#!/bin/sh ## live-build(7) - System Build Scripts ## Copyright (C) 2021-2021 The Debian Live team ## ## This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details see COPYING. ## This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it ## under certain conditions; see COPYING for details. set -e # Including common functions [ -e "${LIVE_BUILD}/scripts/build.sh" ] && . "${LIVE_BUILD}/scripts/build.sh" || . /usr/lib/live/build.sh # Setting static variables DESCRIPTION="Add dm-verity hash for rootfs" USAGE="${PROGRAM} [--force]" # Processing arguments and configuration files Init_config_data "${@}" if [ "${LB_DM_VERITY}" != "true" ] then Create_stagefile exit 0 fi Echo_message "Begin creating dm-verity hash for rootfs" case ${LB_CHROOT_FILESYSTEM} in squashfs|ext2|ext3|ext4) ;; *) Echo_error "dm-verity support is not implemented for ${LB_CHROOT_FILESYSTEM}!" exit 1 ;; esac case "${LB_INITRAMFS}" in live-boot) INITFS="${LB_VYOS_VERSION}" ;; *) INITFS="boot" ;; esac ROOT_FS="binary/${INITFS}/filesystem.${LB_CHROOT_FILESYSTEM}" HASH_FS="${ROOT_FS}.verity" HASH_FILE="${ROOT_FS}.roothash" FEC_FILE="${ROOT_FS}.fec" FEC_ROOTS_FILE="${FEC_FILE}.roots" SIGNATURE_FILE="${HASH_FILE}.p7s" Check_package chroot /usr/sbin/veritysetup cryptsetup # Restoring cache Restore_package_cache binary # Installing depends Install_packages # Remove old files if existing for file in "${HASH_FS}" "${HASH_FILE}" "${FEC_FILE}" "${SIGNATURE_FILE}" "${FEC_ROOTS_FILE}" do if [ -f ${file} ] then Echo_message "Removing old ${file}" rm -f "${file}" fi done Echo_message "Create dm-verity hash table" verity_flags="" if [ -n "${LB_DM_VERITY_FEC_ROOTS}" ] then Echo_message "Enabling FEC support for dm-verity rootfs" verity_flags="${verity_flags} --fec-device=${FEC_FILE} --fec-roots=${LB_DM_VERITY_FEC_ROOTS}" fi ROOT_HASH=$(veritysetup ${verity_flags} format ${ROOT_FS} ${HASH_FS} | awk -F ":" '$1=="Root hash" {print $2}' | tr -d [:space:]) if [ "$?" != "0" ] then Echo_error "veritysetup failed" exit 1 fi if [ -n "${LB_DM_VERITY_FEC_ROOTS}" ] then echo -n "${LB_DM_VERITY_FEC_ROOTS}" > "${FEC_ROOTS_FILE}" fi echo -n "${ROOT_HASH}" > "${HASH_FILE}" Echo_message "Creating the hash table was successful" # Sign root hash if a signing script is provided The script gets called with the # hash as the first argument and a output file as the second. if [ -n "${LB_DM_VERITY_SIGN}" ] then Echo_message "Enabling root hash signing" TMP_SIGN=$(mktemp) Echo_message "Calling sign script ${LB_DM_VERITY_SIGN}" ${LB_DM_VERITY_SIGN} ${ROOT_HASH} ${TMP_SIGN} if [ "$?" != "0" ] then Echo_error "Sign script failed with exit code: $? !" exit 1 fi cat "${TMP_SIGN}" > "${SIGNATURE_FILE}" rm "${TMP_SIGN}" fi # Creating stage file Create_stagefile