#!/bin/sh ## live-build(7) - System Build Scripts ## Copyright (C) 2006-2014 Daniel Baumann ## ## This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details see COPYING. ## This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it ## under certain conditions; see COPYING for details. set -e # Including common functions [ -e "${LIVE_BUILD}/scripts/build.sh" ] && . "${LIVE_BUILD}/scripts/build.sh" || . /usr/lib/live/build.sh # Setting static variables DESCRIPTION="$(Echo 'schedule kernel packages for installation')" HELP="" USAGE="${PROGRAM} [--force]" Arguments "${@}" # Reading configuration files Read_conffiles config/all config/common config/bootstrap config/chroot config/binary config/source Set_defaults if [ "${LB_FIRMWARE_CHROOT}" != "true" ] then exit 0 fi # Requiring stage file Require_stagefile .build/config .build/bootstrap # Checking stage file Check_stagefile .build/chroot_firmware # Checking lock file Check_lockfile .lock # Creating lock file Create_lockfile .lock # Diverting update-initramfs #case "${LB_INITRAMFS}" in # live-boot) # mv chroot/usr/sbin/update-initramfs chroot/usr/sbin/update-initramfs.live-build # ;; #esac # Include firmware packages # Assumption: firmware packages install files into /lib/firmware # Get all firmware packages names mkdir -p cache/contents.chroot FIRMWARE_PACKAGES="" _CONTENTS="$(for _PARENT_ARCHIVE_AREA in ${LB_PARENT_ARCHIVE_AREAS}; do echo ${LB_PARENT_MIRROR_CHROOT}/dists/${LB_PARENT_DISTRIBUTION}/${_PARENT_ARCHIVE_AREA}/Contents-${LB_ARCHITECTURES}.gz; done)" rm -f cache/contents.chroot/contents.${LB_PARENT_DISTRIBUTION}.${LB_ARCHITECTURES} for _CONTENT in ${_CONTENTS} do wget ${WGET_OPTIONS} ${_CONTENT} -O - | gunzip -c >> cache/contents.chroot/contents.${LB_PARENT_DISTRIBUTION}.${LB_ARCHITECTURES} FIRMWARE_PACKAGES="${FIRMWARE_PACKAGES} $(awk '/^lib\/firmware/ { print $2 }' cache/contents.chroot/contents.${LB_PARENT_DISTRIBUTION}.${LB_ARCHITECTURES} | sort -u)" done if echo ${LB_PARENT_ARCHIVE_AREAS} | grep -qs "non-free" then # FIXME: should check that we're building on debian through e.g. a 'derivative-is-based-on' variable or somesuch. # Manually add firmware-linux/non-free meta package FIRMWARE_PACKAGES="${FIRMWARE_PACKAGES} firmware-linux" fi if [ "${LB_DERIVATIVE}" = "true" ] then # FIXME: account for the fact that PARENT_DISTRIBUTION and DISTRIBUTION might be the same (to not have overlapping cache files for contents). _CONTENTS="$(for _ARCHIVE_AREA in ${LB_ARCHIVE_AREAS}; do echo ${LB_MIRROR_CHROOT}/dists/${LB_DISTRIBUTION}/${_ARCHIVE_AREA}/Contents-${LB_ARCHITECTURES}.gz; done)" rm -f cache/contents.chroot/contents.${LB_DISTRIBUTION}.${LB_ARCHITECTURES} for _CONTENT in ${_CONTENTS} do wget ${WGET_OPTIONS} ${_CONTENT} -O - | gunzip -c >> cache/contents.chroot/contents.${LB_DISTRIBUTION}.${LB_ARCHITECTURES} FIRMWARE_PACKAGES="${FIRMWARE_PACKAGES} $(awk '/^lib\/firmware/ { print $2 }' cache/contents.chroot/contents.${LB_DISTRIBUTION}.${LB_ARCHITECTURES} | sort -u)" done fi # Drop section and keep package names only for _PACKAGE in ${FIRMWARE_PACKAGES} do echo $(echo ${_PACKAGE} | awk -F/ '{ print $NF }') >> chroot/root/packages.chroot done # Some known licenses required to be accepted if echo ${LB_PARENT_ARCHIVE_AREAS} | grep -qs "non-free" then cat >> chroot/root/packages.chroot.cfg << EOF firmware-ivtv firmware-ivtv/license/accepted boolean true firmware-ipw2x00 firmware-ipw2x00/license/accepted boolean true EOF fi # Creating stage file Create_stagefile .build/chroot_firmware