.TH MAKE-LIVE 8 "Mon, 28 Aug 2006" "0.99.4" "Debian Live framework" .SH NAME make-live \- utility to build Debian Live systems .SH SYNOPSIS .B make-live .RB [\| \-a \||\| \-\-architecture .IR ARCHITECTURE \|] .RB [\| \-b \||\| \-\-bootappend .IR KERNEL_PARAMETER \||\| \|"KERNEL_PARAMETERS\|" \|] .RB [\| \-\-config .IR FILE \|] .RB [\| \-c \||\| \-\-chroot .IR DIRECTORY \|] .RB [\| \-d \||\| \-\-distribution .IR DISTRIBUTION \|] .RB [\| \-\-filesystem .IR FILESYSTEM \|] .RB [\| \-f \||\| \-\-flavour .IR BOOTSTRAP_FLAVOUR \|] .RB [\| \-\-hook .IR COMMAND \||\| \|"COMMANDS\|" \|] .RB [\| \-\-include-chroot .IR FILE \||\| DIRECTORY \|] .RB [\| \-\-include-image .IR FILE \||\| DIRECTORY \|] .RB [\| \-k \||\| \-\-kernel .IR KERNEL_FLAVOUR \|] .RB [\| \-m \||\| \-\-mirror .IR URL \|] .RB [\| \-\-mirror-security .IR URL \|] .RB [\| \-p \||\| \-\-packages .IR PACKAGE \||\| \|"PACKAGES\|" \|] .RB [\| \-\-package-list .IR FILE \|] .RB [\| \-\-proxy-ftp .IR URL \|] .RB [\| \-\-proxy-http .IR URL \|] .RB [\| \-r \||\| \-\-root .IR DIRECTORY \|] .RB [\| \-s \||\| \-\-sections .IR SECTION \||\| \|"SECTIONS\|" \|] .RB [\| \-\-server-address .IR HOSTNAME \||\| IP \|] .RB [\| \-\-server-path .IR DIRECTORY \|] .RB [\| \-\-templates .IR DIRECTORY \|] .RB [\| \-t \||\| \-\-type .IR TYPE \|] .RI [\| LIST \|] .PP .B make-live .RB \-h \||\| \-\-help .br .B make-live .RB \-u \||\| \-\-usage .br .B make-live .RB \-v \||\| \-\-version .SH DESCRIPTION make-live is a utility to build Debian Live systems. It takes a Debian mirror as an input and outputs a live system image (ISO image for CDs and DVDs, or tarball for netboot). make-live is still in the early stage of development, but has basic functionality and can be run successfully. .SH OPTIONS .TP .BI "\-a, \-\-architecture " ARCHITECTURE build an image for another architecture than the autodetected one. This is usefull for e.g. building i386 images on an amd64 machine. Instead of this flag, the environment variable LIVE_ARCHITECTURE can be used (Default: `dpkg-architecture -qDEB_BUILD_ARCH`). .TP .BI "\-b, \-\-bootappend " KERNEL_PARAMETER \||\| \|"KERNEL_PARAMETERS\|" passes kernel parameters to the bootloader, e.g. 'quiet' or 'vga=792' etc. Instead of this flag, the environment variable LIVE_BOOTAPPEND can be used (Default: empty). .TP .BI "\-\-config " FILE uses another configuration file in addition to the default one. Settings in the additional configuration file do overwrite the settings from /etc/make-live.conf. Instead of this flag, the environment variable LIVE_CONFIG can be used (Default: /etc/make-live.conf). .TP .BI "\-c, \-\-chroot " DIRECTORY specifies the chroot directory. Instead of this flag, the environment variable LIVE_CHROOT (Default: $LIVE_ROOT/chroot"). .TP .BI "\-d, \-\-distribution " DISTRIBUTION specifies the distribution to be used. Allowed values are distributions names like unstable and testing, or codenames like sid and etch. Instead of this flag, the environment variable LIVE_DISTRIBUTION can be used (Default: sid). .TP .BI "\-\-filesystem " FILESYSTEM Specifies the filesystem for the compressed image. At the moment, ext2, plain and squashfs are supported. Instead of this flag, the environment variable LIVE_FILESYSTEM can be used (Default: squashfs for iso, plain for net). .TP .BI "\-f, \-\-flavour " BOOTSTRAP_FLAVOUR specifies the bootstrap flavour. This can be either standard or minimal. Instead of this flag, the environment variable LIVE_FLAVOUR can be used (Default: standard). .TP .BI "\-\-hook " COMMANDS specifies one or more commands to be executed in the chroot. Instead of this flag, the environment variable LIVE_HOOK can be used (Default: empty). .TP .BI "\-\-include-chroot " FILE \||\| DIRECTORY specifies a file or a directory to be included into the chroot. Instead of this flag, the environment variable LIVE_INCLUDE_CHROOT can be used (Default: empty). .TP .BI "\-\-include-image " FILE \||\| DIRECTORY specifies a file or directory which will be copied inside the image. Instead of this flag, the environment variable LIVE_INCLUDE_IMAGE can be used (Default: empty). .TP .BI "\-k, \-\-kernel " KERNEL_FLAVOUR specifies the kernel image flavour. Instead of this flag, the environment variable LIVE_KERNEL can be used (Default: auto-detected). .TP .BI "\-m, \-\-mirror " URL specifies the debian mirror where make-live will download the packages from. Instead of this flag, the environment variable LIVE_MIRROR can be used (Default: http://ftp.debian.org/debian). .TP .BI "\-\-mirror-security" URL specifies the debian security mirror where make-live will download the packages from. Instead of this flag, the environment variable LIVE_MIRROR_SECURITY can be used (Default: http://security.debian.org/debian). .TP .BI "\-p, \-\-packages " PACKAGE \||\| \|"PACKAGES\|" specifies a list of packages to install into the chroot. Instead of this flag, the environment variable LIVE_PACKAGES can be used (Default: empty). .TP .BI "\-\-package-list " FILE specifies an external package list file, one package for each line. It overrides list option. Instead of this flag, the environment variable LIVE_PACKAGE_LIST can be used (Default: empty). .TP .BI "\-\-proxy-ftp " URL specifies the value of ftp_proxy inside the chrooted environment. Instead of this flag, the environment variable LIVE_PROXY_FTP can be used (Default: empty). .TP .BI "\-\-proxy-http " URL specifies the value of http_proxy inside the chrooted environment. Instead of this flag, the environment variable LIVE_PROXY_HTTP can be used (Default: empty). .TP .BI "\-r, \-\-root " DIRECTORY specifies the root directory where the images/tarballs are built. Instead of this flag, the environment variable LIVE_ROOT can be used (Default: `pwd`/debian-live). .TP .BI "\-s, \-\-sections " SECTIONS specifies the debian sections. Instead of this flag, the environment variable LIVE_SECTIONS can be used (Default: main). .TP .BI "\-\-server-address " HOSTNAME \||\| IP specifies the server address you want to use for netboot. Instead of this flag, the environment variable LIVE_SERVER_ADDRESS can be used (Default: .TP .BI "\-\-server-path" DIRECTORY specifies the directory on the server, where you have unpacked the netboot image. Instead of this flag, the environment variable LIVE_SERVER_PATH can be used (Default: /srv/debian-live). .TP .BI "\-\-templates " DIRECTORY specifies a templates directory to use instead of the default one. Instead of this flag, the environment variable LIVE_TEMPLATES can be used (Default: /usr/share/make-live/templates). .TP .BI "\-t, \-\-type " TYPE specifies the image type to generate. Currently, only iso and net are available. Instead of this flag, the environment variable LIVE_TYPE can be used (Default: iso). .TP .B \-h, \-\-help display help and exit .TP .B \-u, \-\-usage show usage and exit .TP .B \-v, \-\-version output version information and exit .SH LISTS Every list does already include the Debian standard package selection. .TP .B gnome | gnome-core | gnome-full include GNOME. .TP .B kde | kde-core | kde-full | kde-extra include KDE. .TP .B x11 | x11-core include X-Window-System only. .TP .B xfce include Xfce. .SH BUGS .B make-live works fully on amd64 and i386, partially on alpha, hppa, ia64, mips, mipsel, powerpc, s390 and sparc. Other architectures, such as arm and m68k, as well as non-linux ports of Debian, like hurd-i386, are currently not supported. .SH HOMEPAGE Debian Live project .SH SEE ALSO .BR make-live.conf(8) .SH AUTHOR make-live was written by Daniel Baumann and Marco Amadori .