#!/bin/sh ## live-build(7) - System Build Scripts ## Copyright (C) 2006-2012 Daniel Baumann <daniel@debian.org> ## ## live-build comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details see COPYING. ## This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it ## under certain conditions; see COPYING for details. Arguments () { ARGUMENTS="$(getopt --longoptions breakpoints,conffile:,debug,force,help,quiet,usage,verbose,version --name=${PROGRAM} --options c:huv --shell sh -- "${@}")" if [ "${?}" != "0" ] then Echo_error "terminating" >&2 exit 1 fi eval set -- "${ARGUMENTS}" while true do case "${1}" in --breakpoints) _BREAKPOINTS="true" shift ;; -c|--conffile) _CONFFILE="${2}" shift 2 ;; --debug) _DEBUG="true" shift ;; --force) _FORCE="true" shift ;; -h|--help) Man shift ;; --quiet) _QUIET="true" shift ;; -u|--usage) Usage shift ;; --verbose) _VERBOSE="true" shift ;; -v|--version) echo "${VERSION}" exit 0 ;; --) shift break ;; *) Echo_error "internal error %s" "${0}" exit 1 ;; esac done }