Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Build Time

Q: Is live-helper/make-live Debian specific?
A: live-helper supports Debian and Ubuntu right now. Adding automatic defaults
   for other Debian derivatives is easy - let us know about them and we may
   include it.

Q: How can I build images with an unprevileged user account?
A: You can use --root-command sudo or set LH_ROOT_COMMAND="sudo" in

   *BIG* *FAT* *WARNING*: Building an image as non-root can make your image
   different compared to a regular Debian system (different owners of files). It
   is *NOT* recommended to build images as non-root. Do *NOT* use this feature

Q: How do I drop in to a shell during make-live chroot process?
A: Use "--interactive shell", then exit with 'logout' when you have made the
   setting changes you want and the build process will continue.

Q: Where to set the username or the hostname?
A: casper uses default username 'casper' and hostname 'live'. You can specify
   them by passing 'username=' and 'hostname=' as kernel parameters.

   live-helper automatically sets the username to 'user' and the hostname to
   'debian'. If you want to change this at build time, pass --username and
   --hostname to make-live, or alter LIVE_USERNAME and LIVE_HOSTNAME in

Q: How can I make my own grub bootsplash?
A: To add a grub splash screen, you can use --grub-splash FILE, or copy your
   custom splash to config/binary_grub/splash.xpm.gz.

   Documentation about creating a bootsplash for grub can be found at:

Q: How can I make my own syslinux bootsplash?
A: To add a syslinux splash screen, you can use --syslinux-splash FILE, or copy
   your custom splash to config/binary_syslinux/splash.rle.

   Documentation about creating a bootsplash for grub can be found at:
   contrib/syslinux-splash/COPYING in the live-helper sources.

   Basically, you need to install netpbm and syslinux, and run this:
   anytopnm < $your_splash > $your_splash.pnm
   pnmcolormap 15 < $your_splash.pnm > $
   pnmremap -map=$ $your_splash.pnm | \
   	ppmtolss16 '#ffffff=7' > splash.rle

Run Time

Q: What is the root password?
A: There is none set. You can switch to root with 'sudo -i' or set a password
   with 'sudo passwd'.

Q: What is the user password?
A: The password for the default user is 'live'.