path: root/examples/cron
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'examples/cron')
4 files changed, 402 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/examples/cron/crontab b/examples/cron/crontab
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..960f5e948
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/cron/crontab
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+# /etc/crontab - system-wide crontab
+# m h dom mon dow user command
+*/10 * * * * user /usr/share/doc/live-helper/examples/cron/ > /dev/null 2>&1
+*/10 * * * * user /usr/share/doc/live-helper/examples/cron/ > /dev/null 2>&1
diff --git a/examples/cron/ b/examples/cron/
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..342f645eb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/cron/
@@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
+#!/bin/sh -e
+# Static variables
+FLAVOURS="${FLAVOURS:-standard rescue gnome-desktop kde-desktop lxde-desktop xfce-desktop}"
+# Dynamic variables
+ARCHITECTURE="$(dpkg --print-architecture)"
+DATE="$(date +%Y%m%d)"
+ rm -rf cache/stages*
+ do
+ mkdir -p config
+ if [ -e .stage ]
+ then
+ lh clean
+ fi
+ rm -rf config
+ rm -rf cache/packages*
+ rm -rf cache/stages_rootfs
+ case "${ARCHITECTURE}" in
+ amd64)
+ case "${FLAVOUR}" in
+ gnome-desktop)
+ mkdir -p config/chroot_local-hooks
+ echo "apt-get remove --yes --purge" > config/chroot_local-hooks/package-removals
+ echo "apt-get remove --yes --purge epiphany-browser epiphany-browser-data epiphany-extensions epiphany-gecko" >> config/chroot_local-hooks/package-removals
+ echo "apt-get remove --yes --purge gnome-user-guide" >> config/chroot_local-hooks/package-removals
+ INDICES="none"
+ ;;
+ kde-desktop)
+ INDICES="none"
+ ;;
+ esac
+ ;;
+ i386)
+ case "${FLAVOUR}" in
+ standard|rescue|lxde-desktop|xfce-desktop)
+ INDICES="enabled"
+ ;;
+ gnome-desktop|kde-desktop)
+ KERNEL="-k 686"
+ INDICES="none"
+ ;;
+ esac
+ ;;
+ esac
+ if [ "${SOURCE}" = "enabled" ]
+ then
+ lh config -d ${DISTRIBUTION} -p ${FLAVOUR} --cache-stages "bootstrap rootfs" --apt-recommends disabled --binary-indices ${INDICES} --tasksel aptitude ${KERNEL} --source enabled --mirror-bootstrap ${MIRROR} --mirror-chroot ${MIRROR} --mirror-chroot-security ${MIRROR_SECURITY}
+ else
+ lh config -d ${DISTRIBUTION} -p ${FLAVOUR} --cache-stages "bootstrap rootfs" --apt-recommends disabled --binary-indices ${INDICES} --tasksel aptitude ${KERNEL} --source disabled --mirror-bootstrap ${MIRROR} --mirror-chroot ${MIRROR} --mirror-chroot-security ${MIRROR_SECURITY}
+ fi
+ if [ "${DISTRIBUTION}" = "sid" ]
+ then
+ echo 'deb sid/snapshots main' > config/chroot_sources/debian-live_sid-snapshots.chroot
+ echo 'deb sid/snapshots main' > config/chroot_sources/debian-live_sid-snapshots.boot
+ wget -O config/chroot_sources/debian-live_sid-snapshots.chroot.gpg
+ wget -O config/chroot_sources/debian-live_sid-snapshots.binary.gpg
+ fi
+ lh build 2>&1 | tee debian-live-${DISTRIBUTION}-${ARCHITECTURE}-${FLAVOUR}.iso.log
+ mv binary.iso debian-live-${DISTRIBUTION}-${ARCHITECTURE}-${FLAVOUR}.iso
+ mv binary.list debian-live-${DISTRIBUTION}-${ARCHITECTURE}-${FLAVOUR}.iso.list
+ mv binary.packages debian-live-${DISTRIBUTION}-${ARCHITECTURE}-${FLAVOUR}.iso.packages
+ if [ "${SOURCE}" = "enabled" ]
+ then
+ mv source.tar.gz debian-live-${DISTRIBUTION}-source-${FLAVOUR}.tar.gz
+ mv source.list debian-live-${DISTRIBUTION}-source-${FLAVOUR}.tar.gz.list
+ fi
+ lh clean --binary
+ lh config -b usb-hdd
+ lh binary 2>&1 | tee debian-live-${DISTRIBUTION}-${ARCHITECTURE}-${FLAVOUR}.img.log
+ mv binary.img debian-live-${DISTRIBUTION}-${ARCHITECTURE}-${FLAVOUR}.img
+ mv binary.list debian-live-${DISTRIBUTION}-${ARCHITECTURE}-${FLAVOUR}.img.list
+ mv binary.packages debian-live-${DISTRIBUTION}-${ARCHITECTURE}-${FLAVOUR}.img.packages
+ lh clean --binary
+ lh config -b net
+ lh binary 2>&1 | tee debian-live-${DISTRIBUTION}-i386-${FLAVOUR}-net.tar.gz.log
+ mv binary-net.tar.gz debian-live-${DISTRIBUTION}-i386-${FLAVOUR}-net.tar.gz
+ mv binary.list debian-live-${DISTRIBUTION}-i386-${FLAVOUR}-net.tar.gz.list
+ mv binary.packages debian-live-${DISTRIBUTION}-i386-${FLAVOUR}-net.tar.gz.packages
+ mv binary/*/filesystem.squashfs debian-live-${DISTRIBUTION}-i386-${FLAVOUR}.squashfs
+ done
diff --git a/examples/cron/ b/examples/cron/
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..00f49dfcd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/cron/
@@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
+# Needs: man2html git-core
+# Static variables
+PACKAGES="live-helper live-initramfs"
+DATE_START="$(date -R)"
+# Checking lock file
+if [ -f "${SERVER}"/lock ]
+ echo "E: locked."
+ exit 1
+# Creating server directory
+if [ ! -d "${SERVER}" ]
+ mkdir -p "${SERVER}"
+# Creating lock trap
+trap "test -f ${SERVER}/lock && rm -f ${SERVER}/lock; exit 0" 0 HUP INT QUIT KILL TERM
+# Creating lock file
+echo "${DATE_START}" > "${SERVER}"/lock
+echo "$(date +%b\ %d\ %H:%M:%S) ${HOST} live-helper: begin manpage build." >> /var/log/live
+# Remove old manpages
+rm -f "${SERVER}"/*.html
+# Processing packages
+ # Cleaning build directory
+ if [ -d "${TEMPDIR}" ]
+ then
+ rm -rf "${TEMPDIR}"
+ fi
+ # Creating build directory
+ mkdir -p "${TEMPDIR}"
+ # Getting sources
+ cd "${TEMPDIR}"
+ git clone git://${PACKAGE}.git
+ # Building manpages
+ for MANPAGE in "${TEMPDIR}"/${PACKAGE}/manpages/*
+ do
+ man2html -D "${SERVER}"/ -r ${MANPAGE} | \
+ sed -e "s#Content-type: text/html##" \
+ -e 's#HREF="../index.html"#HREF="./"#' \
+ -e 's#HREF="../man1/#HREF="#g' \
+ -e 's#HREF="../man2/#HREF="#g' \
+ -e 's#HREF="../man3/#HREF="#g' \
+ -e 's#HREF="../man4/#HREF="#g' \
+ -e 's#HREF="../man5/#HREF="#g' \
+ -e 's#HREF="../man6/#HREF="#g' \
+ -e 's#HREF="../man7/#HREF="#g' \
+ -e 's#HREF="../man8/#HREF="#g' \
+ -e 's#HREF="../man9/#HREF="#g' \
+ -e 's#/cgi-bin/man/man2html#' \
+ > "${SERVER}"/$(basename ${MANPAGE}).html
+ done
+ # Removing sources
+ rm -rf "${TEMPDIR}"/${PACKAGE}
+ cd "${OLDPWD}"
+# Creating symlinks
+for NUMBER in 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
+ for MANPAGE in "${SERVER}"/*.en.${NUMBER}.html
+ do
+ if [ -f "${MANPAGE}" ]
+ then
+ ln -s $(basename ${MANPAGE}) "${SERVER}"/$(basename ${MANPAGE} .en.${NUMBER}.html).${NUMBER}.html
+ fi
+ done
+# Writing timestamp
+cat > "${SERVER}"/LAST_BUILD << EOF
+Last run begin: ${DATE_START}
+Last run end: $(date -R)
+# Removing build directory
+rm -rf "${TEMPDIR}"
+echo "$(date +%b\ %d\ %H:%M:%S) ${HOST} live-helper: end manpage build." >> /var/log/live
diff --git a/examples/cron/ b/examples/cron/
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..4c6290fde
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/cron/
@@ -0,0 +1,183 @@
+#!/bin/sh -e
+# Static variables
+if [ -n "${1}" ]
+ PACKAGES="${@}"
+ PACKAGES="live-helper live-initramfs live-initscripts live-webhelper live-magic debian-unofficial-archive-keyring"
+DEBFULLNAME="Debian Live Autobuilder"
+NAME="Debian Live Autobuilder"
+TEMPDIR="$(mktemp -d -t debian-live.XXXXXXXX)"
+DATE_START="$(date -R)"
+# Checking lock file
+if [ -f "${SERVER}"/Archive-Update-in-Progress ]
+ echo "E: locked."
+ exit 1
+# Creating server directory
+if [ ! -d "${SERVER}" ]
+ mkdir -p "${SERVER}"
+# Creating lock trap
+trap "test -f ${SERVER}/Archive-Update-in-Progress && rm -f ${SERVER}/Archive-Update-in-Progress; exit 0" 0 HUP INT QUIT KILL TERM
+# Creating lock file
+echo "${DATE_START}" > "${SERVER}"/Archive-Update-in-Progress
+echo "$(date +%b\ %d\ %H:%M:%S) ${HOST} live-snapshots: begin build." >> "${LOGFILE}"
+# Processing packages
+ # Cleaning build directory
+ if [ -d "${TEMPDIR}" ]
+ then
+ rm -rf "${TEMPDIR}"
+ fi
+ # Creating build directory
+ mkdir -p "${TEMPDIR}"
+ # Getting sources
+ cd "${TEMPDIR}"
+ case "${PACKAGE}" in
+ debian-unofficial-archive-keyring)
+ git clone git://${PACKAGE}.git
+ ;;
+ live-magic)
+ git clone git://${PACKAGE}.git
+ ;;
+ *)
+ git clone git://${PACKAGE}.git
+ ;;
+ esac
+ # Getting version
+ cd "${TEMPDIR}"/${PACKAGE}
+ for BRANCH in debian
+ do
+ if [ -n "$(git branch -r | grep ${BRANCH})" ]
+ then
+ git checkout -b ${BRANCH} origin/${BRANCH} || true
+ fi
+ done
+ VERSION="$(dpkg-parsechangelog | awk '/Version:/ { print $2 }' | awk -F- '{ print $1 }')"
+ # Getting revision
+ cd "${TEMPDIR}"/${PACKAGE}
+ REVISION="$(git log | grep -m1 Date | awk -FDate: '{ print $2 }' | awk '{ print $1 ",", $3, $2, $5, $4, $6 }')"
+ REVISION="$(date -d "${REVISION}" +%Y%m%d.%H%M%S)"
+ # Check for existing package
+ if [ ! -f "${SERVER}"/${PACKAGE}_${VERSION}+${REVISION}.dsc ] || [ "${1}" = "--force" ]
+ then
+ # Renaming directory
+ # Building package
+ rm -rf .git
+ dch --force-bad-version --newversion ${VERSION}+${REVISION} --distribution UNRELEASED Autobuild snapshot of git ${REVISION}.
+ dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot -k${KEY} -sa
+ # Removing sources
+ # Creating directory
+ mkdir -p "${SERVER}"
+ # Removing old packages
+ if [ -f "${SERVER}"/"${PACKAGE}"*.changes ]
+ then
+ for FILE in $(awk {'print $5'} "${SERVER}"/"${PACKAGE}"*.changes | grep -e ".*\.deb$" -e ".*\.diff.gz$" -e ".*\.dsc$" -e ".*\.tar.gz$" -e ".*\.udeb$")
+ do
+ rm -f "${SERVER}"/"${FILE}"
+ done
+ fi
+ rm -f "${SERVER}"/"${PACKAGE}"*.changes
+ # Installing new packages
+ for FILE in $(awk {'print $5'} "${TEMPDIR}"/"${PACKAGE}"*.changes | grep -e ".*\.deb$" -e ".*\.diff.gz$" -e ".*\.dsc$" -e ".*\.tar.gz$" -e ".*\.udeb$")
+ do
+ mv "${TEMPDIR}"/"${FILE}" "${SERVER}"
+ done
+ mv "${TEMPDIR}"/"${PACKAGE}"*.changes "${SERVER}"
+ else
+ # Remove sources
+ rm -rf "${TEMPDIR}"/${PACKAGE}
+ fi
+if [ "${UPDATE_INDICES}" = "true" ]
+ LAST_UPDATE="$(date -R)"
+ cd "${SERVER}"
+ apt-ftparchive packages . /dev/null > Packages
+ gzip -9 -c Packages > Packages.gz
+ bzip2 -9 -c Packages > Packages.bz2
+ apt-ftparchive sources . /dev/null > Sources
+ gzip -9 -c Sources > Sources.gz
+ bzip2 -9 -c Sources > Sources.bz2
+ if [ -f release.conf ]
+ then
+ apt-ftparchive -c release.conf -o APT::FTPArchive::Release::Description="Last updated: `date -R`" release ./ >> Release.tmp
+ mv Release.tmp Release
+ rm -f Release.gpg
+ gpg --default-key ${KEY} --quiet --output Release.gpg -ba Release
+ fi
+# Reading timestamp
+if [ -z "${LAST_UPDATE}" ]
+ LAST_UPDATE="$(awk -F: '/Last update:/ { print $2":"$3":"$4 }' ${SERVER}/LAST_BUILD | sed -e 's/ //')"
+# Writing timestamp
+cat > "${SERVER}"/LAST_BUILD << EOF
+Last run begin: ${DATE_START}
+Last run end: $(date -R)
+Last update: ${LAST_UPDATE}
+# Removing build directory
+rm -rf "${TEMPDIR}"
+# Fixing permissions
+chmod 0644 "${SERVER}"/*
+chmod 0766 "${SERVER}"/*.sh
+echo "$(date +%b\ %d\ %H:%M:%S) ${HOST} live-snapshots: end build." >> "${LOGFILE}"