path: root/templates/syslinux/menu/data
diff options
authorJesse Hathaway <>2007-11-02 09:31:27 -0400
committerDaniel Baumann <>2011-03-09 18:22:28 +0100
commit72220890bd5f0d6ace56c0e1d8139d9010bc8d0e (patch)
tree9192780867d0870825a76f28f156dce865cc226f /templates/syslinux/menu/data
parent34683dc5e63f0afb095aa941ecc8a636abf4e6da (diff)
add new option --syslinux-menu to enable syslinux menu
added a new syslinux menu splash screen, I'm not an artist but I think it is better than the generic splash which was already included. Also added the svg file if anyone wants to make any changes.
Diffstat (limited to 'templates/syslinux/menu/data')
-rw-r--r--templates/syslinux/menu/data/splash.pngbin57186 -> 14015 bytes
2 files changed, 304 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/templates/syslinux/menu/data/splash.png b/templates/syslinux/menu/data/splash.png
index 566961567..c2a83124e 100644
--- a/templates/syslinux/menu/data/splash.png
+++ b/templates/syslinux/menu/data/splash.png
Binary files differ
diff --git a/templates/syslinux/menu/data/splash.svg b/templates/syslinux/menu/data/splash.svg
new file mode 100644
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+ style="fill:#fcfcfc" />
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+ style="fill:#fcfcfc" />
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+ id="path13351"
+ d="M 47.088,1.932 L 46.41,2.072 L 47.041,2.016 L 47.088,1.932"
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+ id="path13353"
+ d="M 76.992,46.856 C 77.099,49.762 76.142,51.172 75.279,53.668 L 73.726,54.444 C 72.455,56.912 73.849,56.011 72.939,57.974 C 70.955,59.738 66.918,63.494 65.626,63.837 C 64.683,63.816 66.265,62.724 66.472,62.296 C 63.816,64.12 64.341,65.034 60.279,66.142 L 60.16,65.878 C 50.142,70.591 36.226,61.251 36.409,48.507 C 36.302,49.316 36.105,49.114 35.883,49.441 C 35.366,42.884 38.911,36.298 44.89,33.609 C 50.738,30.714 57.594,31.902 61.783,35.806 C 59.482,32.792 54.902,29.597 49.474,29.896 C 44.157,29.98 39.183,33.359 37.523,37.027 C 34.799,38.742 34.483,43.638 33.296,44.534 C 31.699,56.271 36.3,61.342 44.083,67.307 C 45.308,68.133 44.428,68.258 44.594,68.887 C 42.008,67.676 39.64,65.848 37.693,63.61 C 38.726,65.122 39.841,66.592 41.282,67.747 C 38.844,66.921 35.587,61.839 34.636,61.632 C 38.839,69.157 51.688,74.829 58.416,72.015 C 55.303,72.13 51.348,72.079 47.85,70.786 C 46.381,70.03 44.383,68.464 44.74,68.171 C 53.922,71.601 63.407,70.769 71.352,64.4 C 73.373,62.826 75.581,60.148 76.219,60.111 C 75.258,61.556 76.383,60.806 75.645,62.082 C 77.659,58.834 74.77,60.76 77.727,56.473 L 78.819,57.977 C 78.413,55.281 82.167,52.007 81.786,47.743 C 82.647,46.439 82.747,49.146 81.833,52.146 C 83.101,48.818 82.167,48.283 82.493,45.537 C 82.845,46.46 83.307,47.441 83.544,48.415 C 82.718,45.199 84.392,42.999 84.806,41.13 C 84.398,40.949 83.531,42.552 83.333,38.753 C 83.362,37.103 83.792,37.888 83.958,37.482 C 83.634,37.296 82.784,36.031 82.267,33.605 C 82.642,33.035 83.269,35.083 83.779,35.167 C 83.451,33.238 82.886,31.767 82.863,30.287 C 81.373,27.173 82.336,30.702 81.127,28.95 C 79.541,24.003 82.443,27.802 82.639,25.554 C 85.043,29.037 86.414,34.435 87.043,36.671 C 86.563,33.945 85.787,31.304 84.84,28.749 C 85.57,29.056 83.664,23.14 85.789,27.058 C 83.519,18.706 76.074,10.902 69.225,7.24 C 70.063,8.007 71.121,8.97 70.741,9.121 C 67.335,7.093 67.934,6.935 67.446,6.078 C 64.671,4.949 64.489,6.169 62.651,6.08 C 57.421,3.306 56.413,3.601 51.6,1.863 L 51.819,2.886 C 48.354,1.732 47.782,3.324 44.037,2.89 C 43.809,2.712 45.237,2.246 46.412,2.075 C 43.062,2.517 43.219,1.415 39.941,2.197 C 40.749,1.63 41.603,1.255 42.465,0.773 C 39.733,0.939 35.943,2.363 37.113,1.068 C 32.657,3.056 24.743,5.847 20.302,10.011 L 20.162,9.078 C 18.127,11.521 11.288,16.374 10.743,19.538 L 10.199,19.665 C 9.14,21.458 8.455,23.49 7.615,25.335 C 6.23,27.695 5.585,26.243 5.782,26.613 C 3.058,32.136 1.705,36.777 0.536,40.583 C 1.369,41.828 0.556,48.078 0.871,53.08 C -0.497,77.784 18.209,101.77 38.656,107.308 C 41.653,108.38 46.11,108.339 49.901,108.449 C 45.428,107.17 44.85,107.771 40.493,106.252 C 37.35,104.772 36.661,103.082 34.435,101.15 L 35.316,102.707 C 30.95,101.162 32.777,100.795 29.225,99.67 L 30.166,98.441 C 28.751,98.334 26.418,96.056 25.78,94.795 L 24.232,94.856 C 22.372,92.561 21.381,90.907 21.453,89.626 L 20.953,90.517 C 20.386,89.544 14.11,81.91 17.366,83.687 C 16.761,83.134 15.957,82.787 15.085,81.203 L 15.748,80.445 C 14.181,78.429 12.864,75.845 12.964,74.984 C 13.8,76.113 14.38,76.324 14.954,76.517 C 10.997,66.699 10.775,75.976 7.778,66.523 L 8.412,66.472 C 7.926,65.74 7.631,64.945 7.24,64.165 L 7.516,61.415 C 4.667,58.121 6.719,47.409 7.13,41.534 C 7.415,39.145 9.508,36.602 11.1,32.614 L 10.13,32.447 C 11.984,29.213 20.716,19.459 24.76,19.961 C 26.719,17.5 24.371,19.952 23.988,19.332 C 28.291,14.879 29.644,16.186 32.548,15.385 C 35.68,13.526 29.86,16.11 31.345,14.676 C 36.759,13.293 35.182,11.532 42.245,10.83 C 42.99,11.254 40.516,11.485 39.895,12.035 C 44.406,9.828 54.17,10.33 60.512,13.26 C 67.871,16.699 76.139,26.865 76.465,36.43 L 76.836,36.53 C 76.648,40.332 77.418,44.729 76.084,48.768 L 76.992,46.856"
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