release-critical bug is to be ignored for the purposes of
+ releasing etch. This tag should only be used by the release
+ manager; do not set it yourself without explicit authorization
+ from them.
+ lenny
+ This is a release tag, which has two effects. When set on a bug,
+ the bug can only affect lenny (though it may also affect other
+ releases if other release tags are set) but otherwise normal
+ buggy/fixed/absent rules apply. The bug also should not be
+ archived until it is fixed in lenny.
+ lenny-ignore
+ This release-critical bug is to be ignored for the purposes of
+ releasing lenny. This tag should only be used by the release
+ manager(s); do not set it yourself without explicit
+ authorization from them.
+ squeeze
+ This is a release tag, which has two effects. When set on a bug,
+ the bug can only affect squeeze (though it may also affect other
+ releases if other release tags are set) but otherwise normal
+ buggy/fixed/absent rules apply. The bug also should not be
+ archived until it is fixed in squeeze.
+ squeeze-ignore
+ This release-critical bug is to be ignored for the purposes of
+ releasing squeeze. This tag should only be used by the release
+ manager(s); do not set it yourself without explicit
+ authorization from them.
+ sid
+ This is a release tag, which has two effects. When set on a bug,
+ the bug can only affect sid (though it may also affect other
+ releases if other release tags are set) but otherwise normal
+ buggy/fixed/absent rules apply. The bug also should not be
+ archived until it is fixed in sid.
+ experimental
+ This is a release tag, which has two effects. When set on a bug,
+ the bug can only affect experimental (though it may also affect
+ other releases if other release tags are set) but otherwise
+ normal buggy/fixed/absent rules apply. The bug also should not
+ be archived until it is fixed in experimental.
+ The meanings of the latter 8 distribution-specific tags have changed
+ recently; the -ignore tags ignore the bug for the purposes of testing
+ propagation. The release tags indicate that the bug in question should
+ not be archived until it is fixed in the set of releases specified. The
+ release tags also indicate that a bug should only be considered buggy
+ in the set of releases specified. [In other words, the bug is absent in
+ any release whose corresponding release tag is not set if any release
+ tags are set; otherwise the normal found/fixed rules apply.]
+ Release tags should not be used if proper versioning of the bug would
+ achieve the desired effect, as they require manual addition and
+ removal. If you are unsure if a release tag is required, contact the
+ Debian BTS Administrators ( or the release team
+ for advice.
+Recording that you have passed on a bug report
+ When a developer forwards a bug report to the developer of the upstream
+ source package from which the Debian package is derived, they should
+ note this in the bug tracking system as follows:
+ Make sure that the To field of your message to the author has only the
+ author(s) address(es) in it; put the person who reported the bug,
+ and in the CC field.
+ Ask the author to preserve the CC to when
+ they reply, so that the bug tracking system will file their reply with
+ the original report. These messages are only filed and are not sent on;
+ to send a message as normal, send them to as well.
+ When the bug tracking system gets a message at nnn-forwarded it will
+ mark the relevant bug as having been forwarded to the address(es) in
+ the To field of the message it gets, if the bug is not already marked
+ as forwarded.
+ You can also manipulate the "forwarded to" information by sending
+ messages to
+Changing bug ownership
+ In cases where the person responsible for fixing a bug is not the
+ assigned maintainer for the associated package (for example, when the
+ package is maintained by a team), it may be useful to record this fact
+ in the bug tracking system. To help with this, each bug may optionally
+ have an owner.
+ The owner can be set by supplying an Owner line in the pseudo-header
+ when the bug is submitted (see the instructions for reporting bugs), or
+ by using the owner and noowner commands with the control request
+ server.
+Incorrectly listed package maintainers
+ If the maintainer of a package is listed incorrectly, this is usually
+ because the maintainer has changed recently, and the new maintainer
+ hasn't yet uploaded a new version of the package with a changed
+ Maintainer control file field. This will be fixed when the package is
+ uploaded; alternatively, the archive maintainers can override the
+ maintainer record of a package manually, for example if a rebuild and
+ reupload of the package is not expected to be needed soon. Contact
+ for changes to the override file.
+Reopening, reassigning and manipulating bugs
+ It is possible to reassign bug reports to other packages, to reopen
+ erroneously-closed ones, to modify the information saying to where, if
+ anywhere, a bug report has been forwarded, to change the severities and
+ titles of reports, to set the ownership of bugs, to merge and unmerge
+ bug reports, and to record the versions of packages in which bugs were
+ found and in which they were fixed. This is done by sending mail to
+ The format of these messages is described in another document available
+ on the World Wide Web or in the file bug-maint-mailcontrol.txt. A plain
+ text version can also be obtained by mailing the word help to the
+ server at the address above.
+Subscribing to bugs
+ The bug tracking system also allows bug submitters, developers and
+ other interested third parties to subscribe to individual bugs. This
+ feature can be used by those wishing to keep an eye on a bug, without
+ having to subscribe to a package through the PTS. All messages that are
+ received at, are sent to subscribers.
+ Subscribing to a bug can be done by sending an email to
+ The subject and body of the email are
+ ignored by the BTS. Once this message is processed, users are sent a
+ confirmation message that they will need to reply to before they are
+ sent the messages relating to that bug.
+ It is also possible to unsubscribe from a bug. Unsubscribing can be
+ done by sending an email to The
+ subject and body of the email are again ignored by the BTS. Users will
+ be sent a confirmation message which they must reply to if they wish to
+ be unsubscribed from the bug.
+ By default, the address subscribed is the one found in the From header.
+ If you wish to subscribe another address to a bug, you will need to
+ encode the address to be subscribed into the subscription message. This
+ takes the form of:
+ That example would send a subscription message
+ for bug nnn. The @ sign must be encoded by changing it to an = sign.
+ Similarly, an unsubscription takes the form
+ In both cases,
+ the subject and body of the email will be forwarded to the email
+ address within the request for confirmation.
+More-or-less obsolete subject-scanning feature
+ Messages that arrive at submit or bugs whose Subject starts Bug#nnn
+ will be treated as having been sent to This is
+ both for backwards compatibility with mail forwarded from the old
+ addresses, and to catch followup mail sent to submit by mistake (for
+ example, by using reply to all recipients).
+ A similar scheme operates for maintonly, done, quiet and forwarded,
+ which treat mail arriving with a Subject tag as having been sent to the
+ corresponding address.
+ Messages arriving at plain forwarded and done -- ie, with no bug report
+ number in the address -- and without a bug number in the Subject will
+ be filed under "junk" and kept for a few weeks, but otherwise ignored.
+Obsolete X-Debian-PR: quiet feature
+ It used to be possible to prevent the bug tracking system from
+ forwarding anywhere messages it received at debian-bugs, by putting an
+ X-Debian-PR: quiet line in the actual mail header.
+ This header line is now ignored. Instead, send your message to quiet or
+ nnn-quiet (or maintonly or nnn-maintonly).
+ __________________________________________________________________
+ Debian BTS administrators <>
+ Debian bug tracking system
+ Copyright © 1999 Darren O. Benham, 1997, 2003 nCipher Corporation Ltd,
+ 1994-1997 Ian Jackson.
+ __________________________________________________________________