AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2012-08-09Adding live-build to depends for live-build-cgi.Daniel Baumann
2012-08-07Also removing binary.netboot.tar.xz before re-creating it in binary_netboot.Daniel Baumann
2012-08-04Remove settings that should be handled by --config git option.Richard Nelson
2012-08-04Initial work to support --config git option.Richard Nelson
2012-08-02Removing manpage stubs for second-level commands.Daniel Baumann
2012-08-02Updating lb config --config manpage option to reflect that any Git Id can be ...Daniel Baumann
2012-07-31Concentrating all parted calls within lb_binary_hdd into one place in order t...Daniel Baumann
2012-07-30Releasing debian version 3.0~a56-1.debian/3.0_a56-1Daniel Baumann
2012-07-30Disabling volatile for wheezy for the time being.Daniel Baumann
2012-07-30Removing chroot_local-patches, too much overhead for just applying patches (n...Daniel Baumann
2012-07-30Updating GPL standard header in all files.Daniel Baumann
2012-07-30Adding shortcut helper for dctrl-tools.Daniel Baumann
2012-07-30Avoid showing message in lb config running the second time through auto on gi...Daniel Baumann
2012-07-30Automatically update auto/config when using --config with extra options.Daniel Baumann
2012-07-30Adding messages about performing git operations when using --config.Daniel Baumann
2012-07-29Adding possibility to specify a git branch when using lb config --config.Daniel Baumann
2012-07-29Releasing debian version 3.0~a55-1.debian/3.0_a55-1Daniel Baumann
2012-07-29Optimizing chroot package-lists handling for the cases where it's not used.Daniel Baumann
2012-07-29Also checking for dctrl-tools when assembling binary package lists.Daniel Baumann
2012-07-29Dropping global package-lists entirely, only local package lists within the c...Daniel Baumann
2012-07-29Removing chroot_task-lists, obsoleted by package lists.Daniel Baumann
2012-07-28Handling dctrl-tools temporary installation in chroot during package-lists ex...Daniel Baumann
2012-07-28Adding support for executable statements as '! $command' in package lists.Daniel Baumann
2012-07-28Removing debian-junior list, same as with debian-science, see 9ad58f0d.Daniel Baumann
2012-07-28Removing unused debian-live package lists.Daniel Baumann
2012-07-28Removing minimal package list, not needed anymore.Daniel Baumann
2012-07-28Including gnupg on ubuntu by default through corresponding default for bootst...Daniel Baumann
2012-07-28Adding git to suggests.Daniel Baumann
2012-07-28Removing unmaintained gnustep package list.Daniel Baumann
2012-07-28Showing a message about ignoring --config when the current directory already ...Daniel Baumann
2012-07-28Reordering auto/config in lb_config to work with bootstrapping config tree fr...Daniel Baumann
2012-07-28Allowing to specify a git repository to lb_config in order to bootstrap a con...Daniel Baumann
2012-07-28Moving off rescue package list to its own git repository for the config tree.Daniel Baumann
2012-07-28Dropping globale package lists for the desktop environments.Daniel Baumann
2012-07-28Dropping global binary includes and moving binary local-includes to includes,...Daniel Baumann
2012-07-27Updating all distribution specific selectors in defaults to be as future proo...Daniel Baumann
2012-07-27Adding release information for jessie.Daniel Baumann
2012-07-20Releasing debian version 3.0~a54-1.debian/3.0_a54-1Daniel Baumann
2012-07-19Correcting accidentally reverted check for rsvg in binary_syslinux when build...Daniel Baumann
2012-07-19Fixing up inclusion of functions while allowing local usage of live-build wit...Daniel Baumann
2012-07-19Making sure target directory for syslinux theme files exists when building no...Daniel Baumann
2012-07-19Releasing debian version 3.0~a53-1.debian/3.0_a53-1Daniel Baumann
2012-07-19Removing leftover maintainer scripts from cron removals.Daniel Baumann
2012-07-19Correcting spelling typo in 3.0~a52-1 changelog entry.Daniel Baumann
2012-07-19Adding missing copyright fields in copyright file.Daniel Baumann
2012-07-19Removing ubuntu-cloud and ubuntu-cloud-desktop package lists.Daniel Baumann
2012-07-19Removing warning from minimal package list about minimal hook, which isn't th...Daniel Baumann
2012-07-19Removing debian-science package list, there's science-tasks and #513296 to do...Daniel Baumann
2012-07-19Installing examples into the correct location in /usr/share/doc.Daniel Baumann
2012-07-19Removing debian-live-pxe-server.chroot example hook, not usefull in this way.Daniel Baumann