Patches (alphabetical order): * Alex Owen * Bas Wijnen * Ben Armstrong * Cedric Lucantis * Frederic Lehobey * Guerkan Senguen * Hadar Weiss * Inigo Tejedor Arrondo * Jason D. Clinton * Kai Hendry * Marcelo D. Re * Markus Bauer * Mathieu Geli * Otavio Salvador * Richard Nelson * Scott Edwards * Sebastian Raveau Donations (alphaetical order): * Gracie Special thanks (alphabetical order): * Ben Armstrong for his IRC support. * Jason D. Clinton for his work on netboot type. * Otavio Salvador for his QA patches. * Richard Nelson for live-webhelper. * Sebastian Raveau for his work on encryption support. * Scott Edwards for his work on d-i/g-i integration. ...and countless other people showed up on the #debian-live IRC channel since February 2006: thanks for all your help, ideas, and wishes.