AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2009-12-09Don't try to install parameters.txt for casper in ubuntu mode (Closes: #560109).Daniel Baumann
2009-11-30Adding a 'sleep 1' before removing the loopdevice when creating usb-hdd images.Daniel Baumann
2009-11-30Updating icedove-l10n packagename handling for post-lenny, thanks to intriger...Daniel Baumann
2009-11-30Releasing debian version 2.0~a2-1.Daniel Baumann
2009-11-22Adding changelog of 1.0.6-2.Daniel Baumann
2009-11-22Setting LH_BASE variable in globally.Daniel Baumann
2009-11-22Removing obsolete parameter.txt for etchs casper.Daniel Baumann
2009-11-22Replacing sed 4.2 command to assemble debootstraps components option with a l...Daniel Baumann
2009-11-22Adding suffix .list to sources.list.d snipplets.Daniel Baumann
2009-11-22Adding example hook to remove udev persistent device generator rules.Daniel Baumann
2009-11-22Using /etc/apt/sources.list.d mechanism for local sources.list snipplets.Daniel Baumann
2009-11-22Replacing categories with archive-areas in package lists.Daniel Baumann
2009-11-22Dropping etch support.Daniel Baumann
2009-11-22Updating config tree version checks.Daniel Baumann
2009-11-22Releasing debian version 2.0~a1-1.Daniel Baumann
2009-11-22Removing legacy function for dashed commands.Daniel Baumann
2009-11-22Installing helpers to /usr/share/live-helper/helpers instead of /usr/bin.Daniel Baumann
2009-11-22Renaming to Baumann
2009-11-22Renaming categories to archive areas (Closes: #519690).Daniel Baumann