Source: live-helper Section: misc Priority: optional Maintainer: Debian Live Uploaders: Daniel Baumann Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 5) Standards-Version: 3.7.2 XS-Upstream-Depends: git-core XS-Vcs-Git: git:// XS-Vcs-Browse: Package: live-helper Architecture: all Depends: debootstrap | cdebootstrap Suggests: dosfstools, genisoimage | mkisofs, memtest86+ | memtest86, mtools, parted, squashfs-tools | genext2fs, syslinux | grub Description: Debian Live helper programs Live-helper is a collection of programs that can be used to build Debian Live system images. The philosophy behind live-helper is to provide a collection of small, simple, and easily understood tools that can be used in your own program to automate building of a Live system. . A typical program that uses live-helper will call several live-helper commands in sequence. Live-helper commands are all named with a "lh_" prefix. . Homepage: