.\" live-build(7) - System Build Scripts .\" Copyright (C) 2006-2013 Daniel Baumann <mail@daniel-baumann.ch> .\" .\" This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details see COPYING. .\" This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it .\" under certain conditions; see COPYING for details. .\" .\" .\"******************************************************************* .\" .\" This file was generated with po4a. Translate the source file. .\" .\"******************************************************************* .TH LIVE\-BUILD 1 05.11.2013 4.0~alpha30\-1 "Proyecto Live Systems" .SH NOMBRE \fBlive\-build\fP \- Componentes de Construcción del Sistema en vivo .SH SINOPSIS \fBlb bootstrap\-hooks\fP [\-\-verbose] .PP \fBlb bootstrap\-hooks\fP [\-\-help] .br \fBlb bootstrap\-hooks\fP [\-\-version] . .SH DESCRIPCIÓN live\-build contiene los componentes para construir un sistema en vivo a partir de un directorio de configuración. .PP The \fBlb bootstrap\-hooks\fP command executes hook files after the bootstrap stage. .SH ESPECIFICACIÓN \fBlb bootstrap\-hooks\fP executes any hook files found in the \fBconfig/hooks\fP directory within the configuration directory. .PP Hook files do not require to have a specific owner nor specific permissions. They are marked executable by \fBlb bootstrap\-hooks\fP automatically when they are executed. .PP Hook files must either have the suffix \fB*.hook\fP or \fB*.hook.bootstrap\fP. .PP Hook files with the suffix \fB*.hook\fP are executed first, hook files with the suffix \fB*.hook.bootstrap\fP are executed second. .PP Hook files are executed in alphanumberical order by \fBlb bootstrap\-hooks\fP. If one hook file depends on being run after another, best practise is to use number prefixes (nnnn, starting with 0001) to ensure the order of execution. .PP Hook files are copied into the \fBchroot/live\-build\fP directory by \fBlb bootstrap\-hooks\fP. They are executed from within the chroot directory (chrooted) and can read the configuration directory in \fB/live\-build/config\fP within the chroot directory. .SH OPCIONES .IP \fB\-\-verbose\fP 4 establece la opción verbose (por defecto: False). .IP "\fB\-h, \-\-help\fP" 4 muestra el mensaje de ayuda y sale. .IP \fB\-\-version\fP 4 muestra el número de versión del programa y sale. .SH FICHEROS .IP \fBconfig/hooks/*.hook\fP: 4 scripts gancho genéricos. .IP \fBconfig/hooks/*.hook.bootstrap\fP: 4 hook files specific for the bootstrap stage. .IP \fBchroot\fP: 4 directorio en el que se ejecutan los scripts gancho. .IP \fBchroot/live\-build/config\fP: 4 bind mounted configuration directory within the chroot directory to be read by hook files. .IP \fBchroot/live\-build\fP: 4 directorio en el que se copian los scripts gancho. .SH "VER TAMBIÉN" .IP \fIlb\-bootstrap\-hooks\fP(1) 4 .IP \fIlb\-binary\-hooks\fP(1) 4 .IP \fIlb\-source\-hooks\fP(1) 4 .SH "PÁGINA WEB" Se puede encontrar más información acerca de live\-build y el proyecto Live Systems en la página web <\fIhttp://live\-systems.org/\fP> y en el manual en <\fIhttp://live\-systems.org/manual/\fP>. .SH ERRORES Se puede notificar los fallos enviando un informe de errores sobre el paquete live\-build en el Bug Tracking System en <\fIhttp://bugs.debian.org/\fP> o escribiendo un mensaje a la lista de correo de Live Systems a la dirección <\fIdebian\-live@lists.debian.org\fP>. .SH AUTOR live\-build fue escrito por Daniel Baumann <\fImail@daniel\-baumann.ch\fP>.