#!/bin/sh ## live-build(7) - System Build Scripts ## Copyright (C) 2006-2010 Daniel Baumann <daniel@debian.org> ## ## live-build comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details see COPYING. ## This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it ## under certain conditions; see COPYING for details. set -e # Including common functions . "${LH_BASE:-/usr/share/live/build}"/scripts/build.sh # Setting static variables DESCRIPTION="$(Echo 'execute local hooks in chroot')" HELP="" USAGE="${PROGRAM} [--force]" Arguments "${@}" # Reading configuration files Read_conffiles config/all config/common config/bootstrap config/chroot config/binary config/source Set_defaults Echo_message "Begin executing local hooks..." # Requiring stage file Require_stagefile .stage/config .stage/bootstrap # Checking stage file Check_stagefile .stage/chroot_local-hooks # Checking lock file Check_lockfile .lock # Creating lock file Create_lockfile .lock # Processing local-hooks if Find_files config/chroot_local-hooks/* then # Restoring cache Restore_cache cache/packages_chroot for HOOK in config/chroot_local-hooks/* do # Copying hook cp "${HOOK}" chroot/root # Making hook executable if [ ! -x chroot/root/"$(basename ${HOOK})" ] then chmod +x chroot/root/"$(basename ${HOOK})" fi # Executing hook Chroot chroot "/root/$(basename ${HOOK})" || ( Echo_error "${HOOK} failed (exit non-zero). You should check for errors."; exit 1 ) # Removing hook rm -f chroot/root/"$(basename ${HOOK})" done # Saving cache Save_cache cache/packages_chroot # Creating stage file Create_stagefile .stage/chroot_local-hooks fi